
Lecture notes from university.
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      1 +++
      2 title = "MAC: Protocols"
      3 +++
      5 # MAC: Protocols
      6 Multiple access protocols
      8 - ALOHA
      9     - Hawaii, early 1970s
     10     - used short-trange radios, each user terminal sharing the same upstream frequency to send frames to central computer
     11     - pure:
     12         - let users transmit data
     13         - the centre computer rebroadcasts frame to all stations, and sender can listen to see if its frame came through
     14         - if frame was destroyed (incorrect checksums on both frames), sender waits a random amount of time and then resends
     16 ![screenshot.png](82c50afd129d1fb069dd82c5464336fc.png)
     18     - slotted:
     19         - time is in discrete intervals called slots
     20         - station is not allowed to send when a user types a line
     21 - Carrier Sense Multiple Access Protocols (contention)
     22     - 1-persistent CSMA (transmits with a probability of 1 with idle channel)
     23         - when station wants to send data, it listens to the channel first
     24         - if channel is idle, it sends the data
     25         - otherwise, it waits until the channel becomes idle and then sends
     26         - on collision, station waits a random amount of time and starts again
     27     - nonpersistent CSMA
     28         - station senses the channel and sends if the channel is idle
     29         - if in use, does not continually sense but waits a random period of time before repeating the algorithm
     30         - better channel utilisation but longer delays
     31     - p-persistent CSMA (applies to slotted channels)
     32         - station senses the channel
     33         - if idle, transmits with a probability *p*
     34         - with a probability q = 1-p, defers until next slot
     35         - if next slot also idle, either transmits or defers again with probabilities *p* and *q*
     36     - CSMA/CD (CSMA with Collision Detection)
     37         - station’s hardware listens to channel while it is transmitting
     38         - if signal in differs from signal out, a collision is occurring
     39         - at t0, a station has finished transmitting frame and any other can start transmitting (collisions may and will occur):
     41 ![screenshot.png](0c6bc5fde956ff03ff3b83abbf56b84a.png)
     43 - Collision-free
     44     - Bit-map protocol
     45         - an example of a reservation protocol
     46         - each contention period consists of N slots
     47         - if station *j* announces that it has a frame to send by transmitting a 1 bit in slot *j*
     48         - after all N slots pass by, each station can transmit without colliding without others because it has knowledge of when they transmit
     50 ![screenshot.png](e6997d1baf716429e079ac91c1f265c2.png)
     52     - Token passing (sesh circle)
     53         - stations pass small message (“token”) representing permission to send
     54         - either pass, or send frame then pass
     55         - token ring — stations are connected one to the next in circle, the token is passed around like a joint
     56         - token bus — stations are not in a circle, but connected via a token bus which is used to pass the token in a predefined sequence
     57     - Binary countdown
     58         - a station that wants to use the channel broadcasts its address a binary bit string, starting with high-order bit (all addresses same length)
     59         - bits in each address position from different stations are ORed together by channel
     60         - as soon as a station sees that its 0 bit has been overwritten to a 1, it gives up and lets the other stations transmit
     61 - Limited-contention
     62     - Adaptive tree walk
     63         - stations are leaves of a binary tree
     64         - in first contention slot after a frame transmission (slot 0), all stations try to acquire the channel
     65         - if successful, alright ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
     66         - if collision, during slot 1 only stations in node 2 can compete
     67             - if acquired, next slot after frame is reserved for stations under node 3
     68             - otherwise, node 4 competes in slot 2
     70 ![screenshot.png](a1075f2fd31bfd47a46f0397d03e8ffb.png)
     72 - Wireless LAN protocols
     73     - hidden terminal problem — station may not detect a potential competitor because it’s too far away
     74     - MACA (Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance)
     75         - sender sends a RTS (request to send) along with length of upcoming data frame
     76         - receiver replies with CTS (clear to send) with copied data length
     77         - when sender receives CTS, it begins data transmission
     78         - if a station overhears a RTS and CTS, it remains silent during time in CTS frame