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      6 # BCH codes
      7 ## Finite fields
      8 **Basic roots**
      9 - 1 is root of f(x) ⇒ 1+x is divisor/factor of f(x)
     10 - g(0) = 0 ⇒ x is divisor/factor of g(x)
     12 primitive irreducible polynomial: not divisor of $1+x^{m}$ for m < 2ⁿ-1
     14 in a field, if ab = 0, then a = 0 or b = 0
     16 To make Kⁿ into field, define multiplication in Kⁿ modulo an irreducible polynomial of degree n (gives you GF(2ⁿ)).
     18 ## Minimal polynoms
     19 Order of nonzero element α ∈ GF(2ⁿ) is smallest positive int m such that $\alpha^{m} = 1$
     21 Minimal polynomial of α ∈ GF(2ⁿ) is polynomial in K[x] of min degree with α as root
     23 $\alpha^{m} = 1$ ⇒ α is root of $1+x^{m}$
     25 **Facts about minimal polynomials**
     26 - If
     27     - a ≠ 0 in GF(2ⁿ)
     28     - & $m_{a} (x)$ minimal polynomial of a
     29 - Then $m_{a} (x)$ is:
     30     - irreducible over K
     31     - factor of polynomial f over K where f(a) = 0
     32     - unique min polynomial
     33     - factor of $1+x^{2^{r}-1}$
     35 To find min polynomial, find linear combination of {1, a, a², …, $a^{r}$} which sums to 0
     37 **Roots of minimal polynomials**
     38 - If a ∈ GF(2ⁿ) with min polynomial $m_{a (x)}$
     39 - then roots of $m_{x}$ are {a, a², a⁴, …, $a^{2^{r-1}}$}
     41 ## Cyclic Hamming codes
     42 primitive polynomial degree r is generator polynomial of a cyclic Hamming code of length $2^{r}-1$.
     44 decoding: if generator polynomial primitive $m_{a} (x)$ and w(x) received, then w(x) = c(x) + e(x) where c(c) is codeword and $e(x) = x^{j}$ (j is the position of 1 in e).
     46 - if c cyclic code length n, generator g(x), and $a \in GF(2^{r})$ is root of g(x)
     47 - then ∀ c(x) ∈ C, c(x) = 0 so $m_{a} (x)$ divisor of c(x)
     49 ## BCH codes
     50 Why? Quite easy decoding, class of BCH codes is extensive.
     52 For any positive ints r and t, $t \leq 2^{r-1} - 1$, exists BCH length $n = 2^{r-1}$ which is t-error correcting and dimension k = n - r t.
     54 The 2-error correcting BCH length $2^{r-1}$ is cyclic linear code generated by $g(x) = m_{\beta} (x) m_{\beta^{2}} (x)$, with β primitive element in GF($2^{r}$) and r ≥ 4. g(x) is generator for cyclic code because $n = 2^{r}-1$ and g(x) divides 1+xⁿ.
     56 For integer r ≥ 4 there is 2-error correcting BCH code for length $n = 2^{r} - 1$, dimension $k = 2^{r}-2r-1$, distance d = 5, having generator polynomial m₁(x) nm₃(x).
     58 ## Decoding BCH codes
     59 Have code ($2^{r}-1$, $2^{r}-2r-1$, 5).
     61 $H = \begin{bmatrix}
     62 \beta_{0} & \beta_{0} \\\\
     63 \beta & \beta^{3} \\\\
     64 \dots & \dots \\\\
     65 \beta^{2^{r}-2} & \beta^{3(2^{r}-2)}
     66 \end{bmatrix}$
     68 with β primitive element in $GF(2^{r})$.
     69 g(x) = m₁(x) m₃(x)
     71 w received. then syndrome of w = wH = [w(β), w(β³)] = [s₁, s₃] where s₁ and s₃ words length r.
     72 - if no error, wH = 0, so s₁, = s₃ = 0
     73 - if one error, error polynomial is $e(x) = x^{i}$
     74     - ⇒ wH = eH = [e(β), e(β³)] = $[\beta^{i}, \beta^{3i}]$ = [s₁, s₃]
     75     - ⇒ s₁³ = s₃
     76 - if two errors in positions i and j, then $e(x) = x^{i} + x^{j}$
     77     - ⇒ wH = eH = [e(β), e(β³)] = [s₁, s₃] = $[\beta^{i}+\beta^{j}, \beta^{3i}+\beta^{3j}]$
     78     - $\frac{s_{3}}{s_{1}} + s_{1}^{2} = \beta^{i+j}$
     79     - find error positions by solving error locator polynomial $x^{2} + s_{1} x + (\frac{s_{3}}{s_{1}} + s_{1}^{2}) = 0$
     81 To decode:
     82 1. Calculate syndrome wH = [s₁, s₃] = [w(β), w(β³)]
     83 2. If s₁ = s₃ = 0, no errors, so c = w
     84 3. If s₁ = 0 and s₃ ≠ 0, ask for retransmission
     85 4. If s₁³ = s₃, correct single error at position i, where $s_{1} = \beta^{i}$
     86 5. Form equation $x^{2} + s_{1} x + (\frac{s_{3}}{s_{1}} + s_{1}^{2}) = 0$
     87 6. If has two distinct roots $\beta^{i}, \beta^{j}$, correct at positions i and j.
     88 7. If not, at least 3 errors occurred, ask for retransmission.