
Lecture notes from university.
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      1 +++
      2 title = 'Symbolic execution'
      3 +++
      5 # Symbolic execution
      6 Execute programs with symbols instead of values
      7 - program state (memory, registers, etc.) is symbolic and bound by constraints
      8     - have set of possible values
      9     - subject to constraints, i.e. mathematical restrictions on allowed values
     10     - symbolic variables/expressions are immutable
     11 - perform all arithmetic & boolean operations symbolically
     12     - output symbolic expressions encoding operation performed
     13 - fork state when branch depends on symbol
     14     - unconditional branch -- direct control flow
     15     - concrete conditional branch -- follow condition
     16     - symbolic conditional branch -- take both paths
     17         - fork program state and set IP to either path
     18         - add appropriate branch condition as path constraint
     19         - eventually explores all possible paths
     21         ![Symbolic execution example](symbolic-execution-example.png)
     23 - solve constraints to get values when needed ('concretization')
     25 Problems with symbolic execution:
     26 - state explosion: number of possible paths in a program is huge, increases with number of branches
     27 - dealing with I/O: do nothing? output?
     28 - modelling environment and hardware (and simulated hardware isn't the same)
     29 - constraint solving: not all constraints are linear, NP-complete
     31 Basic optimisations:
     32 - expression simplification: use algebra to bring down to minimal form
     33 - state merging: mitigate state explosion when little difference between states
     35 Concolic (concrete + symbolic) execution:
     36 - repeat:
     37     - dynamic analysis to capture trace for concrete run
     38     - symbolic execution on traced instructions, yielding path constraints
     39     - dynamic analysis to capture trace for concrete run
     40     - symbolic execution on traced instructions, yielding path constraints
     41     - adjust constraints by flipping last encountered symbolic branch
     42     - solve constraints of flipped branch, yielding inputs for new path
     43 - advantages: no state explosion so much faster, symbolize only what you need
     44 - drawbacks: need good initial input, can only flip branches controlled by symbolic variables, constraint solving is still hard
     46 SMT solvers: Z3, CVC4, STP
     48 SymbEx engines: KLEE, S2E, Angr, Triton