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      6 # Pushdown automata
      8 Unlike NFA, the PDA has memory -- a stack of unlimited size.
     10 Stack alphabet represented by Γ. Elements can be pushed/popped from the
     11 stack. Initially, stack contains stack start symbol z ∈ Γ.
     13 On transition, read topmost element of stack, and exchange with zero or
     14 more new elements.
     16 When NPDA reads words, need to keep track of current state, remaining
     17 input, current stack.
     19 Transition (q', v) ∈ δ(q, α, b) means that from state q with input α w
     20 and stack bu, the automaton can go to state q' with input w and stack
     21 vu. In other words, $(q, \alpha w, bu) \vdash (q', w, vu)$.
     23 Transition graph for NPDA contains, for every (q', v) ∈ δ(q, α, b), an
     24 arrow $q \xrightarrow{\alpha[b/v]} q'$. This reads as "if b is on the top of the
     25 stack, transition from state q to state q', reading an α of input, and replacing
     26 the b on the top of the stack with v".
     28 Deterministic PDA:
     30 -   δ(q, α, b) contains max one element
     31 -   if δ(q, λ, b) ≠ ∅, then δ(q, a, b) = ∅ for every a ∈ Σ
     33 Deterministic context-free language allows for efficient parsing.
     35 Not all context-free languages are deterministic context-free.
     37 It is decidable if two DPDAs generate same language.
     39 Language L is context free ⇔ there exists NPDA for that language.
     41 ## CFG to NPDA
     43 Simulate leftmost derivations on stack.
     45 Construct NPDA with:
     47 -   3 states, one of which is final
     48 -   the stack alphabet containing variables, terminals, and z (stack
     49     start symbol)
     51 Construct the PDA:
     53 1.  Start with lambda transition that takes z on top of stack, and
     54     replaces it with the symbol.
     55 2.  Simulate leftmost reductions for every rule. A rule is a λ
     56     transition that takes a a symbol on the stack, and replaces it with
     57     the expansion of the symbol.
     58     -   e.g. rules S → aSa \| aa
     59     -   two lambda transitions (loops):
     60         -   q<sub>1</sub> to q<sub>1</sub>, taking an S on the stack, and replacing it
     61             with aSa
     62         -   q<sub>1</sub> to q<sub>1</sub>, taking an S on the stack, and replacing it
     63             with aa
     64 3.  Add transitions for consuming terminals. For every terminal, add
     65     transition that consumes the terminal, and replaces the terminal on
     66     the stack with λ.
     67 4.  Add a lambda transition to final state, that takes z on the top of
     68     the stack and replaces with λ.
     70 ## NPDA to CFG
     72 Assume there is one final state, which is reachable only with empty
     73 stack. If not, make it so.
     75 Define CFG with:
     77 -   terminals being the alphabet
     78 -   variables being (q b q') where q,q' are states and b ∈ Γ
     79     -   $(q b q') \Rightarrow<sup>{+} w \Leftrightarrow (q, w, b) \vdash</sup>{+} (q', \lambda, \lambda)$
     80 -   build the productions with rules:
     81     - if there's an arrow $q \xrightarrow{\alpha [b/\lambda]} q'$
     82         -   add production (q b q') → α
     83         -   in Joerg terms: if $(q, \alpha w, b) \vdash (q', w, \lambda)$, or if (q', λ) ∈ δ(q, α, b)
     84     - if there's an arrow $q \xrightarrow{\alpha[b/c_{1}...c_{n}]} q'$
     85         -   add production $(q b r_{n}) \rightarrow \alpha (q' c_{1} r_{1})(r_{1} c_{2}r_{2})...(r_{n-1}c_{n}r_{n})$
     86         -   for all states r<sub>1</sub>...r<sub>n</sub>
     87         -   in Joerg terms: if $(q, \alpha w, b) \vdash (q', w, c_{1}...c_{n})$, or if (q', c<sub>1</sub>...c<sub>n</sub>) ∈ δ (q, α, b)