1 +++ 2 title = "Lecture 1" 3 template = "page-math.html" 4 +++ 5 6 # Automata and complexity 7 8 [Slides]( 9 10 ## Intro 11 12 Some problems are undecidable: program termination, post correspondence 13 problem 14 15 Some are NP-complete - travelling salesman, satisfiability in 16 prop. logic 17 18 **Word**: finite sequence of symbols from finite alphabet Σ 19 20 conventions: 21 22 - symbols: a, b, c 23 - words: u, v, w, x, y, z 24 - empty word: λ 25 26 computer program is a word, takes input word, produces output word 27 28 can concatenate words, \|v\| means length of word 29 30 power v<sup>k</sup> is k concatenations of v's 31 32 reverse (a<sub>1</sub> ... a<sub>n</sub>)<sup>R</sup> = a<sub>n</sub> ... a<sub>1</sub> 33 34 ## Formal languages 35 36 Formal language: set of words. 37 38 Σ<sup>\*</sup> is set of all words over Σ, formal language L is subset of Σ<sup>\*</sup> 39 40 Since it's a set, the usual set operations have meaning (complement, 41 union, intersection, etc.) 42 43 nth power of language is L<sup>n+1</sup> = L<sup>n</sup> L 44 45 Kleene star: $L<sup>* = \bigcup_{i=0}</sup>{\infty} L<sup>i$, $L</sup>+ = \bigcup_{i=1}<sup>{\infty} L</sup>i$ 46 47 $\overline{L}<sup>R$ == $\overline{L</sup>R}$ 48 49 But sets are not the best for language description, so let's use something else. 50 51 ## Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA) 52 53 Consists of: 54 55 - Q: finite set of states 56 - Σ: finite input alphabet 57 - δ : Q × Σ → Q: transition function 58 - q<sub>0</sub> ∈ Q: starting state 59 - set F ⊂ Q of final states 60 61 If automaton in state q reads symbol a, resulting state is δ(q, a). 62 63 $(q, aw) \vdash (q', w) \quad if \quad \delta(q, a) = q'$ 64 65 You can write transition function δ in form of table: 66 67 | | State || 68 | --- | ------ | ------ | 69 | **δ** | **q<sub>0</sub>** | **q<sub>1</sub>** | 70 | a | q<sub>0</sub> | q<sub>1</sub> | 71 | b | q<sub>1</sub> | q<sub>0</sub> | 72 73 74 75 ### DFA transition graphs 76 77 DFA can be visualised as transition graph: 78 79 - states are nodes of graph 80 - arows with labels from Σ 81 - starting state: extra incoming arrow 82 - final states: double circle 83 - arrow q → q\' with label a iff δ(q, a) = q\' 84 85  86 87 if $(q, w) \vdash^* (q', λ)$, can write $q \xrightarrow{w} q'$ 88 89 A DFA defines a regular language based on what it accepts (or rejects). 90 91 To get a complement, you can just invert final states. 92 93 ### Determinism 94 95 Deterministic: for every state and symbol, any state q has only one 96 outgoing arrow with label a 97 98 For every input word, there\'s exactly one path from starting state 99 through transition graph 100 101 ### Theorems for regular languages 102 103 A language is regular if there is a DFA M = (Q, Σ, δ, q<sub>0</sub>, F) with L(M) = L 104 105 If L regular, $\overline{L}$ also regular. 106 107 If L<sub>1</sub> and L<sub>2</sub> regular, then L<sub>1</sub> ∪ L<sub>2</sub> regular. 108 109 If L regular, L<sup>R</sup> regular. 110 111 Every finite language is regular.