1 +++ 2 title = 'Some midterm solutions' 3 +++ 4 # Some midterm solutions 5 ## Universal validity 6 Is this formula universally valid: ◇ (p → q) → (◇ p → ◇ q) 7 - Take arbitrary frame F = (W,R) and arbitrary valuation V for F. 8 - Take arbitrary state x ∈ W 9 - ? F,V,x ⊨ φ 10 - Assume x ⊨ ◇ (p → q). That is: there is a state y ∈ W such that Rxy and y ⊨ p → q 11 - Want to show x ⊨ ◇ p → ◇ q 12 - Assume x ⊨ ◇ p. That is: there is a state z ∈ W such that Rxz and z ⊨ p. 13 - Note: y and z are not necessarily the same! (but they might be) 14 - Counter-model: 15 16  17 18 - 3 ⊨ p so 1 ⊨ ◇ p 19 - 2 ⊨ ¬ p so 2 ⊨ p → q so 1 ⊨ ◇ (p → q) 20 - 2 ⊭ q, 3 ⊭ q so 1 ⊭ ◇ q 21 - By counter-model, the formula is not universally valid 22 23 <details> 24 <summary>Graphviz code</summary> 25 26 <!-- :Tangle(dot) --> 27 ```dot 28 digraph g { 29 rankdir=LR 30 1 -> 2 31 1 -> 3 32 3 [xlabel="p"] 33 } 34 ``` 35 36 </details> 37 38 ## Formula for a statement 39 "Has no blind successor": ¬ ◇ □ ⊥, □ ◇ T ("wherever I go, I can do a step"), □ ¬ □ ⊥ 40 41 "Has at least one non blind successor": ◇ ◇ T 42 43 ## Bisimulation & contraction 44 That question about two models, if asked say they are bisimilar, just give a bisimulation and say the pair consisting of the two states is in the bisimulation. 45 46 The bisimulation contraction is then: 47 48  49 50 <details> 51 <summary>Graphviz code</summary> 52 53 <!-- :Tangle(dot) --> 54 ```dot 55 digraph g { 56 ac -> b 57 b -> ac 58 ac -> ac 59 b [xlabel="[p]"] 60 } 61 ``` 62 63 </details> 64 65 ## Global diamond 66 Asked to see if global diamond is definable in basic modal logic (BML), as given by: M,x ⊨ E φ iff there is y ∈ W such that y ⊨ φ. 67 (Side remark: if we can define it, the operator is like an abbreviation, it doesn't change the expressive power). 68 69 Steps: 70 - Suppose E is definable in BML by ζ. 71 - Suppose Ep is definable in BML by ζ(p). 72 - Consider the models: 73 74 <table> 75 <thead><th>M</th><th>N</th></thead> 76 <tbody> 77 <tr> 78 <td> 79 80 <img alt="Model M" src=""/> 81 82 <details> 83 <summary>Graphviz code</summary> 84 85 <!-- :Tangle(dot) --> 86 ```dot 87 digraph g { 88 a 89 b [label="b | [p]"] 90 } 91 ``` 92 93 </details> 94 </td> 95 96 <td> 97 98 <img alt="Model N" src=""/> 99 100 <details> 101 <summary>Graphviz code</summary> 102 103 <!-- :Tangle(dot) --> 104 ```dot 105 digraph g { 106 x 107 } 108 ``` 109 110 </details> 111 </td> 112 </tr> 113 </tbody> 114 </table> 115 116 - We have M,a ⊨ Ep because M,b ⊨ p, so M,a ⊨ ζ(p). 117 - N,x ⊭ Ep so N,x ⊭ ζ(p). 118 - We have M,a bisimilar with N,x because Z = {(a,x)} is a bisimulation and (a,x) ∈ Z. 119 - Because bisimilar states are modally equivalent, they must make true the same formulas in BML. So a ⊨ ζ(p) iff x ⊨ ζ(p). 120 - Contradiction: N,x ⊭ ζ(p) 121 - So, the assumption that E is definable in BML does not hold. 122 - Therefore, E is not definable in BML. 123 124