1 +++ 2 title = 'Program correctness' 3 +++ 4 ## Program correctness 5 Prove that a program meets its specification. 6 7 Correctness specification: formal description of how program is supposed to behave 8 9 Program is correct: its executions satisfy the specification 10 11 ### Verification - Hoare approach 12 Prove statements of form `{precondition} program {postcondition}` 13 - pre/postcondition are formulas 14 - program is a while-program 15 - we have proof rules for showing {φ} α {ψ} 16 17 Partial correctness: if program starts satisfying φ, and if it halts, then when it halts ψ is satisfied 18 19 Total correctness: partially correct, and terminates whenever started while satisfying φ