
Lecture notes from university.
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      1 +++
      2 title = 'Lecture 7'
      3 +++
      4 # Lecture 7
      5 ## Standard translation
      6 Aim to map formulas of basic modal logic to first-order predicate logic such that:
      7 - φ in BML is *valid* iff its translation in first-order predicate logic is *valid*
      8 - φ in BML is *satisfiable* iff its translation in first-order predicate logic is *satisfiable*
     10 Translation:
     11 - translate "p is true in world x" as "predicate P holds for x"
     12 - translate "accessibility relation R" as "binary predicate R"
     13 - translation is relative to some state
     14 - notation: Px instead of P(x), Rxy instead of R(x,y)
     16 Rules for standard translation:
     18 ![Standard translation rules](standard-translation-rules.png)
     20 Examples of translation:
     22 ![Standard translation examples](standard-translation-examples.png)
     24 first-order predicate logic is decidable _if it uses at most 2 variables_.
     25 therefore, adapt standard translation to only use 2 variables.
     27 In a formula, check the situation with bound variables, and rename where possible.
     28 When you are in state _a_ and start a quantification, use the variable _b_, and vice versa.
     30 ## Finite model property
     31 If φ is satisfiable, then φ is satisfiable on a finite model.
     33 Effective finite model property: if φ is satisfiable, then φ is satisfiable in a model of size ≤ f(φ)
     35 Via selection:
     36 - suppose there is a model that makes φ true
     37 - unravel the model at x to a tree model
     38 - φ has finite modal depth n, so restrict tree model to height n
     39 - rewrite φ to a conjunction of first-order propositional logic formulas and diamonds
     40 - take for every diamond formula a successor
     42 Via filtration:
     43 - suppose there is a model that makes φ true
     44 - consider set S of all subformulas of φ
     45 - define equivalence relation on S: u ~ v iff u and v are modally equivalent
     46     - i.e., if they agree on letters/formulas
     47 - define W' to consist of equivalence classes [u] of states from W
     48 - define V' using u ∈ V(p) iff [u] ∈ V'(p) for every p in S
     49 - define a R' using R'[u][v] if Ruv, and requiring:
     50     - if R'[u][v] and ◇ ψ ∈ S and [v] ⊨ ψ, then [u] ⊨ ◇ φ
     51     - then (W', R'), V' is finite and (W', R'), V', [x] ⊨ φ