
Lecture notes from university.
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      2 title = 'Lecture 5'
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      5 # Lecture 5
      6 If two states are bisimilar, then they are modally equivalent.
      7 Prove by induction on definition of formulas.
      9 For finitely branching models, if two states modally equivalent, then they are bisimilar.
     10 Prove by taking modal equivalence as bisimulation.
     12 Let Z := {(x, x') | for all φ: x ⊨ φ iff x' ⊨ φ}.
     13 Z is a bisimulation.
     14 - Local harmony is satisfied.
     15 - zig: suppose (x, x') ∈ Z and x → y.
     16     Because x ⊨ ◇ T also x' ⊨ ◇ T.
     17     So x' has finitely many successors y'₁...y'n with n ≥ 1.
     18     Suppose for all i: y is not modally equivalent to y'ᵢ.
     19     There are φ₁...φn such that y ⊨ φᵢ and y'ᵢ ⊭ φᵢ.
     20     x ⊨ ◇(φ₁ ∧ ... ∧ φn) so also x' ⊨ ◇ (φ₁ ∧ ... ∧ φn).
     21     Contradiction.
     24 Asymmetry is not modally definable.
     25 To deal with only frames, we can use surjective bounded morphisms.
     27 Function f : W → W' is bounded morphism from (W,R) to (W',R') if:
     28 - for all w,v ∈ W: if Rwv then Rf(w)f(v)
     29 - for all w ∈ W and for all v' ∈ W': if R'f(w)v' then there exists v ∈ W such that f(v) = v' and Rwv
     31 A bounded morphism f is surjective if for every w' ∈ W' there exists w ∈ W such that f(w) = w'
     33 If f: W → W' is surjective bounded morphism from (W,R) to (W',R'), then if (W,R) ⊨ φ then (W', R') ⊨ φ
     35 ### Bisimulation games for two players
     36 Spoiler S claims M,s an N,t to be different.
     37 Duplicator D claims they are similar.
     39 Play consists of sequence of links, starting with link s ~ t.
     41 At current link m ~ n (with m in M and n in N):
     42 - if m an n different in their atoms, then S wins
     43 - if not, then S picks a successor x either of m or of n
     44 - then D has to find a matching transition to y in the other model
     45 - play continues with next link x ~ y (or y ~ x)
     47 If player cannot make a move, he loses.
     48 D wins infinite games.
     50 Modal depth of formulas.
     51 Modal formulas are 'nearsighted':
     52 - md(p) = md(⊥) = md(T) = 0
     53 - md(¬φ) = md(φ)
     54 - md(φ ∨ ψ) = md(φ ∧ ψ) = max{md(φ), md(ψ)}
     55 - md(□ φ) = md(◇ φ) = md(φ) + 1
     57 We need a formula of model depth k to distinguish states x and y.
     58 Spoiler can win bisimulation game in k rounds.
     59 Every winning strategy for Spoiler corresponds to a distinguishing formula.
     60 Games of less than k rounds can be won by Duplicator.
     61 Formulas of modal depth less than k cannot distinguish between x and y.
     63 M,s and N,t satisfy the same formulas up to modal depth k iff duplicator has winning strategy in the k-round game starting in s ~ t.
     64 If Spoiler can win in k rounds, then there is a distinguishing formula of modal depth k.
     66 ### Transforming and constructing models
     67 #### Tree unraveling
     68 Basically taking the states with possible paths between them, and drawing a tree.
     70 Example:
     72 <table>
     73 <tr> <th>Model</th> <th>Tree unraveling</th> </tr>
     75 <tr>
     76 <td>
     78 ![Model diagram](model-diagram.dot.svg)
     80 <details>
     81 <summary>Graphviz code</summary>
     83 <!-- :Tangle(dot) model-diagram.dot -->
     84 ```dot
     85 digraph g {
     86 1 -> 2
     87 1 -> 1
     88 }
     89 ```
     91 </details>
     92 </td>
     93 <td>
     95 ![Tree unraveling diagram](tree-unraveling.dot.svg)
     97 <details>
     98 <summary>Graphviz code</summary>
    100 <!-- :Tangle(dot) tree-unraveling.dot -->
    101 ```dot
    102 digraph g {
    103 a [label="(1)"]
    104 b [label="(1,2)"]; a -> b
    105 c [label="(1,1)"]; a -> c
    106 d [label="(1,1,2)"]; c -> d
    107 e [label="(1,1,1)"]; c -> e
    108 f [label="(1,1,1,2)"]; e -> f
    109 g [label="..."]; e -> g
    110 }
    111 ```
    113 </details>
    115 </td>
    116 </tr>
    117 </table>
    119 If two trees have the same structure, they're bisimilar.
    121 #### Model contraction
    122 Basically getting rid of 'unnecessary' states.
    124 ![Model contraction](model-contraction.png)
    126 ### Validity and satisfiability
    127 If φ is satisfiable, then it is satisfiable using a model with at most $2^{s(\phi)}$ elements with s(φ) the number of subformulas of φ.