
Lecture notes from university.
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      6 # Lecture 4
      7 ## Bisimulations
      8 A non-empty relation Z ⊆ W × W' is bisimulation ($Z : M \underline{\leftrightarrow} M'$) if for all pairs (w, w') ∈ Z we have:
      9 - w ∈ V(p) iff w' ∈ V'(p)
     10 - if Rwv then for some v' ∈ W' we have R'w'v' and vZv'
     11 - if R'w'v' then for some v ∈ W we have Rwv and vZv'
     13 Two models are bisimilar ($M \underline{\leftrightarrow} M'$) if there exists a bisimulation Z ∈ W × W'.
     15 Two pointed models are bisimilar if there exists a bisimulation such that (w,w') ∈ Z
     17 Two states are modally equivalent if they satisfy exactly the same formulas.
     18 So if M,w and M',w' are bisimilar, then they are modally equivalent.
     20 ## Transforming and constructing models
     21 Disjoint union of models: combine models by union of states, relations, and valuations.
     22 A state in one of the models is modally equivalent with the state in the union.
     24 Generated submodel: starting from state w, only take its future.
     26 Tree unravelling: unravelling of world s in (W,R,V) is:
     27 - $W' : (s_{1} \dots s_{n})$ with $s_{1} = s$ and $Rs_{i} s_{i+1}$
     28 - $R'$ relates ($s_{1} \dots s_{n}$) to ($s_{1} \dots s_{n+1}$) if $Rs_{n} s_{n+1}$
     29 - $V'(p) = \{ (s_{1} \dots s_{n} | s_{n} \in V(p) \}$
     30 - a state in (W',R',V') is bisimilar to $s_{n}$ in (W,R,V)
     31 - if φ is satisfiable in M,w it is satisfiable in tree unravelling of s in M
     33 Bisimulation contraction
     34 - W' consists of equivalence classes |s| = { t such that $s \underline{\leftrightarrow} t$ }
     35 - R' relates |s| to |t| if Ruv for some u ∈ |s| and some v ∈ |t|
     36 - V'(p) = { |s| | s ∈ V(p) }
     38 If two states are modally equivalent, then they are bisimilar.