
Lecture notes from university.
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      1 +++
      2 title = 'Lecture 11'
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      4 # Lecture 11
      5 In propositional dynamic logic (PDL), aim to prove: φ → [while σ do α] ψ
      6 - i.e. starting with φ true, for any terminating execution of the program, we have ψ true.
      8 Definitions:
      9 - state of program execution: state/world
     10 - program: regular program which slightly generalizes a while program
     11 - statement {pre}program{post}: formula pre → [program] post
     13 For every program α we have modality \<α\>:
     14 - \<α\>: it's possible to execute α from current state, and successfully halt in state satisfying φ (like existential quantification)
     15 - [α]φ: for all executions of α, if α successfully halts, then it halts in a state satisfying φ (like universal quantification)
     17 Program definitions:
     18 - a: program from set A of atomic programs (letters, like in prop. logic)
     19 - α; β: sequential composition
     20 - α ∪ β: non-deterministic choice
     21 - α\*: iteration, 0 or more times.
     22 - φ?: test, depends on the grammar for formulas
     23     - if φ then continue without changing state, if not then block without halting
     25 Examples of formulas:
     27 ![Formula examples](formula-examples.png)
     29 We obtain semantics of PDL as instance of multi-modal logic.