
My personal shell configs and stuff
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zathurarc (1259B)

      1 set sandbox none
      3 # Spacing around pages
      4 set statusbar-h-padding 0
      5 set statusbar-v-padding 0
      6 set page-padding 1
      8 # Copy to clipboard
      9 set selection-clipboard clipboard
     11 # Font size
     12 set font "sans-serif normal 12"
     14 # Dark mode colors
     15 set recolor-keephue
     16 set recolor-lightcolor "#111111"
     17 set recolor-darkcolor "#929292"
     19 # Use synctex
     20 set synctex true
     22 # guioptions - Shows or hides GUI elements.
     23 # 'c': command line
     24 # 's': statusbar
     25 # 'h': horizontal scrollbar
     26 # 'v': vertical scrollbar
     27 set guioptions "sv"
     29 # Mappings
     30 map u scroll half-up
     31 map d scroll half-down
     32 map D toggle_page_mode
     33 map r reload
     34 map R rotate
     35 map J zoom in
     36 map K zoom out
     37 map i recolor
     38 map P print
     39 map p snap_to_page
     40 map w adjust_window width
     41 map [normal] <BackSpace> scroll full-up
     42 map [normal] <S-Space> scroll full-up
     43 map z adjust_window best-fit
     44 map b toggle_statusbar
     45 map <C-g> abort
     46 map Z toggle_fullscreen
     47 map [fullscreen] Z toggle_fullscreen
     48 map ; feedkeys :
     50 map [normal] % toggle_presentation
     51 map [presentation] % toggle_presentation
     52 map [presentation] n navigate next
     53 map [presentation] p navigate previous
     54 map [presentation] gg goto top
     55 map [presentation] G goto bottom
     56 unmap [presentation] q
     58 # External commands
     59 map O exec "open -a Skim '$FILE'"
     60 map ! feedkeys ":exec ''<Left>"