
My personal shell configs and stuff
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sh.snippets (2986B)

      1 snippet case "Case statement" b
      2 case "$${1:variable}" in
      3   "${2:Option 1}")
      4     ;;
      5   *)
      6     ;;
      7 esac
      8 endsnippet
     10 snippet argparse "Parse arguments/flags" b
     11 PARAMS=""
     13 while [ \$((\$#)) -ne 0 ]; do
     14   case "\$1" in
     15     -${1:letter}|--${2:long name})
     16       $2="\$2"
     17       shift 2
     18       ;;
     19     $0
     20     -h|--help)
     21       echo "Usage:"
     22       echo "${3:usage text}"
     23       exit 0
     24       ;;
     25     --) # end arg parsing
     26       shift
     27       break
     28       ;;
     29     -*) # unsupported flags
     30       echo "Unsupported flag \$1" >&2
     31       exit 1
     32       ;;
     33     *) # preserve positional arguments
     34       # if params is set, add space.
     35       PARAMS="\$PARAMS\${PARAMS:+ }\$1"
     36       shift
     37       ;;
     38   esac
     39 done
     40 set -- "\$PARAMS"
     41 endsnippet
     43 snippet !bash "Bash shebang" b
     44 #!/usr/bin/env bash
     45 $0
     46 endsnippet
     48 snippet !sh "Sh shebang" b
     49 #!/bin/sh
     50 $0
     51 endsnippet
     53 snippet checkdeps "Check script dependencies" b
     54 checkdeps() {
     55   for com in "$@"; do
     56     command -v "$com" >/dev/null 2>&1 \
     57       || { printf '%s required but not found.\n' "$com" >&2 && exit 1; }
     58   done
     59 }
     60 checkdeps "${1:command name}"
     61 $0
     62 endsnippet
     64 snippet die "Die function" b
     65 die() { printf '%s\n' "\$1" >&2 && exit 1; }
     66 $0
     67 endsnippet
     69 snippet func "Function definition" b
     70 ${1:function_name}() {
     71   $0
     72 }
     73 endsnippet
     75 snippet trap "Exit trap" b
     76 trap ${1:cleanup_function} INT TERM EXIT
     77 endsnippet
     79 snippet untrap "Disable exit trap" b
     80 trap - INT TERM EXIT
     81 endsnippet
     83 snippet for "POSIX for loop" b
     84 : \$((${1:var}=0))
     85 while [ \$(($1 ${2:test})) -ne 0 ]; do
     86   ${3:# code}
     88   i=\$(($1+1))
     89 done
     90 $0
     91 endsnippet
     93 snippet confirm "Ask for confirmation" b
     94 printf "${1:prompt}"
     95 stty raw && conf="$(dd bs=1 count=1 2>/dev/null)" && stty -raw
     96 case "$conf" in
     97   Y|y)
     98     ${2:# code if yes}
     99     ;;
    100   *)
    101     ${3:# code otherwise}
    102     ;;
    103 esac
    104 $0
    105 endsnippet
    107 snippet osdetect "Detect OS" b
    108 os=\$(uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
    109 case "\$os" in
    110   linux*)
    111     ${1:# code for Linux}
    112     ;;
    113   darwin*)
    114     ${2:# code for macOS}
    115     ;;
    116   msys*|cygwin*|mingw*|nt|win*)
    117     ${3:# code for Windows}
    118     ;;
    119   *)
    120     printf "Operating system %s is unknown.\n" "\$os"
    121     ;;
    122 esac
    123 endsnippet
    125 snippet contains "String contains substring" w
    126 [ -z "\${${1:strvar}##*${2:substr}*}" ]$0
    127 endsnippet
    129 snippet herevar "Store heredoc in a variable" b
    130 # EOF quoted means no var expansion, dash means ignore indentation
    131 unset ${1:heredoc}
    132 while IFS="$(printf "\n")" read -r line; do
    133   $1="$(printf "%s%s" "\$$1" "$line\n")"
    134 done <<-'EOF'
    135 ${2:heredoc contents}
    136 EOF
    137 endsnippet
    139 snippet herefile "Store heredoc in a file" b
    140 # EOF quoted means no var expansion, dash means ignore indentation
    141 cat <<-'EOF' > "${1:filename}"
    142 ${2:heredoc contents}
    143 EOF
    144 endsnippet
    146 snippet readinput "Get input from arguments or stdin" b
    147 if ! [ -t 0 ]; then
    148   while read -r line; do
    149     ${1:# handle stdin}
    150   done
    151 elif [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
    152   ${2:#handle arguments}
    153 fi
    154 endsnippet
    156 snippet printfq "A POSIX way to do printf %q" bw
    157 printfq() { printf "'%s'\\n" "$(printf '%s' "\$1" | sed -e "s/'/'\\\\''/g")"; }
    158 $0
    159 endsnippet