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tex.snippets (2727B)

      1 snippet pre typewriter (monospace) text
      2 	\\texttt{${1:text}}${0}
      3 snippet it italic text
      4 	\\textit{${1:text}}${0}
      5 snippet b bold face text
      6 	\\textbf{${1:text}}${0}
      7 snippet under underline text
      8 	\\underline{${1:text}}${0}
      9 snippet over overline text
     10 	\\overline{${1:text}}${0}
     11 snippet emp emphasize text
     12 	\\emph{${1:text}}${0}
     13 snippet sc small caps text
     14 	\\textsc{${1:text}}${0}
     15 snippet fig figure
     16 	\\begin{figure}[tb]
     17 		\\centering
     18 		\\includegraphics[width=${1:\\linewidth}]{${2:filename}}
     19 		\\caption{${3:caption}}
     20 		\\label{fig:${4:label}}
     21 	\\end{figure}
     22 	${0}
     23 snippet todo TODO
     24 	\\TODO{$1}$0
     25 snippet nc \newcommand
     26 	\\newcommand{\\${1:cmd}}[${2:opt}]{${3:realcmd}} ${0}
     28 # Section
     29 snippet sec \section
     30 	\\section{${1:section name}}
     31 	\\label{sec:${2:$1}}
     32 	${0}
     33 # Section without number
     34 snippet sec* \section*
     35 	\\section*{${1:section name}}
     36 	\\label{sec:${2:$1}}
     37 	${0}
     38 # Sub Section
     39 snippet sub \subsection
     40 	\\subsection{${1:subsection name}}
     41 	\\label{sub:${2:$1}}
     42 	${0}
     43 # Sub Section without number
     44 snippet sub* \subsection*
     45 	\\subsection*{${1:subsection name}}
     46 	\\label{sub:${2:$1}}
     47 	${0}
     48 # Sub Sub Section
     49 snippet ssub \subsubsection
     50 	\\subsubsection{${1:subsubsection name}}
     51 	\\label{ssub:${2:$1}}
     52 	${0}
     53 # Sub Sub Section without number
     54 snippet ssub* \subsubsection*
     55 	\\subsubsection*{${1:subsubsection name}}
     56 	\\label{ssub:${2:$1}}
     57 	${0}
     58 # Paragraph
     59 snippet par \paragraph
     60 	\\paragraph{${1:paragraph name}}
     61 	\\label{par:${2:$1}}
     62 	${0}
     63 # Sub Paragraph
     64 snippet subp \subparagraph
     65 	\\subparagraph{${1:subparagraph name}}
     66 	\\label{subp:${2:$1}}
     67 	${0}
     69 snippet enum enumerate environment
     70 	\\begin{enumerate}
     71 		\\item ${0}
     72 	\\end{enumerate}
     73 snippet enuma enumerate environment
     74 	\\begin{enumerate}[(a)]
     75 		\\item ${0}
     76 	\\end{enumerate}
     77 snippet enumi enumerate environment
     78 	\\begin{enumerate}[(i)]
     79 		\\item ${0}
     80 	\\end{enumerate}
     81 # Itemize
     82 snippet item itemize environment
     83 	\\begin{itemize}
     84 		\\item ${0}
     85 	\\end{itemize}
     86 snippet it \item
     87 	\\item ${1:${VISUAL}}
     88 # Description
     89 snippet desc description environment
     90 	\\begin{description}
     91 		\\item[${1}] ${0}
     92 	\\end{description}
     93 # Endless new item
     94 snippet ]i \item (recursive)
     95 	\\item ${1}
     96 		${0:]i}
     98 # Code listings
     99 snippet lst Code listing
    100 	\\begin{lstlisting}[float=tb,caption={${1}}, label={code:${2}}, language=${3}]
    101 		${0}
    102 	\\end{lstlisting}
    103 snippet lsi
    104 	\\lstinline|${1}| ${0}
    106 snippet table
    107 	% Use table* if want to stretch across whole page
    108 	\\begin{table}[tb]
    109 		\resizebox{\linewidth}{!}{%
    110 			\\begin{tabular}{p{0.5\\linewidth} l}
    111 				\\toprule
    112 				\\textbf{Header} & \\textbf{Header} \\\\
    113 				\\midrule
    114 				Value & Value \\\\
    115 				\\midrule
    116 				Value & Value \\\\
    117 				\\bottomrule
    118 			\\end{tabular}%
    119 		} % end resizebox
    120 		\\caption{Caption}
    121 		\\label{tab:table}
    122 	\\end{table}