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bib.snippets (3409B)

      1 #
      2 snippet article An article from a magazine or a journal.
      3 	@article{${1:Xarticle},
      4 		author    = {},
      5 		title     = {},
      6 		journal   = {},
      7 		?_volume   = {},
      8 		?_number   = {},
      9 		?_pages    = {},
     10 		year      = {},
     11 		?_month    = {},
     12 		?_note     = {},
     13 	}
     14 snippet book A published book
     15 	@book{${1:Xbook},
     16 		author    = {},
     17 		title     = {},
     18 		publisher = {},
     19 		?_volume   = {},
     20 		?_number   = {},
     21 		?_series   = {},
     22 		?_address  = {},
     23 		?_edition  = {},
     24 		year      = {},
     25 		?_month    = {},
     26 		?_note     = {},
     27 	}
     28 snippet booklet A bound work without a named publisher or sponsor.
     29 	@booklet{${1:Xbooklet},
     30 		?_author   = {},
     31 		title     = {},
     32 		?_howpublished   = {},
     33 		?_address  = {},
     34 		?_year      = {},
     35 		?_month    = {},
     36 		?_note     = {},
     37 	}
     38 snippet inbook A section of a book without its own title.
     39 	@inbook{${1:Xinbook},
     40 		author	= {},
     41 		editor	= {},
     42 		title	= {},
     43 		chapter	= {},
     44 		pages	= {},
     45 		publisher= {},
     46 		?_volume	= {},
     47 		?_number	= {},
     48 		?_series	= {},
     49 		?_type	= {},
     50 		?_address= {},
     51 		?_edition= {},
     52 		year	= {},
     53 		?_month	= {},
     54 		?_note	= {},
     55 	}
     56 snippet incollection A section of a book having its own title.
     57 	@incollection{${1:Xincollection},
     58 		author	= {},
     59 		title	= {},
     60 		booktitle= {},
     61 		publisher= {},
     62 		?_editor	= {},
     63 		?_volume	= {},
     64 		?_number	= {},
     65 		?_series	= {},
     66 		?_type	= {},
     67 		?_chapter= {},
     68 		?_pages	= {},
     69 		?_address= {},
     70 		?_edition= {},
     71 		year	= {},
     72 		?_month	= {},
     73 		?_note	= {},
     74 	}
     75 snippet inproceedings An article in a conference proceedings.
     76 	@inproceedings{${1:Xinproceedings},
     77 		author		= {},
     78 		title		= {},
     79 		booktitle	= {},
     80 		?_editor		= {},
     81 		?_volume		= {},
     82 		?_number		= {},
     83 		?_series		= {},
     84 		?_pages		= {},
     85 		?_address	= {},
     86 		?_organization	= {},
     87 		?_publisher	= {},
     88 		year		= {},
     89 		?_month		= {},
     90 		?_note		= {},
     91 	}
     92 snippet manual Technical manual
     93 	@manual{${1:Xmanual},
     94 		title		= {},
     95 		?_author		= {},
     96 		?_organization	= {},
     97 		?_address	= {},
     98 		?_edition	= {},
     99 		year		= {},
    100 		?_month		= {},
    101 		?_note		= {},
    102 	}
    103 snippet mastersthesis Master's thesis
    104 	@mastersthesis{${1:Xthesis},
    105 		author    = {},
    106 		title     = {},
    107 		school    = {},
    108 		?_type     = "diploma thesis",
    109 		?_address  = {},
    110 		year      = {},
    111 		?_month    = {},
    112 		?_note     = {},
    113 	}
    114 snippet misc Template useful for other kinds of publication
    115 	@misc{${1:Xmisc},
    116 		?_author    = {},
    117 		?_title     = {},
    118 		?_howpublished = {},
    119 		?_year     = {},
    120 		?_month    = {},
    121 		?_note     = {},
    122 	}
    123 snippet phdthesis Ph.D. thesis
    124 	@phdthesis{${1:Xphdthesis},
    125 		author		= {},
    126 		title		= {},
    127 		school		= {},
    128 		?_address	= {},
    129 		year		= {},
    130 		?_month		= {},
    131 		?_keywords	= {},
    132 		?_note		= {},
    133 	}
    134 snippet proceedings The proceedings of a conference.
    135 	@proceedings{${1:Xproceedings},
    136 		title		= {},
    137 		?_editor		= {},
    138 		?_volume		= {},
    139 		?_number		= {},
    140 		?_series		= {},
    141 		?_address	= {},
    142 		?_organization	= {},
    143 		?_publisher	= {},
    144 		year		= {},
    145 		?_month		= {},
    146 		?_note		= {},
    147 	}
    148 snippet techreport Technical report from educational, commercial or standardization institution.
    149 	@techreport{${1:Xtreport},
    150 		author    = {},
    151 		title     = {},
    152 		institution = {},
    153 		?_type     = {},
    154 		?_number   = {},
    155 		?_address  = {},
    156 		year      = {},
    157 		?_month    = {},
    158 		?_note     = {},
    159 	}
    160 snippet unpublished An unpublished article, book, thesis, etc.
    161 	@unpublished{${1:Xunpublished},
    162 		author	= {},
    163 		title	= {},
    164 		?_year	= {},
    165 		?_month	= {},
    166 		note	= {},
    167 	}