
My personal shell configs and stuff
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jokull.schemer (6387B)

      1 " This will be a light colorscheme
      2 background light
      4 " Defining often-used colors
      5 palette:
      6     " Blacks
      7     redblack #112d4e,
      8     text #2c2625,
     10     " Blues
     11     justblue #0000FF,
     12     ddarkblue #005f87,
     13     darkblue #0087af,
     14     lighterblue #0076ff,
     15     lightblue #0096ff,
     16     offairblue #a8caff,
     17     airblue #a8dbfd,
     18     darkpurp #a0aeff,
     19     lightpurp #c0beff,
     21     " Whites
     22     bg #e4e4e4,
     23     offwhite #e5e5e5,
     25     " Reds
     26     darkred #6e032e,
     27     offlightred #80537e,
     28     softred #ffa5a5,
     30     " Yellows
     31     darkgold #5f5f00,
     32     gold #8e830e,
     33     olive #9b9b4c,
     34     justyellow #FFFF00,
     36     " Greens
     37     ddarkgreen #007822,
     38     darkgreen #009051,
     39     lightgreen #99FF77,
     40     llightgreen #a5ffa5,
     41     airgreen #d7f1e0,
     42     greygreen #a7c1a0,
     43     darkturq #225555,
     45     " Greys
     46     grey #5f5f5f,
     47     bluegrey #81A1C1,
     48     lightgrey #d0d0d0,
     50     " Orange
     51     orange #cc6d05.
     53 ansi: #eff0f3, #125394, #145a9c, #1562c0, #2182e1, #2377e1, #3c68e6, #0a0c0f, #525963, #125394, #145a9c, #1562c0, #2182e1, #2377e1, #3c68e6, #0a0c0f
     55 " group                                 fg_color, bg_color.                       attribute
     56 Normal                                  text, bg
     57 Keyword                                 darkred
     58 Cursorline                              NONE, lightgrey
     59 String                                  darkgreen.                                italic
     60 Identifier                              redblack
     61 Function                                lightblue.                                bold
     62 Statement                               #0050a0
     63 Include                                 ddarkblue.                                bold
     64 Type                                    ddarkblue
     65 Search                                  NONE, airgreen
     66 Incsearch                               NONE, greygreen.                          bold,underline
     67 Folded                                  lighterblue, lightgrey
     68 Tablinefill                             NONE, lightgrey
     69 Tablinesel                              NONE, offwhite
     70 Wildmenu                                ddarkblue, offwhite.                      bold
     71 Linenr                                  olive, NONE
     72 Vertsplit                               NONE
     73 Todo                                    justblue, justyellow
     74 Nontext                                 bluegrey
     75 StatusLine                              offwhite, ddarkblue
     76 Statuslinenc                            offwhite, darkblue
     77 StatusLineTermNC                        NONE, lightgreen
     78 StatusLineTerm                          NONE, darkgreen
     79 StatusLineFile                          offwhite, darkblue
     80 StatusLineNormMode                      darkblue, lightgrey.
     81 Visual                                  NONE, offairblue
     82 Title                                   darkturq.                                 bold
     83 Matchparen                              ddarkgreen, airblue
     84 QfFileName                              lighterblue
     85 Delimiter                               darkgold
     86 Comment                                 grey.                                     italic
     87 ErrorMsg                                text, softred.                            bold
     88 Cursorlinenr                            orange, NONE.                             bold
     89 SpecialKey                              justblue, NONE.                           bold
     90 Constant                                orange, NONE.
     91 Diffadd                                 NONE, llightgreen
     92 Diffdelete                              NONE, softred
     93 Diffchange                              text, lightpurp
     94 Difftext                                NONE, darkpurp.                           bold
     95 GitGutterAdd                            ddarkgreen, bg
     96 GitGutterChange                         gold, bg
     97 GitGutterDelete                         darkred, bg
     98 GitGutterChangeDelete                   offlightred, bg
     99 NormalFloat                             NONE, lightgrey
    100 DapUIDecoration                         offairblue, NONE
    101 DapUIScope                              ddarkblue, NONE
    102 DapUIStoppedThread                      ddarkblue, NONE
    103 DapUIBreakpointsPath                    ddarkblue, NONE
    104 DapUIBreakpointsCurrentLine             darkgreen, NONE
    105 DapUIWatchesEmpty                       darkred, NONE
    106 DapUIModifiedValue                      offlightred, NONE
    109 "    link                                                   group1,group2,... target group
    110 link structure                                              type
    111 link tabline                                                tablinefill
    112 link repeat,conditional,operator                            statement
    113 link define,macro,precondit,preproc                         include
    114 link debug,special,specialchar,specialcomment,tag,number    delimiter
    115 link label,storageclass,typedef                             structure
    116 link character                                              constant
    117 link signcolumn                                             linenr
    118 link netrwdir,gh_files_dir                                  function
    119 link netrwexe                                               title
    120 link netrwMarkFile                                          incsearch
    121 link spellbad                                               todo
    122 link spelllocal,spellrare,spellcap,markdownUrl,modemsg      string
    123 link markdowncode,mkdlink,vimwikilink                       type
    124 link pmenu                                                  statuslinenc
    125 link pmenusel                                               statusline
    126 link error                                                  errormsg
    127 link ALEError                                               errormsg
    128 link ALEErrorLine                                           diffdelete
    129 link ALEWarning                                             diffchange
    130 link ALEWarningLine                                         difftext
    131 link gitcommitSummary                                       include
    132 link gitcommitOverflow                                      errormsg
    133 link DapUIStepOver,DapUIStepInto,DapUIStepBack,DapUIStepOut DapUIScope
    134 link DapUIPlayPause,DapUIRestart,DapUIWatchesValue          darkgreen
    135 link DapUIWatchesError,DapUIStop                            DapUIWatchesEmpty
    136 link LspInlayHint                                           Comment
    137 link MarkviewInlineCode,MarkviewCode                        NormalFloat
    138 link QuickFixLine                                           Cursorline