
My personal shell configs and stuff
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tmux.conf (3119B)

      1 # vim: foldmethod=marker foldlevel=0
      2 # Global options {{{
      3 # "set" == "set-option"
      4 set -g history-limit 30000
      5 set -g mouse on
      6 set -g terminal-overrides 'xterm*:smcup@:rmcup@'
      7 set -g default-command $SHELL
      8 set -g default-shell $SHELL
      9 set -g default-terminal "xterm-256color"
     10 set -g pane-active-border-style fg=green
     11 set -g set-titles on
     12 set -g set-titles-string '#H:#S.#I.#P #W #T'
     13 set -g status-bg '#ffffff'
     14 set -g status-fg white
     15 set -g status-interval 5
     16 set -g status-justify right
     17 set -g status-left '#[fg=#228822]» #[fg=#4477ff,bold]#T#{?pane_synchronized, #[fg=#cc5500#,bold][SYNC],}#[default]'
     18 set -g status-right '#[fg=#4477ff,bold]»» ###S %R %m-%d#(acpi | cut -d ',' -f 2)#[default]'
     19 set -g visual-activity on
     20 set -g base-index 1   # start numbering windows at 1, easier to reach
     21 set -s escape-time 0
     22 # }}}
     23 # Window options {{{
     24 setw -g mode-keys vi
     25 setw -g monitor-activity on
     26 setw -g xterm-keys on # for vim
     27 setw -g aggressive-resize on
     28 setw -g automatic-rename
     29 setw -g mode-style bg='#d0d0d0'
     30 setw -g window-status-current-style bg='#99ddff,bold'
     31 setw -g window-status-activity-style bg='#e9cddf'
     32 setw -g pane-base-index 1   # start numbering panes at 1, easier to reach
     33 # }}}
     34 # Key bindings {{{
     35 # General {{{
     37 # Set the prefix
     38 unbind C-b # unbind default leader key
     39 set -g prefix C-a
     40 bind a send-prefix
     41 bind C-a send-prefix
     43 # Switch ; and :
     44 bind \; command-prompt
     45 bind : last-pane
     47 # Reload the config file
     48 unbind r
     49 bind r source-file ~/.config/tmux/tmux.conf \; display-message "Reloaded config"
     51 # Allow c-a c-d to detach
     52 bind C-d detach-client
     54 # Create a new session
     55 bind C new-session
     56 # }}}
     57 # Windows {{{
     59 # Vertical split
     60 unbind %
     61 bind v split-window -h
     63 # Horizontal split
     64 unbind '"' # unbind horizontal split
     65 bind s split-window -v # split pane horizontally
     67 # Window navigation
     68 unbind C-j
     69 unbind C-k
     70 bind C-j previous-window
     71 bind C-k next-window
     73 # Moving windows
     74 unbind H
     75 unbind L
     76 bind -r L swap-window -t +1
     77 bind -r H swap-window -t -1
     79 # Rotate the layout of panes
     80 unbind C-o
     81 bind M-v rotate-window
     83 # Switch layouts
     84 unbind M--
     85 unbind M-|
     86 bind M-- select-layout "even-vertical"
     87 bind M-| select-layout "even-horizontal"
     89 # Screen-like rename binding
     90 unbind A
     91 bind A command-prompt "rename-window %%"
     92 unbind M-a
     93 bind M-a command-prompt -I "#S" "rename-session -- '%%'"
     95 # Watch/unwatch for activity
     96 unbind !
     97 bind ! setw monitor-activity \; display-message "#{?monitor-activity,M,Not m}onitoring activity"
     99 # }}}
    100 # Panes {{{
    101 # Pane navigation
    102 unbind j
    103 unbind h
    104 unbind k
    105 unbind l
    106 bind j select-pane -D
    107 bind h select-pane -L
    108 bind k select-pane -U
    109 bind l select-pane -R
    111 # Pane resizing
    112 unbind C-h
    113 unbind C-j
    114 unbind C-k
    115 unbind C-l
    116 bind -r C-h resize-pane -L # "-r" means key may repeat
    117 bind -r C-j resize-pane -D
    118 bind -r C-k resize-pane -U
    119 bind -r C-l resize-pane -R
    121 # Split & join panes
    122 bind T break-pane
    123 bind J command-prompt -p "join pane from:"  "join-pane -s '%%'"
    125 # Listing panes
    126 unbind Space
    127 unbind S
    128 unbind W
    129 bind Space list-panes
    130 bind S choose-tree -Zs
    131 bind W choose-tree -Zw
    133 # Synchronize panes
    134 unbind @
    135 bind @ setw synchronize-panes \; display-message "Toggle sync panes"
    137 # }}}
    138 # }}}