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text_navigation.talon (4893B)

      1 ## (2021-03-09) This syntax is experimental and may change. See below for an explanation.
      2 navigate [{user.arrow_key}] [{user.navigation_action}] [{user.navigation_target_name}] [{user.before_or_after}] [<user.ordinals>] <user.navigation_target>:
      3 ## If you use this command a lot, you may wish to have a shorter syntax that omits the navigate keyword. Note that you then at least have to say either a navigation_action or before_or_after:
      4 #({user.navigation_action} [{user.arrow_key}] [{user.navigation_target_name}] [{user.before_or_after}] | [{user.arrow_key}] {user.before_or_after}) [<user.ordinals>] <user.navigation_target>: 
      5 	user.navigation(navigation_action or "GO", arrow_key or "RIGHT", navigation_target_name or "DEFAULT", before_or_after or "DEFAULT", navigation_target, ordinals or 1)
      7 # ===== Examples of use =====
      8 #
      9 #   navigate comma: moves after the next "," on the line.
     10 #   navigate before five: moves before the next "5" on the line.
     11 #   navigate left underscore: moves before the previous "_" on the line.
     12 #   navigate left after second plex: moves after the second-previous "x" on the line.
     13 #
     14 # Besides characters, we can find phrases or move in predetermined units:
     15 #
     16 #   navigate phrase hello world: moves after the next "hello world" on the line.
     17 #   navigate left third word: moves left over three words.
     18 #   navigate before second big: moves before the second-next 'big' word (a chunk of anything except white space).
     19 #   navigate left second small: moves left over two 'small' words (chunks of a camelCase name).
     20 #
     21 # We can search several lines (default 10) above or below the cursor:
     22 #
     23 #   navigate up phrase john: moves before the previous "john" (case-insensitive) on the preceding lines.
     24 #   navigate down third period: moves after the third period on the following lines.
     25 #
     26 # Besides movement, we can cut, copy, select, clear (delete), or extend the current selection:
     27 #
     28 #   navigate cut after comma: cut the word following the next comma on the line.
     29 #   navigate left copy third word: copy the third word to the left.
     30 #   navigate extend third big: extend the selection three big words right.
     31 #   navigate down clear phrase I think: delete the next occurrence of "I think" on the following lines.
     32 #   navigate up select colon: select the closest colon on the preceeding lines.
     33 #
     34 # We can specify what gets selected before or after the given input:
     35 #
     36 #	navigate select parens after equals: Select the first "(" and everything until the first ")" after the "="
     37 #	navigate left copy all before equals: Copy everything from the start of the line until the first "=" you encounter while moving left
     38 #	navigate clear constant before semicolon: Delete the last word consisting of only uppercase characters or underscores before a ";"  
     39 #
     40 # ===== Explanation of the grammar =====
     41 #
     42 # [{user.arrow_key}]: left, right, up, down (default: right)
     43 #   Which direction to navigate in.
     44 #   left/right work on the current line.
     45 #   up/down work on the closest lines (default: 10) above or below.
     46 #
     47 # [{user.navigation_action}]: move, extend, select, clear, cut, copy (default: move)
     48 #   What action to perform.
     49 #
     50 # [{user.navigation_target_name}]: word, small, big, parens, squares, braces, quotes, angles, all, method, constant (default: word)
     51 #	The predetermined unit to select if before_or_after was specified. 
     52 #	Defaults to "word" 
     53 #
     54 # [{user.before_or_after}]: before, after (default: special behavior)
     55 #   For move/extend: where to leave the cursor, before or after the target.
     56 #   Defaults to "after" for right/down and "before" for left/up.
     57 #
     58 #   For select/copy/cut: if absent, select/copy/cut the target iself. If
     59 #   present, the navigation_target_name before/after the target.
     60 #
     61 # [<user.ordinals>]: an english ordinal, like "second" (default: first)
     62 #   Which occurrence of the target to navigate to.
     63 #
     64 # <user.navigation_target>: one of the following:
     65 #   - a character name, like "comma" or "five".
     66 #   - "word" or "big" or "small"
     67 #   - "phrase <some text to search for>"
     68 #   Specifies the target to search for/navigate to.
     70 # The functionality for all these commands is covered in the lines above, but these commands are kept here for convenience. Originally from word_selection.talon.  
     71 word neck [<number_small>]: user.navigation_by_name("SELECT", "RIGHT", "DEFAULT", "word", number_small or 1)
     72 word pre [<number_small>]: user.navigation_by_name("SELECT", "LEFT", "DEFAULT", "word", number_small or 1)
     73 small word neck [<number_small>]: user.navigation_by_name("SELECT", "RIGHT", "DEFAULT", "small", number_small or 1)
     74 small word pre [<number_small>]: user.navigation_by_name("SELECT", "LEFT", "DEFAULT", "small", number_small or 1)
     75 big word neck [<number_small>]: user.navigation_by_name("SELECT", "RIGHT", "DEFAULT", "big", number_small or 1)
     76 big word pre [<number_small>]: user.navigation_by_name("SELECT", "LEFT", "DEFAULT", "big", number_small or 1)