
My personal shell configs and stuff
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      1 # XXX - would be nice to be able pipe these through formatters
      3 from talon import Context, Module
      5 mod = Module()
      6 mod.list("abbreviation", desc="Common abbreviation")
      9 ctx = Context()
     10 ctx.lists["user.abbreviation"] = {
     11     "address": "addr",
     12     "administrator": "admin",
     13     "administrators": "admins",
     14     "advance": "adv",
     15     "advanced": "adv",
     16     "alberta": "ab",
     17     "alternative": "alt",
     18     "application": "app",
     19     "applications": "apps",
     20     "argument": "arg",
     21     "arguments": "args",
     22     "as far as i can tell": "afaict",
     23     "as far as i know": "afaik",
     24     "assembly": "asm",
     25     "at the moment": "atm",
     26     "attribute": "attr",
     27     "attributes": "attrs",
     28     "authenticate": "auth",
     29     "authentication": "auth",
     30     "away from keyboard": "afk",
     31     "binary": "bin",
     32     "boolean": "bool",
     33     "british columbia": "bc",
     34     "button": "btn",
     35     "canada": "ca",
     36     "centimeter": "cm",
     37     "char": "chr",
     38     "character": "char",
     39     "class": "cls",
     40     "client": "cli",
     41     "command": "cmd",
     42     "comment": "cmt",
     43     "compare": "cmp",
     44     "conference": "conf",
     45     "config": "cfg",
     46     "configuration": "cfg",
     47     "context": "ctx",
     48     "control": "ctrl",
     49     "constant": "const",
     50     "coordinate": "coord",
     51     "coordinates": "coords",
     52     "copy": "cpy",
     53     "count": "cnt",
     54     "counter": "ctr",
     55     "database": "db",
     56     "declare": "decl",
     57     "declaration": "decl",
     58     "decode": "dec",
     59     "decrement": "dec",
     60     "debug": "dbg",
     61     "define": "def",
     62     "definition": "def",
     63     "description": "desc",
     64     "develop": "dev",
     65     "development": "dev",
     66     "device": "dev",
     67     "dictation": "dict",
     68     "dictionary": "dict",
     69     "direction": "dir",
     70     "directory": "dir",
     71     "distribution": "dist",
     72     "document": "doc",
     73     "documents": "docs",
     74     "double": "dbl",
     75     "dupe": "dup",
     76     "duplicate": "dup",
     77     "dynamic": "dyn",
     78     "encode": "enc",
     79     "entry": "ent",
     80     "enumerate": "enum",
     81     "environment": "env",
     82     "escape": "esc",
     83     "etcetera": "etc",
     84     "example": "ex",
     85     "exception": "exc",
     86     "execute": "exec",
     87     "expression": "exp",
     88     "extend": "ext",
     89     "extension": "ext",
     90     "file system": "fs",
     91     "framework": "fw",
     92     "function": "func",
     93     "funny": "lol",
     94     "generic": "gen",
     95     "generate": "gen",
     96     "hypertext": "http",
     97     "history": "hist",
     98     "image": "img",
     99     "import table": "iat",
    100     "import address table": "iat",
    101     "increment": "inc",
    102     "information": "info",
    103     "initialize": "init",
    104     "initializer": "init",
    105     "in real life": "irl",
    106     "instance": "inst",
    107     "integer": "int",
    108     "interrupt": "int",
    109     "iterate": "iter",
    110     "java archive": "jar",
    111     "javascript": "js",
    112     "jason": "json",
    113     "jump": "jmp",
    114     "keyboard": "kbd",
    115     "keyword arguments": "kwargs",
    116     "keyword": "kw",
    117     "kilogram": "kg",
    118     "kilometer": "km",
    119     "language": "lng",
    120     "length": "len",
    121     "library": "lib",
    122     "manitoba": "mb",
    123     "markdown": "md",
    124     "message": "msg",
    125     "meta sploit": "msf",
    126     "meta sploit framework": "msf",
    127     "microphone": "mic",
    128     "milligram": "mg",
    129     "millisecond": "ms",
    130     "miscellaneous": "misc",
    131     "module": "mod",
    132     "mount": "mnt",
    133     "nano second": "ns",
    134     "neo vim": "nvim",
    135     "new brunswick": "nb",
    136     "nova scotia": "ns",
    137     "number": "num",
    138     "object": "obj",
    139     "okay": "ok",
    140     "ontario": "on",
    141     "option": "opt",
    142     "operating system": "os",
    143     "original": "orig",
    144     "package": "pkg",
    145     "parameter": "param",
    146     "parameters": "params",
    147     "pico second": "ps",
    148     "pixel": "px",
    149     "point": "pt",
    150     "pointer": "ptr",
    151     "position": "pos",
    152     "position independent code": "pic",
    153     "position independent executable": "pie",
    154     "previous": "prev",
    155     "property": "prop",
    156     "public": "pub",
    157     "python": "py",
    158     "quebec": "qc",
    159     "query string": "qs",
    160     "random": "rnd",
    161     "receipt": "rcpt",
    162     "reference": "ref",
    163     "references": "refs",
    164     "register": "reg",
    165     "registery": "reg",
    166     "regular expression": "regex",
    167     "regular expressions": "regex",
    168     "repel": "repl",
    169     "represent": "repr",
    170     "representation": "repr",
    171     "request": "req",
    172     "return": "ret",
    173     "revision": "rev",
    174     "ruby": "rb",
    175     "saskatchewan": "sk",
    176     "service pack": "sp",
    177     "session id": "sid",
    178     "shell": "sh",
    179     "shellcode": "sc",
    180     "source": "src",
    181     "special": "spec",
    182     "specific": "spec",
    183     "specification": "spec",
    184     "specify": "spec",
    185     "standard in": "stdin",
    186     "standard out": "stdout",
    187     "standard": "std",
    188     "string": "str",
    189     "structure": "struct",
    190     "synchronize": "sync",
    191     "synchronous": "sync",
    192     "system": "sys",
    193     "table of contents": "toc",
    194     "table": "tbl",
    195     "taiwan": "tw",
    196     "technology": "tech",
    197     "temperature": "temp",
    198     "temporary": "tmp",
    199     "temp": "tmp",
    200     "text": "txt",
    201     "time of check time of use": "toctou",
    202     "token": "tok",
    203     "ultimate": "ulti",
    204     "unique id": "uuid",
    205     "user": "usr",
    206     "utilities": "utils",
    207     "utility": "util",
    208     "value": "val",
    209     "variable": "var",
    210     "verify": "vrfy",
    211     "versus": "vs",
    212     "visual": "vis",
    213     "visual studio": "msvc",
    214     "web": "www",
    215     "what the fuck": "wtf",
    216     "window": "win",
    217 }