
My personal shell configs and stuff
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functions (6623B)

      1 #!/usr/bin/env bash
      2 # vim:foldmethod=indent:foldlevel=0
      3 cd() { builtin cd -P "$@" || return; }                                  # list contents after cding
      4 mkcd() { mkdir -p -- "$1" && cd -P -- "$1" || return; }                 # make dir and cd at the same time
      5 procinfo() { pgrep -f "$1"; }                                           # get info about a process (by name)
      6 rmempty() { find "${1-.}"  -type d -empty -depth -delete; }             # remove empty directories
      7 hr() { : $((i=0)); while [ $((i<$(tput cols))) -ne 0 ]; do printf "#"; _=$((i=i+1)); done; echo; }  # insert a <hr> in the terminal
      8 vimq() { vim -q <(eval "$(fc -nl -1)"); }                                  # load results of last command (often ag) in vim quickfix. eval necessary to handle escaped quotes.
      9 gpip(){ PIP_REQUIRE_VIRTUALENV="" pip "$@"; }                           # Access global pip while using virtualenvs
     10 nls() { printf $((`ls -l | wc -l | xargs echo` - 1)); }                        # Count the number of files in the directory
     11 reload-completions() { rm ~/.zcompdump && compinit; }
     12 zp() { z -l "$@" | awk -F' ' 'END {printf $2}'; }                       # Get the result of a "z" comman
     13 reload() {
     14   local START_TIME=$SECONDS
     15   if [[ $SHELL = *"zsh"* ]]; then
     16     source "$HOME"/.zshrc
     17   elif [[ $SHELL = *"bash"* ]]; then
     18     source "$HOME"/.bash_profile
     19   fi
     20   echo "Reloaded config ($(( SECONDS-START_TIME )) sec)."
     21 }
     22 extract () {
     23   if [ -f "$1" ] ; then
     24     case $1 in
     25       *.tar.bz2)   tar xjf "$1"     ;;
     26       *.tar.gz)    tar xzf "$1"     ;;
     27       *.bz2)       bunzip2 "$1"     ;;
     28       *.rar)       unrar e "$1"     ;;
     29       *.gz)        gunzip "$1"      ;;
     30       *.tar)       tar xf "$1"      ;;
     31       *.tbz2)      tar xjf "$1"     ;;
     32       *.tgz)       tar xzf "$1"     ;;
     33       *.zip)       unzip "$1"       ;;
     34       *.Z)         uncompress "$1"  ;;
     35       *.7z)        7z x "$1"        ;;
     36       *)     echo "'$1' cannot be extracted via extract()" ;;
     37     esac
     38   else
     39     echo "'$1' is not a valid file"
     40   fi
     41 }
     43 # Docker functions
     44 if command -v docker &>/dev/null; then
     45   eslint_here() {
     46     docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/data cytopia/eslint . -f unix;
     47   }
     48 fi
     50 # Applescript-reliant functions
     51 if command -v osascript &> /dev/null; then
     52   # cd to current Finder directory
     53   cdf() {
     54     target="$(osascript -e 'tell application "Finder" to if (count of Finder windows) > 0 then get POSIX path of (target of front Finder window as text)')"
     55     if [ -n "$target" ]; then
     56       cd "$target" || printf "Could not cd to %s.\n" >&2
     57       pwd
     58     else
     59       printf 'No Finder window found.\n' >&2
     60     fi
     61   }
     63   # echo current Finder directory
     64   gdf() {
     65     osascript -e 'tell application "Finder" to if (count of Finder windows) > 0 then get POSIX path of (target of front Finder window as text)'
     66   }
     67   # echo selected Finder file
     68   gsf() {
     69     osascript -e 'tell application "Finder" to return POSIX path of (first item of (get selection as alias list) as alias)' | rev | sed 's/^\///' | rev;
     70   }
     71 fi
     73 if command -v qlmanage &> /dev/null; then
     74   qlf() { qlmanage -p "$@" &> /dev/null; }
     75 fi
     77 if command -v virtualenv &> /dev/null; then
     78   # Useful if want to cd without running any virtualenvwrapper hooks
     79   workoncd() {
     80     [ $# -eq 1 ] || { echo 'Must provide name of virtualenv.'; return; }
     81     [ -z "$WORKON_HOME" ] && { echo '$WORKON_HOME not set, exiting.'; return; }
     82     [ -d "$WORKON_HOME/$1" ] || { echo "Virtual environment $1 not found"; return; }
     83     source "$WORKON_HOME/$1/bin/activate" && cdproject
     84   }
     85 fi
     86 # fzf-reliant functions
     87 if command -v fzf >/dev/null 2>&1; then
     88   { [ -f ~/.config/dark-theme ] && export BAT_THEME='1337'; } || export BAT_THEME='GitHub'
     89   export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="--preview-window right:100:hidden:wrap --bind '?:toggle-preview' --preview='(bat --style=numbers --theme=$BAT_THEME --color=always {} || cat {}) 2>/dev/null | head -500'"
     90   export FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND="ag -l -g \"\""
     91   # script edit
     92   se() {
     93     local files
     94     IFS=$'\n' files=($(command find "$DOTFILES/scripts" -type f -or -type l -not -ipath "*/.git/*" | fzf -m --inline-info --prompt="edit> " --height=40 --reverse))
     95     [[ -n "$files" ]] && ${EDITOR:-vim} "${files[@]}"
     96   }
     97   # script create
     98   sc() {
     99     [ -z "$1" ] && echo "Filename must be passed as an argument." && return 1
    100     vim $DOTFILES/scripts/"$1" && chmod +x $DOTFILES/scripts/"$1"
    101   }
    103   # script find
    104   sf() {
    105     local f
    106     IFS=$'\n' f=($(command find "$DOTFILES"/scripts -type f -not -ipath "*/.git/*" | fzf +m --prompt="find> " --height=40 --reverse --cycle))
    107     [[ -n "$f" ]] && printf "$f"
    108   }
    110   # config edit
    111   ce() {
    112     local files
    113     IFS=$'\n' files=($(command find "$DOTFILES" -type f ! -ipath "*/scripts/*" ! -ipath "*/.git/*" ! -ipath "*/bin/*" ! -ipath "*/oh-my-zsh/*" ! -name ".DS_Store" | fzf -m --inline-info --prompt="edit> " --height=40 --reverse))
    114     [[ -n "$files" ]] && ${EDITOR:-vim} "${files[@]}"
    115   }
    117   # config find
    118   cf() {
    119     local f
    120     IFS=$'\n' f=($(command find "$DOTFILES" -type f ! -ipath "*/.git/*" ! -ipath "*/bin/*" ! -ipath "*/oh-my-zsh/*" ! -name ".DS_Store" | fzf +m --prompt="find> " --height=40 --reverse --cycle))
    121     [[ -n "$f" ]] && printf "$f"
    122   }
    124   # vim setting edit
    125   ve() {
    126     local files
    127     IFS=$'\n' files=($(command find ~/.dotfiles/vim -type f -not -ipath "*/.git/*" | fzf -m --inline-info --prompt="edit (vim)> " --height=40 --reverse))
    128     [[ -n "$files" ]] && ${EDITOR:-vim} "${files[@]}"
    129   }
    130   # run python
    131   rp() {
    132     fzf --print-query --preview-window=right:50% --preview 'python -c {q}' <<<''
    133   }
    134   # Run ruby
    135   rr() {
    136     fzf --print-query --preview-window=right:50% --preview 'ruby -e {q}' <<<''
    137   }
    138   # run bash
    139   rb() {
    140     fzf --print-query --preview-window=right:50% --preview 'bash -c {q}' <<<''
    141   }
    142   # run json
    143   rj() {
    144     fzf --preview "cat $1 | jq {q}"
    145   }
    147   # list man pages
    148   mans() {
    149     sec="${1:-1|4}"
    150     # (sorry, couldn't be arsed to deal with escaping parentheses for variable passing in awk)
    151     manlist=$(man -k . 2>/dev/null | awk "$(printf 'BEGIN {FS=OFS="- "} /\([%s]\)/ {gsub(/\([0-9]\)/, "", $1); if (!seen[$0]++) { print }}' "$sec")" | fzf) \
    152       && man "$(echo "$manlist" | awk -F' |,' '{print $1}')" \
    153       && unset manlist
    154   }
    156   # list env variables
    157   envs() {
    158     var=$(printenv | cut -d= -f1 | fzf) \
    159       && echo "$var=$(printenv "$var")" \
    160       && unset var
    161   }
    162 fi
    164 # lf-reliant functions
    165 if command -v lf >/dev/null 2>&1; then
    166   lfcd() {
    167     tmp="$(mktemp)"
    168     lf -last-dir-path="$tmp" "$@"
    169     if [ -f "$tmp" ]; then
    170       dir="$(cat "$tmp")"
    171       rm "$tmp"
    172       [ -d "$dir" ] && [ "$dir" != "$(pwd)" ] && cd "$dir" || return
    173     fi
    174   }
    175 fi