
My personal shell configs and stuff
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aliases (2933B)

      1 #!/bin/sh
      2 alias fucking="sudo"                                                            # Because sometimes I'm frustrated
      3 alias cp='cp -ivR'                                                              # Prompt if overwrite, verbose
      4 alias grep='grep --color=auto'
      5 alias mv='mv -iv'                                                               # Prompt if overwrite, verbose
      6 alias lynx='lynx -vikeys'
      7 alias mkdir='mkdir -pv'                                                         # Create intermediate dirs, verbose
      8 alias ls="command ls -lh"                                                       # List in long format, human-readable sizes
      9 alias l="command ls -lah"                                                       # Ls but with all files
     10 alias ll="command ls -FGlAhpO@"                                                 # Ls but show everything you can
     11 alias l.="command ls -a | grep '^\.'"                                           # Ls but only dotfiles
     12 alias less='less -iRXc'                                                         # Search ig case, fix ANSI colors, don't send init strings, clear screen
     13 alias du="du -sh"                                                              # Show entry for each file, human-readable sizes
     14 alias df="df -h"                                                                # Show human-readable sizes
     15 alias bc="bc -ql"                                                               # Don't print welcome message, use the standard math lib
     16 alias jobs="jobs -l"                                                            # Show everything including PIDs
     17 alias g='git'                                                                   # Make git easier to type
     18 alias wheredef='type -a'                                                        # Where is a function defined?
     19 alias j='joplin'
     20 alias tree="tree -CAFa -I 'CVS|*.*.package|.svn|.git|node_modules' --dirsfirst" # Colorize, ANSI graphics hack, indicate ft with appendices, print all files, ignore certain patterns, list dirs first
     21 alias lsblk="lsblk -o NAME,LABEL,PARTLABEL,TYPE,FSTYPE,SIZE,MOUNTPOINT,STATE"   # The columns I want to see in lsblk
     22 alias confucius="curl"                            # A joke curl service I made
     23 alias tx="tmuxinator"
     24 alias mpva="mpv --no-audio-display --no-video --volume=50"
     25 alias irrsi="irssi --home=~/.config/irssi"
     26 # alias irssi="ssh -t vps 'screen -r irssi'"
     27 alias scim="sc-im"
     28 alias mbsync='mbsync -c $HOME/.config/mbsync/mbsyncrc'
     29 alias mutt="neomutt"
     30 alias gotop='sudo gotop -C $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gotop/gotop.conf'
     31 alias vim=nvim
     32 [ -n "$VIM_TERMINAL" ] && alias vim=vimsend
     33 [ -f "$DOTFILES"/docs/pbib/ ] && alias pbib='vim +$(nl -b a '$DOTFILES"/docs/pbib/ | fzf --with-nth 2.. -e -q '^# ' | sed 's/[^0-9]//g') "$DOTFILES"/docs/pbib/"
     34 command -v scrcpy >/dev/null 2>&1 && alias scrcpy='scrcpy --no-audio --shortcut-mod=ralt -b2M -S'