
My personal shell configs and stuff
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tz (2754B)

      1 #!/bin/sh
      2 # Convert between time zones.
      3 # Depends on GNU date because of the `-d` switch, and fzf for choosing.
      4 die() { printf '%s\n' "$1" >&2 && exit 1; }
      6 command -v fzf >/dev/null 2>&1 || die 'fzf required for timezone selection.'
      8 # Check for GNU date
      9 if command -v gdate >/dev/null 2>&1; then
     10   datecmd='gdate'
     11 elif command -v date --version >/dev/null 2>&1; then
     12   datecmd='date'
     13 else
     14   die 'GNU `date` required but not detected.'
     15 fi
     17 # Get path to timezones
     18 zonedir="$(realpath /usr/share/zoneinfo)"
     20 PARAMS=""
     22 while [ $(($#)) -ne 0 ]; do
     23   case "$1" in
     24     -tc|--target-current)
     25       tzhere="$(realpath /etc/localtime | sed "s!$zonedir/!!")"
     26       target="$tzhere"
     27       shift
     28       ;;
     29     -sc|--source-current)
     30       tzhere="$(realpath /etc/localtime | sed "s!$zonedir/!!")"
     31       src="$tzhere"
     32       shift
     33       ;;
     34     -s|--source)
     35       src="$2"
     36       stat "$zonedir"/"$src" >/dev/null 2>&1 || die "Source time zone $src invalid."
     37       shift 2
     38       ;;
     39     -t|--target)
     40       target="$2"
     41       stat "$zonedir"/"$target" >/dev/null 2>&1 || die "Source time zone $target invalid."
     42       shift 2
     43       ;;
     44     -h|--help)
     45       printf 'USAGE\n'
     46       printf 'Switches:\n'
     47       printf '%s\t%s\n' '-tc|--target-current' 'use current time zone as target'
     48       printf '%s\t%s\n' '-sc|--source-current' 'use current time zone as source'
     49       printf '%s\t%s\n' '-s|--source TZ' 'use TZ as source'
     50       printf '%s\t%s\n' '-t|--target TZ' 'use TZ as target'
     51       printf '\nExamples:\n'
     52       printf '%s\n' '- What time is it right now in some time zone? Run: `tz -sc`, choose target time zone interactively.'
     53       printf '%s\n' '- What is 3 PM Eastern Standard Time in Amsterdam? Run: `tz -s "EST" -t "Europe/Amsterdam" "3pm"`'
     54       printf '%s\n' '- What is 11 AM in one time zone when converted to another time zone? Run: `tz "11am"`, choose source and target time zone interactively.'
     55       exit 0
     56       ;;
     57     --) # end arg parsing
     58       shift
     59       break
     60       ;;
     61     -*) # unsupported flags
     62       echo "Unsupported flag $1" >&2
     63       exit 1
     64       ;;
     65     *) # preserve positional arguments
     66       # if params is set, add space.
     67       PARAMS="$PARAMS${PARAMS:+ }$1"
     68       shift
     69       ;;
     70   esac
     71 done
     72 set -- "$PARAMS"
     74 if [ -z "$src" ]; then # we have to interactively prompt for source
     75   src="$(find "$zonedir" -type f | sed "s!$zonedir/!!" | fzf --prompt='Source > ' --layout=reverse)"
     76   [ -z "$src" ] && exit 0
     77 fi
     78 if [ -z "$target" ]; then # we have to interactively prompt for target
     79   target="$(find "$zonedir" -type f | sed "s!$zonedir/!!" | fzf --prompt='Target > ' --layout=reverse)"
     80   [ -z "$target" ] && exit 0
     81 fi
     84 time="${1:-now}"
     85 TZ="$target" "$datecmd" -d "TZ=\"$src\" $time"
     86 printf 'From: %s (%s)\nTo: %s' "$time" "$src" "$target"