
My personal shell configs and stuff
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trash (2009B)

      1 #!/bin/sh
      2 TRASHDIR="$HOME/.Trash"
      3 [ -d "$TRASHDIR" ] || mkdir -p "$TRASHDIR"
      5 printfq() { printf "'%s'\n" "$(printf '%s' "$1" | sed -e "s/'/'\\''/g")"; }
      7 PARAMS=""
      9 trash_empty() {
     10   printf "Empty the trash? [y/n] "
     11   stty raw && conf="$(dd bs=1 count=1 2>/dev/null)" && stty -raw
     12   printf "\n"
     14   case "$conf" in
     15     Y|y)
     16       find "${TRASHDIR:?}" -delete
     17       printf "Deleted all items in the trash.\n"
     18       ;;
     19     *)
     20       # code otherwise
     21       printf "Cancelled.\n"
     22       ;;
     23   esac
     24 }
     26 trash_empty_secure() {
     27   printf "Securely empty the trash? [y/n] "
     28   stty raw && conf="$(dd bs=1 count=1 2>/dev/null)" && stty -raw
     29   printf "\n"
     31   case "$conf" in
     32     Y|y)
     33       command -v shred >/dev/null 2>&1 || { printf "Please install shred (1) to empty trash securely.\n" >&2 && exit 1; }
     34       find "${TRASHDIR:?}" -type f -exec shred -uz {} +
     35       find "${TRASHDIR:?}" -delete
     36       printf "Shredded all items in the trash.\n"
     37       ;;
     38     *)
     39       printf "Cancelled.\n"
     40       ;;
     41   esac
     42 }
     44 trash_usage() {
     45   printf "%s\n" "$(du -sh "$TRASHDIR")"
     46 }
     48 while [ $(($#)) -ne 0 ]; do
     49   case "$1" in
     50     -e|--empty)
     51       trash_empty && exit 0
     52       ;;
     53     -s|--secure-empty)
     54       trash_empty_secure && exit 0
     55       ;;
     56     -u|--usage)
     57       trash_usage && exit 0
     58       ;;
     59     -h|--help)
     60       printf "Usage:\n"
     61       printf "trash -e|--empty\t\tempty the trash\n"
     62       printf "trash -u|--usage\t\tprints disk usage info\n"
     63       printf "trash arg1 [arg2...]\t\tmove items to the trash\n"
     64       exit 0
     65       ;;
     66     --) # end arg parsing
     67       shift
     68       break
     69       ;;
     70     -*) # unsupported flags
     71       echo "Unsupported flag $1" >&2
     72       exit 1
     73       ;;
     74     *) # preserve positional arguments
     75       PARAMS="$PARAMS $(printfq "$1")"
     76       shift
     77       ;;
     78   esac
     79 done
     80 eval set -- "$PARAMS"
     82 for f in "$@"; do
     83   destname="${f##*/}"
     84   ctr=0; while [ -e "$TRASHDIR/$destname" ]; do destname="${f##*/}.$ctr"; ctr=$((ctr+1)); done
     85   [ -e "$f" ] && mv "$f" "${TRASHDIR:?}/$destname" && printf "Trashed %s\n" "$f"
     86 done