
My personal shell configs and stuff
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track (1813B)

      1 #!/usr/bin/env bash
      2 PARAMS=""
      4 calc_values() {
      5   [ -f /tmp/timetrackfile ] || { echo "No trackfile." && exit 1; }
      6   start_time_s=$(cat /tmp/timetrackfile && rm /tmp/timetrackfile)
      7   end_time_s=$(date +%s)
      8   duration_s=$((end_time_s - start_time_s))
      9   start_fmt=$(date -r "$start_time_s" +%H:%M)
     10   end_fmt=$(date -r "$end_time_s" +%H:%M)
     11   hours=$((duration_s / 3600))
     12   minutes=$(((duration_s % 3600)/60))
     13   duration_fmt="$(printf "%02d" $hours):$(printf "%02d" $minutes)"
     14 }
     15 print_duration() {
     16   echo "Complete."
     17   echo "Start: $start_fmt"
     18   echo "End: $end_fmt"
     19   echo "Duration: $duration_s sec, $duration_fmt"
     20   echo "$(date +%d-%m-%Y),$start_fmt,$end_fmt,$duration_fmt"
     21 }
     23 while (( "$#" )); do
     24   case "$1" in
     25     -a|--append)
     26       append=1
     27       shift
     28       ;;
     29     -o|--output)
     30       outfile="$2"
     31       shift 2
     32       ;;
     33     -h|--help)
     34       echo "Usage:"
     35       echo "track                             start tracking"
     36       echo "track stop [-a] [-o outfile]      stop tracking, -o to specify an output file, -a to append"
     37       exit 0
     38       ;;
     39     --) # end arg parsing
     40       shift
     41       break
     42       ;;
     43     -*) # unsupported flags
     44       echo "Unsupported flag $1" >&2
     45       exit 1
     46       ;;
     47     *) # preserve positional arguments
     48       PARAMS="$PARAMS $1"
     49       shift
     50       ;;
     51   esac
     52 done
     53 eval set -- "$PARAMS"
     55 if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
     56   date +%s > /tmp/timetrackfile
     57   echo "Tracking time."
     58 elif [ "$1" = "status" ] || [ "$1" = "s" ]; then
     59   if [ -f /tmp/timetrackfile ]; then
     60     echo "Tracking since $(date -r <(cat /tmp/timetrackfile))."
     61   else
     62     echo "Not tracking"
     63   fi
     64 elif [ "$1" = "stop" ]; then
     65   calc_values
     67   if [ -z "$outfile" ]; then
     68     print_duration
     69   else
     70     if [ "$append" = 1 ]; then
     71       print_duration | tee -a "$outfile"
     72     else
     73       print_duration | tee "$outfile"
     74     fi
     75   fi
     76 fi