
My personal shell configs and stuff
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sync_phone_music (1916B)

      1 #!/usr/bin/env bash
      2 if ! command -v adb-sync &>/dev/null; then
      3   echo "adb-sync not installed." >&2
      4   exit 1
      5 fi
      6 if ! command -v adb &>/dev/null; then
      7   echo "adb not installed." >&2
      8   exit 1
      9 fi
     12 do_sync() {
     13   adb-sync -d "$@"
     14   # Used to use this, keeping for posterity:
     15   #   rsync -uhamP --iconv=utf-8-mac,utf-8 --delete --stats  "$@"
     16   #   This guy saved me:
     17   #   "one should always use `--iconv=utf-8-mac,utf-8` when initialising the rsync
     18   #     from the mac, and always use `--iconv=utf-8,utf-8-mac` when initialising the
     19   #     rsync from the linux machine, no matter if I want to sync files from the mac
     20   #     or linux machine."
     21 }
     22 die() {
     23   echo "$1" >&2
     24   exit 1
     25 }
     27 PHONE_DIR="/storage/5D6D-E047/Music"
     28 MUSIC_DIR="${MUSIC_DIR:-$HOME/Music}"
     30 [ -d "$MUSIC_DIR" ] || die "Music dir not present, expected at $MUSIC_DIR"
     31 [ -n "$(adb devices | grep device$)" ] || die "Phone not connected."
     33 PARAMS=""
     34 while [ $(($#)) -ne 0 ]; do
     35   case "$1" in
     36     -y)
     37       skip_dry_run=1
     38       shift
     39       ;;
     41     -h|--help)
     42       echo "Pass -y to skip dry run."
     43       exit 0
     44       ;;
     45     --) # end arg parsing
     46       shift
     47       break
     48       ;;
     49     -*) # unsupported flags
     50       echo "Unsupported flag $1" >&2
     51       exit 1
     52       ;;
     53     *) # preserve positional arguments
     54       PARAMS="$PARAMS $1"
     55       shift
     56       ;;
     57   esac
     58 done
     59 eval set -- "$PARAMS"
     60 # Piping directly didn't work for some reason, less wouldn't page it
     61 if [ -z "$skip_dry_run" ]; then
     62   outfile=$(mktemp)
     63   trap "rm $outfile" INT TERM EXIT
     64   echo "Calculating differences..."
     65   { do_sync "$MUSIC_DIR"/ "$PHONE_DIR" --dry-run; } &> "$outfile"
     66     less -fR "$outfile" && rm "$outfile"
     67     trap - INT TERM EXIT
     69     read -rp "Execute? [Y/n]" -n 1 -s conf
     70     echo
     72     case "$conf" in
     73       Y|y) do_sync "$MUSIC_DIR"/ "$PHONE_DIR";;
     74       *) die "User cancelled.";;
     75     esac
     76   else
     77     do_sync "$MUSIC_DIR"/ "$PHONE_DIR"
     78 fi