
My personal shell configs and stuff
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setbg (7795B)

      1 #!/bin/sh
      2 # Set some variables
      3 BACKGROUNDS_LIGHT="/Volumes/HDD/Pictures/Backgrounds/light"
      4 BACKGROUNDS_DARK="/Volumes/HDD/Pictures/Backgrounds/dark"
      5 BACKGROUNDS_DEST_DIR="$HOME/Pictures/Backgrounds"
      6 ORIGINALS_DIR_NAME="originals" # where originals are stored after resizing
      7 SCREEN_RESOLUTION='1440/900'
      8 SCREEN_ASPECT_RATIO='16:10' # == 1440x900
      9 SCREEN_ASPECT_RATIO_FLOAT="$(printf '%s\n' "$SCREEN_RESOLUTION" | bc -l)"
     11 die() { printf '%s\n' "$1" >&2 && exit 1; }
     13 checkdeps() {
     14   for com in "$@"; do
     15     command -v "$com" >/dev/null 2>&1 \
     16       || { printf '%s required but not found.\n' "$com" >&2 && exit 1; }
     17   done
     18 }
     19 checkdeps sxiv wal identify convert
     21 # Parse command line flags
     22 while [ $(($#)) -ne 0 ]; do
     23   case "$1" in
     24     -d|--dark)
     25       dark=1
     26       break
     27       ;;
     28     -l|--light)
     29       light=1
     30       break
     31       ;;
     32     -h|--help)
     33       echo "Usage:"
     34       echo "setbg [-d | -l | -h]"
     35       exit 0
     36       ;;
     37     -*) # unsupported flags
     38       echo "Unsupported flag $1" >&2
     39       exit 1
     40       ;;
     41   esac
     42 done
     44 # Set variables/flags for light/dark image
     45 if [ -n "$light" ]; then
     46   img_dir="$BACKGROUNDS_LIGHT"
     47   walflags='-l --saturate 0.8'
     48 elif [ -n "$dark" ]; then
     49   img_dir="$BACKGROUNDS_DARK"
     50   walflags=''
     51 else
     52   die 'Need to choose light (-l) or dark (-d)'
     53 fi
     55 # Choose an image
     56 imgpath="$(find "$img_dir" -type f -maxdepth 1 -exec stat -f "%SB %N" -t '%s' {} \; | sort -rn | cut -d' ' -f2- | sxiv -io | head -n 1)"
     57 [ -z "$imgpath" ] && die 'Nothing selected, quitting.'
     58 [ -f "$imgpath" ] || die "$imgpath does not exist or is not readable."
     60 printf 'Using %s\n' "$imgpath"
     62 # Get just the image name
     63 imgname="${imgpath##*/}"
     65 # Get the format, width, height
     66 fwh="$(identify -format "%m:%w:%h" "$imgpath")"
     67 printf 'Identified as %s\n' "$fwh"
     68 w="$(printf %s "$fwh" | cut -d: -f2)"
     69 h="$(printf %s "$fwh" | cut -d: -f3)"
     71 # Calculate the aspect ratio
     72 img_aspect_ratio="$(printf '%s/%s\n' "$w" "$h" | bc -l)"
     73 printf 'Aspect ratio %s\n' "$img_aspect_ratio"
     75 # Set the extension according to the format
     76 fmt="$(printf %s "$fwh" | cut -d: -f1)"
     77 case "$fmt" in
     78   JPEG) imgext='jpg';;
     79   PNG) imgext='png';;
     80   *) die "Unsupported image extension in $imgpath!"
     81 esac
     83 # Compare two aspect ratios (floats) via bc(1)
     84 # will be 1 if equal, 0 if not
     85 is_equal_aspect_ratio="$(printf '%s == %s\n' "$img_aspect_ratio" "$SCREEN_ASPECT_RATIO_FLOAT" | bc -l)"
     87 # If the aspect ratio is different, change the aspect ratio of the image and
     88 # back up the original
     89 if [ "$is_equal_aspect_ratio" -eq 0 ]; then
     90   printf 'Resizing to %s aspect ratio\n' "$SCREEN_ASPECT_RATIO"
     91   mkdir -p "$img_dir/$ORIGINALS_DIR_NAME" 2>/dev/null
     92   [ -f "$img_dir/$ORIGINALS_DIR_NAME/$imgname" ] \
     93     && rm "$img_dir/$imgname" \
     94     && mv "$img_dir/$ORIGINALS_DIR_NAME/$imgname"  "$img_dir/$imgname"
     96   printf 'convert %s -> %s/%s.%s\n' "$imgpath" "$img_dir" "$imgname" "$$"
     97   convert "$imgpath" -resize "$SCREEN_ASPECT_RATIO" "$img_dir/$imgname.$$"
     98   printf '%s -> %s/%s/\n' "$imgpath" "$img_dir" "$ORIGINALS_DIR_NAME"
     99   mv "$imgpath" "$img_dir/$ORIGINALS_DIR_NAME/"
    100   printf '%s/%s.%s -> %s/%s\n' "$img_dir" "$imgname" "$$" "$img_dir" "$imgname"
    101   mv "$img_dir/$imgname.$$" "$img_dir/$imgname"
    102   touch -r "$img_dir/$ORIGINALS_DIR_NAME/$imgname" "$img_dir/$imgname" # modify file times for proper sorting
    103 fi
    105 # Copy the image to some pre-defined location
    106 if [ -n "$light" ]; then
    107   targetname="$BACKGROUNDS_DEST_DIR/light.$imgext"
    108 else
    109   targetname="$BACKGROUNDS_DEST_DIR/dark.$imgext"
    110 fi
    112 mkdir -p "$(dirname "$targetname")" 2>/dev/null
    113 printf "copying %s -> %s\n" "$imgpath" "$targetname"
    114 cp -f "$imgpath" "$targetname"
    116 # Set the background
    117 wal -c
    118 # I want to word split here
    119 # shellcheck disable=SC2086
    120 wal $walflags -i "$(realpath "$targetname")"
    122 # If on macOS and using Alacritty, gotta do something extra to set terminal colors.
    123 # Generated light and dark color schemes will be under the name 'light' and 'dark'
    124 #   in the Alacritty config file.
    125 # 1. Find the config file.
    126 # 2. Remove the existing generated theme.
    127 # 3. Write the new colors.
    128 os=$(uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
    129 case "$os" in
    130   darwin*)
    131     # Logfile defined probably means we're using alacritty
    132     if [ -n "$ALACRITTY_LOG" ]; then
    133       # Choose the scheme name we're changing
    134       if [ -n "$light" ]; then scheme_name="light"
    135       else scheme_name="dark"; fi
    137       # Wal generates a shell script that defines color0..color15
    138       SRC="$HOME"/.cache/wal/
    140       [ -e "$SRC" ] || die "Wal colors not found, exiting script. Have you executed Wal before?"
    141       printf "Colors found, source ready.\n"
    143       READLINK=$( command -v greadlink || command -v readlink )
    145       # Get config file
    146       # Default config path in Mac systems
    147       DEFAULT_MACOS_CONFIG="$HOME"/.config/alacritty/alacritty.yml
    148       [ -e "$DEFAULT_MACOS_CONFIG" ] || die "Alacritty config not found, exiting script."
    150       [ -L "$DEFAULT_MACOS_CONFIG" ] && {
    151         printf "Following symlink to config...\n"
    152         CFG=$($READLINK -f "$DEFAULT_MACOS_CONFIG")
    153       }
    154       [ -f "$CFG" ] || die "$CFG does not exist or not readable."
    156       # Get hex colors from Wal cache
    157       # No need for shellcheck to check this, it comes from pywal
    158       # shellcheck disable=SC1090
    159       . "$SRC"
    161       # Create temp file for sed results
    162       tempfile=$(mktemp)
    163       trap 'rm $tempfile' INT TERM EXIT
    165       # Delete existing color declarations generated by this script
    166       # That means, everything from '$scheme_name: &${scheme_name}' (indendented by 4 spaces) to the next potential scheme definition (indented by 4 spaces),
    167       #   deleting everything that starts with 8 spaces (the next level of indentation).
    168       # Yes, this is currently very dependant on the file's indentation. Which is bad.
    169       # If the scheme definition exists, delete it
    170       if grep -q "$scheme_name: &${scheme_name}" "$CFG"; then
    171         sed <"$CFG" "/^\( \{4\}\)${scheme_name}: &${scheme_name}/,/^ \{4\}[a-z]*: &[a-z]*\$/ { /^ \{8,\}/d; }" > "$tempfile" \
    172           && cat "$tempfile" > "$CFG"
    173       # If it doesn't:
    174       else
    175         printf "There's no existing 'generated' colors, adding...\n";
    176         # If a 'schemes' declaration exists, place this scheme declaration under it
    177         if grep -q "schemes:" "$CFG"; then
    178           sed '/schemes:/r /dev/stdin' "$CFG" > "$tempfile" <<EOF
    179     $scheme_name: &$scheme_name
    180 EOF
    181           cat "$tempfile" > "$CFG"
    182         # If not, create the full schemes declaration
    183         else
    184           cat "$CFG" - >"$tempfile" <<EOF
    185 schemes:
    186     $scheme_name: &$scheme_name
    187 EOF
    188           cat "$tempfile" > "$CFG"
    189         fi
    190       fi
    192       # Write new color definitions
    193       # We know $colorX is unset, we set it by sourcing pywal results above, so no need to shellcheck
    194       # shellcheck disable=SC2154
    195       { sed "/^ \{4\}$scheme_name/ r /dev/stdin" "$CFG" > "$tempfile" <<EOF
    196         primary:
    197           background: '$color0'
    198           foreground: '$color7'
    199         cursor:
    200           text:       '$color0'
    201           cursor:     '$color7'
    202         normal:
    203           black:      '$color0'
    204           red:        '$color1'
    205           green:      '$color2'
    206           yellow:     '$color3'
    207           blue:       '$color4'
    208           magenta:    '$color5'
    209           cyan:       '$color6'
    210           white:      '$color7'
    211         bright:
    212           black:      '$color8'
    213           red:        '$color9'
    214           green:      '$color10'
    215           yellow:     '$color11'
    216           blue:       '$color12'
    217           magenta:    '$color13'
    218           cyan:       '$color14'
    219           white:      '$color15'
    220 EOF
    221       } && sed "/^colors: /c\\
    222 colors: *${scheme_name}" "$tempfile" > "$CFG" \
    223         && rm "$tempfile"
    224       trap - INT TERM EXIT
    225       printf "'%s' exported to '%s'\n" "$SRC" "$CFG"
    226     fi
    227     ;;
    228 esac