
My personal shell configs and stuff
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play (3460B)

      1 #!/usr/bin/env bash
      3 rootdir="$MUSIC_DIR"
      4 mpv_options="--no-video --really-quiet --volume=50"
      5 mpv_options_vis="--no-video --really-quiet --volume=50 --script=$HOME/.config/mpv/visualizer.lua -vo caca"
      6 mpv_options_noart="--no-video --volume=50"
      8 play_track() {
      9    trap '' INT
     10    vis=0
     11    if [ -z "$2" ]; then
     12       vis=1
     13    fi
     14    if [[ "$1" == "all" ]]; then
     15       track=$(ls|sort -n|head -1)
     16       echo "$track"
     17       ffmpeg -i "$track" art.jpg &>/dev/null
     19       if [ -e "art.jpg" ] && [ $vis -eq 1 ]; then
     20          im2a art.jpg -T
     21          mpv "$(pwd)" $mpv_options
     22          rm art.jpg
     23       elif [ $vis -eq 1 ]; then
     24          mpv "$(pwd)" $mpv_options_vis
     25       else
     26          clear
     27          mpv "$(pwd)" $mpv_options_noart
     28       fi
     29    else
     30       if [ ! -e "$1" ]; then
     31          echo "File does not exist: $1"
     32       else
     33          ffmpeg -i "$1" art.jpg &>/dev/null 
     34          if [ -e "art.jpg" ] && [ $vis -eq 1 ] ; then
     35             im2a art.jpg -T
     36             mpv "$(pwd)/$1" $mpv_options
     37             rm art.jpg
     38          elif [ $vis -eq 1 ]; then
     39             mpv "$(pwd)/$1" $mpv_options_vis
     40          else
     41             clear
     42             mpv "$(pwd)/$1" $mpv_options_noart
     43          fi
     44       fi
     45    fi
     46    trap clean_up INT
     47    clear
     48 }
     49 read_letter() {
     50    read -sn 1 -p "Continue? [Y/n]" CONF
     51 }
     52 clean_up() {
     53    trap - INT
     54    clear
     55    exit 0
     56 }
     58 init_check() {
     59    deps=(ffmpeg mpv im2a)
     60    for dep in ${deps[@]}; do
     61       if ! command -v $dep &>/dev/null; then
     62          echo "Please install $dep."
     63          exit 1
     64       fi
     65    done
     66 }
     68 init_check
     69 cd "$rootdir"
     70 trap clean_up INT
     71 clear
     72 echo "Music Player v1"
     73 while :; do
     74    read -e -p "> " -a INPUT
     75    CMD=${INPUT[0]}
     76    ARGS=("${INPUT[@]:1}")
     77    case $CMD in
     78       "cd")
     79          if [ -z "$ARGS" ]; then
     80             echo "No directory provided."
     81          elif [[ "$ARGS" == "/" ]]; then
     82             cd "$rootdir"
     83          elif [ ! -d "$ARGS" ]; then
     84             echo "Directory does not exist."
     85          else
     86             pushd "$ARGS" &>/dev/null
     87             if [[ $(pwd) == $rootdir* ]]; then
     88                popd &>/dev/null
     89                cd "$ARGS"
     90             else
     91                echo "Cannot enter this directory."
     92                popd&>/dev/null
     93             fi
     94          fi
     95          ;;
     96       "play")
     97          if [ -z "$ARGS" ]; then
     98             echo "No file provided."
     99          else
    100             play_track "${ARGS[@]}"
    101          fi
    102          ;;
    103       "ls")
    104          if command -v less &> /dev/null; then
    105             ls -C | less
    106          elif command -v more &> /dev/null; then
    107             ls -C | more
    108          else
    109             ls -C
    110          fi
    111          ;;
    112       "pwd")
    113          dir=$(pwd)
    114          if [[ $dir == $rootdir ]]; then
    115             echo "/"
    116          else
    117             echo ${dir##$rootdir}
    118          fi
    119          ;;
    120       "q"|"quit")
    121          clean_up;;
    122       "help"|"h"|"?")
    123          echo "Commands:"
    124          echo "cd                                change to artist/album directory"
    125          echo "pwd                               print current directory"
    126          echo "ls                                list contents of current directory"
    127          echo "play all                          play everything in current directory"
    128          echo "play [file]                       play specific track"
    129          echo "play [all|file] [something]       disable visualiser/art"
    130          ;;
    131       *)
    132          echo "Command does not exist."
    133          echo "Type 'help' to show commands."
    134          ;;
    135    esac
    136 done