
My personal shell configs and stuff
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mdvl (20420B)

      1 #!/usr/bin/env python -Ss
      2 # coding: utf-8
      3 # Some systems do not accept shebang with args. Use python -Ss then.
      4 '''
      5 # Lightweight Simple Markdown Renderer for the Terminal
      7 ## Usage
      9     mdvl <markdown source | markdown file>
     10     cat <markdown file> | mdvl
     12 ## Config
     14 ```
     15 %s
     16 ```
     18 ### Colors
     20 ```
     21 %%s
     22 ```
     24 ## Debugging Parsing Errors
     26     export mdvl_debug=1
     28 See also
     30 '''
     31 __version__ = "2017.07.16.7" # count up for new pip versions
     32 __author__ = "Gunther Klessinger"
     34 from textwrap import fill
     35 from operator import setitem as set
     36 import re, os
     38 debug=os.environ.get('mdvl_debug')
     40 # check environ for value and cast into bools if necessary:
     41 _b = {'True': True, 'False': False}
     42 env = lambda k, d=None: _b.get(k, os.environ.get(k, d))
     44 # ----------------------------------------------------------------- Config Mgmt
     45 class Cfg:
     46     '''
     47     Base class for osenv and kw configurable instances.
     48     - We have defaults, overridable by environ keys, overridable by **kws
     49     - problem is that color codes should be givabable as ints - but on the
     50       terminal we usually have them as full ansi escape str.
     51       Thats why `get_val` is present and adapts for that in the Colors cls.
     52     '''
     53     _parms = None # our (relevant) keys and values
     55     def setup(self, kw):
     56         ''' find all our key value defaults and override with env and **kw'''
     57         self._parms = []
     58         kv = [(k, getattr(self, k))
     59               for k in dir(self) if not k.startswith('_')]
     60         self._parms = [(k, v) for k, v in kv if not hasattr(v, '__code__')]
     61         [setattr(self, k, self.get_val(k, v, kw)) for k, v in self._parms]
     63     def get_val(self, k, dflt, kw):
     64         try:
     65             return type(dflt)(kw.get(k, env(k, dflt)))
     66         except Exception as ex:
     67             # show reason clearer:
     68             raise Exception(
     69                     'Could not cast type %s - have %s %s %s %s' % (
     70                         type(dflt), k, dflt, kw, env(k, dflt)))
     73 class Colors(Cfg):
     74     '''
     75     Color namespae with efault color scheme (greenish).
     76     The 'C' in the main method.
     77     x_ -> x with ansi escapes in __init__, with env precedence
     78     '''
     79     O = '\x1B[0m'
     80     GRAY = 240
     81     CODE = 245
     82     L    = env('L', 66)
     83     H1   = env('I', 158)
     84     H2   = env('G', 115)
     85     H3   = env('M', 72)
     86     H4   = env('CODE', 66)
     87     emph = env('I', 158)
     88     ital = env('M', 72)
     90     def get_val(self, k, dflt, kw):
     91         # see Cfg for expl.
     92         v = kw.get(k, env(k, dflt))
     93         v = str(v)
     94         if '\x1B' in v:
     95             pass
     96         elif '[' in v:
     97             v = '\x1B' + v[2:]
     98         else:
     99             v = '\x1B[1;38;5;%sm' % v
    100         return v
    102     def H(s, lev):
    103         return getattr(s, 'H%s' % lev, s.L)
    106 class Facts(Cfg):
    107     ''' features config '''
    108     debug            = False
    109     term_width       = 80
    110     no_print         = False
    111     bq_mark          = '┃'
    112     code_mark        = '│'
    113     light_bg         = False
    114     no_smart_indent  = False
    115     horiz_rule       = '─'
    116     single_line_mode = False
    117     # left and right global indents:
    118     indent           = 0
    119     rindent          = 0
    120     width            = 0 # if set > 0 we set rindent accordingly
    121     header_numbering = 50 # -1: off, min number of lines to do autonumbering
    122     header_numb_level_min= 1  # min header level to show the numbers
    123     header_numb_level_max= 6  # max header level to show the numbers
    124     header_underlining = '*' # e.g. '*-' to underline H1 with *** and H2 with ---
    125     opts_tbl_start   = '-'
    126     opts_tbl_end     = ':'
    129     def __init__(f, md, **kw):
    130         # first check if the config contains color codes and set to C:
    131         # now overriding our defaults with kw then with env
    132         if md.split('\n', 1)[0] == md:
    133             f.single_line_mode = True
    134             f.indent = 0
    135         f.setup(kw)
    136         f.colr = Colors(); f.colr.setup(kw)
    138 # ------------------------------------------------ end config - begin rendering
    139 # helper funcs:
    140 def get_subseq_light_table_indent(l0):
    141     p = '**' if l0.startswith('**') else '*'
    142     keywrd, l1 = l0[2:].split(p, 1)
    143     keywrd = l0[:2] + keywrd + p
    144     l1 = l1
    145     offs = 1 if l1 and l1[0] == ' ' else 2
    146     return len(l0) - len(l1[offs:].lstrip()) - (2 * len(p))
    149 def block_quote_status(l, g):
    150     'blockquote'
    151     if not l.startswith('>'):
    152         return 0, l, ''
    153     _ = l.split(' ', 1)
    154     lev = len(_[0])
    155     g['max_bq_depth'] = max(lev, g['max_bq_depth'])
    156     return lev, _[1], _[0]
    159 h_rules_col = {'-': 'L', '_': 'H3', '*': 'H1'} # different colors
    160 list_markup = {'- ': ('\x03 ', 'L', '❖ '), '* ': ('\x04 ', 'H2', '▪ ')}
    161 h_rules     = '---', '___', '***'
    162 def _main(md, f):
    163     C, cur_colr = f.colr, 'cur_colr'
    164     cols = int(f.term_width)
    165     if f.width:
    166         f.rindent = cols - f.indent - f.width + f.rindent
    167     cols = cols - f.indent - f.rindent
    169     g = {} # glob parsing state (current color, code blocks)
    173     # ------------ line tools requiring facts instance, possible ctx g as well:
    174     def is_opts_tbl(l, b=f.opts_tbl_start, e=f.opts_tbl_end):
    175         fw = first_word(l)
    176         if fw and fw.startswith(b) and fw.endswith(e):
    177             return l.replace(fw, '*%s*' % fw[:-len(e)]), len(fw)
    178         return l, None
    180     def is_rule(l):
    181         if not l[:3] in h_rules:
    182             return
    183         ll = len(l)
    184         return True if l in (ll * '-', ll * '*', ll * '_') else False
    188     # Line Tools:
    189     first_word = lambda l: l.split(' ', 1)[0]
    190     is_header  = lambda l: l.startswith('#')
    191     is_list    = lambda l: l.lstrip()[:2] in list_markup
    192     is_empty   = lambda l: l.strip() == ''
    193     is_md_link = lambda l: l[0] == '[' and 'http' in l and ']' in l
    195     is_new_block = lambda l: (
    196                     is_header(l)       or
    197                     is_list(l)         or
    198                     is_opts_tbl(l)[1]  or
    199                     is_empty(l)        or
    200                     is_md_link(l)      or
    201                     l[0] in ('\x02', ) or
    202                     is_rule(l)
    203                     )
    204     # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    207     md = md.strip()
    209     # FENCED CODE BLOCKS:
    210     # we take them out before all parsing,see
    211     apo, apos = chr(96), chr(96) * 3 # chr 96 is backtick.
    212     _ = r'^({apos}[^\n]+)\n((?:[^{apo}]+\n{apo}{apo})+)'.format(apos=apos, apo=apo)
    213     fncd = re.compile(_, re.MULTILINE) # finds fenced code
    214     md = md.replace('\n~~~', apos) # alternative markup for fenced
    215     # remembering the blocks by their occurance number (len(g))
    216     [set(g, len(g), '\n'.join(m.groups()) + apo ) for m in fncd.finditer(md)]
    217     blocks = len(g)
    218     for i in range(blocks):
    219         md = md.replace(g[i], '\x02%s' % i)
    221     g['max_bq_depth'] = 0
    224     # LINESPROCESSOR:
    225     lines, out = md.splitlines(), []
    227     g['header_numbering'] = False
    228     if f.header_numbering > -1 and len(lines) > f.header_numbering:
    229         g['header_numbering'] = True
    230         g['header_level'] = {} # storing the current header numberings
    232     # remove boundary effects:
    233     lines.insert(0, '')
    234     lines.append('')
    236     while lines:
    238         line = lines.pop(0)
    239         if is_empty(line):
    240             out.append('')
    241             continue
    242         if debug:
    243             print('procesing: ', line)
    244         if is_rule(line):
    245             out.append(getattr(C, h_rules_col[line[0]])+ (cols * f.horiz_rule))
    246             continue
    248         cb = None # indentd code blocks:
    249         while line.startswith('    '):
    250             cb = cb or []
    251             cb.append(line[4:])
    252             line = lines.pop(0)
    253         if cb:
    254             if out[-1] == '':
    255                 out.pop()
    256             g[blocks] = '\n%s\n' % '\n'.join(cb)
    257             out.append('\x02%s' % blocks)
    258             blocks += 1
    259             lines.insert(0, line)
    260             continue
    262         ssi = None # subseq indent for textwrap
    264         # TEXTBLOCKS: Concat lines which must be wrapped:
    265         bqm = '' # blockquote mark. e.g. '>>'.
    266         bq_lev, line, bqm = block_quote_status(line, g)
    268         src_line_nr = 0
    270         # we derive the (static) opts table ssi for a new textblox:
    271         line, opts_tbl_ssi = is_opts_tbl(line)
    272         # now we find all other lines belonging to that text block and
    273         # concat (pop from lines) all of them:
    274         while ( lines and not line.endswith('  ')
    275                       and not is_header(line) ):
    277             src_line_nr += 1
    278             nl, l0 = lines[0], line.lstrip() # next line, this line
    280             bqnl = block_quote_status(nl, g)
    281             if bqnl[0] == bq_lev:
    282                 lines[0] = nl = bqnl[1] # remove redundant '>'
    284             elif bqnl[0] != bq_lev and bqnl[0] > 0:
    285                 break # next line different blockquote level -> new text block
    287             # finding subseq. indent for textwrap.fill:
    289             # Little md violation: If first word is starred, we set a ssi to
    290             # position: first line second word start.
    291             # Gives easy 2 col wrappable tables when first col is hilited.
    293             #if 'xyz' in line:
    294             #    import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    295             if ssi == None:
    296                 if is_list(l0):
    297                     # replace "- " and "* " with tags:
    298                     line = list_markup[l0[:2]][0] + l0[2:]
    299                     ssi = 2
    300                 elif opts_tbl_ssi:
    301                     ssi = opts_tbl_ssi
    302                 elif ( l0.startswith('*') and
    303                        not f.no_smart_indent and
    304                        src_line_nr == 1 ):
    305                     ssi = get_subseq_light_table_indent(l0)
    307             if is_new_block(nl):
    308                 # line is now one wrapable textblock
    309                 if bqnl[0]: # block quote new line
    310                     # adapt next line to parse:
    311                     lines[0] = (bqnl[2] + ' ') + lines[0]
    312                 break
    313             else:
    314                 line = line.rstrip() + ' ' + lines.pop(0).lstrip()
    316         ssi = 0 if ssi is None else ssi
    317         # lines are now blocks
    319         g[cur_colr] = C.O # reset color
    320         ind = len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
    321         if bqm:
    322             bqm += ' '
    323         line = bqm + line
    326         if is_header(line):
    327             cont = line.lstrip('#')
    328             level = len(line) - len(cont)
    329             line = cont.lstrip()
    331             u = getattr(f, 'header_underlining', '')
    332             if len(u) >= level:
    333                 lines.insert(0, 3 * u[level-1])
    335             if g['header_numbering']:
    336                 hl = g['header_level']
    337                 hl[level] = hl.get(level, 0) + 1
    338                 [set(hl, i, 0) for i in hl if i > level]
    339                 nr = '.'.join([str(hl[ll]) for ll in range(1, level + 1)])
    340                 if f.header_numb_level_max > level - 1:
    341                     if f.header_numb_level_min > 1:
    342                         nr = nr.split('.')[f.header_numb_level_min-1:]
    343                         nr = '.'.join(nr)
    344                     if nr:
    345                         line = nr + ' ' + line
    347             g[cur_colr] = C.H(level)
    349         # WRAP:
    350         if len(line) > cols:
    351             s = (bqm + ' ' *  (ind + ssi))
    352             line = fill(line, subsequent_indent=s, width=cols)
    353         if is_md_link(line):
    354             g[cur_colr] = C.GRAY
    355         out.append(g[cur_colr] + line)
    358     # --------------- Leaving line/block scanning, reWork complete document now
    359     g[cur_colr] = C.O
    360     out = '\n'.join(out)
    362     # INLINE MARKUP, *, **, backticks
    363     # Alternating replacements, e.g. code, emph. requires a first space char:
    364     altern = lambda s, c, r: re.sub(
    365             r'([^{c}]+){c}([^{c}]+){c}?'.format(c=c),
    366             r'\1%s\2%s' % (r, g[cur_colr]), ' ' + s)[1:] # removing space again
    368     # Star must be replaced, else the re would not work :((
    369     # currently no way to find single stars and not process them..
    370     out = out.replace('*', '\x01')
    371     out = altern(out, apo       , C.CODE) # code
    372     out = altern(out, '\x01\x01', C.emph) # **
    373     out = altern(out, '\x01'    , C.ital) # *
    375     # rearrange resets, to be *before* the line breaks, not after...
    376     out = out.replace('\n' + C.O, C.O + '\n')
    377     # ... so that we can look for blockquotes:
    378     for i in range(g['max_bq_depth'], 0, -1):
    379         # coloring, take header levels. bq_mark is "|":
    380         m = ''
    381         for j in range(1, i + 1):
    382             m += C.H(j) + f.bq_mark
    383         m += C.O
    384         out = out.replace('\n' + '>' * i, '\n' + m)
    386     # Insert back the stored code blocks:
    387     code_fmt = lambda c: c.replace('\n', '\n%s%s %s' % (C.L, f.code_mark, C.CODE)
    388                          ).rsplit('\n', 1)[0]
    389     for i in range(blocks):
    390         out = out.replace('\x02%s' % i,
    391                           '%s%s%s' % (C.CODE, code_fmt(g[i]), C.O))
    392     out = out.replace(apos + '\n', '') # before
    393     out = out.replace(apos, '')        # after
    395     for k, v in list_markup.items():
    396         out = out.replace(v[0], getattr(C, v[1]) + v[2] + C.O)
    398     out = strip_it(out, C.O)
    399     if not f.single_line_mode:
    400         out = '\n' + out + '\n'
    401     li, ri = f.indent * ' ', f.rindent * ' '
    402     if li or ri:
    403         out = li + out.replace('\n', '%s\n%s' % (ri, li))
    404     out += C.O # reset
    405     if not f.no_print:
    406         print (out)
    407     return out
    409 def strip_it(out, rst):
    410     'clumsy way to strip at start at end, including color resets'
    411     sc = {' ': 1, rst: len(rst), '\n': 1}
    412     while 1:
    413         m = False
    414         for k in sc:
    415             if out.startswith(k):
    416                 out = out[sc[k]:]
    417                 m = True
    418             if out.endswith(k):
    419                 out = out[:-sc[k]]
    420                 m = True
    421             if m:
    422                 break
    423         if not m:
    424             break
    425     return out
    428 def main(md, **kw):
    429     f = Facts(md, **kw)
    430     #return _main(md, f), f  # we also return to the client the config
    431     if debug or f.debug:
    432         return _main(md, f), f  # we also return to the client the config
    433     try:
    434         return _main(md, f), f  # we also return to the client the config
    435     except Exception as ex:
    436         print (md) # clear text
    437         print ('md error: %s %s ' % (f.colr.CODE, ex))
    439 def render(md, cols, **kw):
    440     kw['term_width'] = cols
    441     return main(md, **kw)[0]
    443 def get_help(cols, PY2):
    444     ff = Facts('\n', term_width=cols)
    445     md, C = __doc__, ff.colr
    446     for o in ff, C:
    447         mmd = ()
    448         for k, d in sorted(o._parms):
    449             v = getattr(o, k)
    450             if o == ff: # need the perceived len here:
    451                 v = C.H2 + (str(u'%5s' % str(v)) if PY2 else '%5s' % v) + C.O
    452             mmd += ('%s %s [%s]' % (v, k, d),)
    453         md = md % ('\n'.join(mmd))
    454     return md
    456 # allow to adapt $COLUMNS by setting $term_width:
    457 get_cols = lambda: (env('term_width')                      or
    458           os.popen('tput cols 2>/dev/null').read().strip() or '80' )
    460 def sys_main():
    461     import sys
    462     PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2
    463     if PY2:
    464         reload(sys); sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8')
    465     import os
    466     from stat import S_ISFIFO
    467     err = None
    468     try:
    469         cols = get_cols()
    470     except Exception as ex:
    471         err = str(ex)
    472         cols = 80
    473     if S_ISFIFO(os.fstat(0).st_mode): # pipe mode
    474         md =
    475     else:
    476         if not len(sys.argv) > 1 or '-h' in sys.argv:
    477             md = get_help(cols, PY2)
    478         else:
    479             md = sys.argv[1]
    480         if os.path.exists(md):
    481             with open(md) as fd:
    482                 md =
    483     if err:
    484         print(err)
    485         print md
    486     else:
    487         main(md, term_width=cols)
    489 # ==============================================  Script Formatters ===========
    491 def format_bash(dev_help, cols, lines, script, *args):
    492     '''
    493     Renders help for a bash script nicely, given it follows some conventions.
    495     These are:
    497     1. An `md_doc` function is required, returning general docu as markdown,
    498     containing the string "<auto_command_doc>"
    500     2. All public functions must be in this format:
    502         : 'optional doculines before...'
    503         function myfunc {
    504             : 'optional inner doculines (params...)'
    505             <code lines>
    506         }
    508     3. In the command parsing part then this: `show_help $sourced $0 $*`
    509     with that function elsewhere in your tools:
    511         show_help () {
    512             local sourced=$1; shift
    513             local dev_help=false
    514             test "${2:-}x" == "make_docx" && { md_doc; exit 0; }
    515             test "${@: -1}" == "-hh" 2>/dev/null && dev_help=true || {
    516                 test "${@: -1}" == "-h" 2>/dev/null || return 0
    517             }
    518             local cols=`stty size | cut -d ' ' -f 2`
    519             mdvl -f $dev_help $cols "$*"; $sourced && return 1 || exit
    520         }
    522     '''
    523     dev_help = True if str(dev_help) in ('True', 'true', '1') else False
    524     single_func_doc=False; l = lines; funcs = []
    525     start = ": '"
    526     is_func     = lambda l: l.startswith('function ')
    527     is_cmt_end  = lambda l: l.rstrip().endswith("'")
    528     is_cmt_start= lambda l: l.lstrip().startswith(start)
    530     def clean(s, head_sub):
    531         s = s.strip()
    532         s = s[len(start):] if s.startswith(start) else s
    533         s = s[:-1] if s.endswith("'") else s
    534         s = (('\n' + s).replace('\n#', '\n%s#' % head_sub))[1:]
    535         return s
    537     def render_func(m, single_func_doc):
    538         fn = m.keys()[0]
    539         hf, hs = ('# `Function` **%s**', '##') if single_func_doc else (
    540                   '### %s', '###')
    541         nr, pre, post, code = m.values()[0]
    542         md = [hf % fn]
    543         pre and md.append(clean('\n'.join(pre), hs))
    544         post and md.append(clean('\n'.join(post), hs))
    545         if code:
    546             code = '\n'.join(code)
    547             if post or pre:
    548                 md.append('')
    549             md.append(code)
    550             md.extend(['---', ''])
    551         md = '\n'.join(md)
    552         return md
    554     fm = {}
    555     for i in range(len(l)):
    556         if is_func(l[i]):
    557             fn = (l[i] + ' ').split(' ', 2)[1]
    558             funcs.append({fn: [i, [], [], []]})
    559             fm[fn] = len(funcs) - 1
    561     if not '-h' in args[0]:
    562         match = args[0]
    563         f = []
    564         for m in funcs:
    565             if match in m.keys()[0]:
    566                 f.append(m)
    567         if f:
    568             funcs = f
    569             single_func_doc = True
    571     for m in funcs:
    572         nr, pre, post, code = m.values()[0]
    573         # pre:
    574         if is_cmt_end(l[nr-1]):
    575             i = nr
    576             while True:
    577                 i = i -1
    578                 pre.insert(0, l[i])
    579                 if is_cmt_start(l[i]):
    580                     break
    581                 if i > 1 and l[i-1].rstrip().endswith('}'):
    582                     pre = [] # err
    583                     break
    585         # post:
    586         i = nr
    587         if is_cmt_start(l[nr + 1]):
    588             while True:
    589                 i += 1
    590                 post.append(l[i][4:])
    591                 if is_cmt_end(l[i]) and not l[i].strip() == start:
    592                     break
    593                 if l[i+1].rstrip().endswith('}'):
    594                     post = []; i = nr # err
    595                     break
    596         if dev_help:
    597             i += 1
    598             while True:
    599                 if l[i].strip() == '}':
    600                     break
    601                 code.append(l[i])
    602                 i += 1
    604     Facts.indent = 0
    605     if single_func_doc:
    606         for m in funcs:
    607             md = render_func(m, single_func_doc)
    608             main(md, term_width=cols)
    609             print
    610         return
    612     # now the full doc. convention is to call with make_doc arg:
    613     Facts.no_print = True
    614     Facts.header_numbering = 10
    615     Facts.header_numb_level_min = 2
    616     Facts.header_numb_level_max = 2
    618     full = os.popen(script.split(' ')[0] + ' make_doc').read()
    619     acd = '<auto_command_doc>'
    620     full = full.replace(acd, '## Commands\n\n' + acd)
    621     md = main(full, term_width=cols)[0]
    623     Facts.header_numbering = -1
    624     rfuncs, sep = '', '\n\n'
    625     if dev_help:
    626         sep = ''
    627     for m in funcs:
    628         rfuncs = rfuncs + sep + render_func(m, single_func_doc)
    629     mdf = main(rfuncs, term_width=cols)[0]
    630     print(md.replace(acd, mdf))
    635 def format_file(dev_help, cols, fn, *args):
    636     if not os.path.exists(fn):
    637         raise Exception('Not found' + fn)
    638     with open(fn) as fd:
    639         lines =
    640     if 'bash' in lines[0]:
    641         format_bash(dev_help, cols, lines, fn, *args)
    642     else:
    643         raise Exception('Not supported format')
    645 if __name__ == '__main__':
    646     import os, sys
    647     if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == '-f':
    648         format_file(*sys.argv[2:])
    649     else:
    650         sys_main()