
My personal shell configs and stuff
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it-style (6966B)

      1 #!/usr/bin/env bash
      2 # Set a track's genre in iTunes from Discogs.
      3 # No longer updated, I stopped using iTunes.
      5 oldifs="$IFS"
      6 console=0
      7 print_help() {
      8     echo "Options: "
      9     echo "-p	Currently playing in iTunes"
     10     echo "-s	Selected in iTunes"
     11     echo "-c	Console mode, supply a file and use eyeD3"
     12     echo "-h	Print this help text"
     13 }
     14 if [[ $(uname -s) != "Darwin" ]]; then
     15     if [ $1 != "-c" ]; then
     16 	echo "You're not on a Mac, so this will only work with the '-c' switch (since Applescript is needed to be able to control iTunes)."
     17 	exit 1
     18     fi
     19 fi
     20 while :; do
     21     if [ $# -ne 0 ]; then
     22 	case $1 in
     23 	    "-p")
     24 		artist=$(osascript -e "tell application \"iTunes\" to return artist of current track");
     25 		album=$(osascript -e "tell application \"iTunes\" to return album of current track");
     26 		name=$(osascript -e "tell application \"iTunes\" to return name of current track");
     27 		;;
     28 	    "-s")
     29 		artist=$(osascript -e "tell application \"iTunes\" to return artist of selection");
     30 		album=$(osascript -e "tell application \"iTunes\" to return album of selection");
     31 		name=$(osascript -e "tell application \"iTunes\" to return name of selection");
     32 		;;
     33 	    "-c")
     34 		if ! command -v eyed3 &> /dev/null; then echo "Please install eyeD3." && exit 1; fi
     35 		if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then echo "Filename required." && exit 1; fi
     36 		if ! [ -f "$2" ]; then echo "File $2 does not exist." && exit 1; fi
     37 		artist=$(eyed3 "$2" 2>/dev/null | grep artist | cut -d: -f2- | sed 's/^ *//g')
     38 		name=$(eyed3 "$2" 2>/dev/null | grep title | cut -d: -f2- | sed 's/^ *//g')
     39 		album=$(eyed3 "$2" 2>/dev/null | grep album | cut -d: -f2- | sed 's/^ *//g')
     40 		console=1
     41 		;;
     42 	    "-h")
     43 	    	print_help
     44 	    	exit 0
     45 		;;
     46 	    *)
     47 	    	echo "Unsupported argument."
     48 	    	exit 1
     49 		;;
     50 	esac
     51     else
     52 	echo "Which track?"
     53 	select sc in "Selected" "Playing"; do
     54 	    case $sc in
     55 		Selected)
     56 		    artist=$(osascript -e "tell application \"iTunes\" to return artist of selection");
     57 		    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "No selection." && continue; fi
     58 		    album=$(osascript -e "tell application \"iTunes\" to return album of selection");
     59 		    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "No selection." && continue; fi
     60 		    name=$(osascript -e "tell application \"iTunes\" to return name of selection");
     61 		    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "No selection." && continue; fi
     62 		    break;;
     63 		Playing)
     64 		    artist=$(osascript -e "tell application \"iTunes\" to return artist of current track");
     65 		    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "No track playing." && continue; fi
     66 		    album=$(osascript -e "tell application \"iTunes\" to return album of current track");
     67 		    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "No track playing." && continue; fi
     68 		    name=$(osascript -e "tell application \"iTunes\" to return name of current track");
     69 		    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "No track playing." && continue; fi
     70 		    break;;
     71 	    esac
     72 	done
     73 	if [ -z "$sc" ]; then continue; fi
     74     fi
     76     if [ -z "$album" ]; then
     77 	# If there's no album, query without an album
     78 	search_url=""$(sed -e 's/ /%20/g' -e 's/&/%26/g' <<< "${artist%%feat*} $name")
     79 	echo "Querying: \"$artist $name\" ($search_url)"
     80 	response=$(ruby $DOTFILES/scripts/discogs -g "${artist%%feat*}" "$name");
     81     else
     82 	# Otherwise, add the album to query for precision
     83 	search_url=""$(sed -e 's/ /%20/g' -e 's/&/%26/g' <<< "${artist%%feat*} $album")
     84 	echo "Querying: \"$artist $album $name\" ($search_url)"
     85 	response=$(ruby $DOTFILES/scripts/discogs -g "${artist%%feat*}" "$album");
     86     fi
     88     # Remove brackets from the Ruby array
     89     response=$(sed -e 's/^\[//' -e 's/\]$//' <<< "$response")
     91     # Read the response into a bash array (genres, styles, url)
     92     IFS=',' read -ra response <<< "${response}"; unset IFS
     94     # Create a bash array from the genres, stripping quotes
     95     IFS='~' read -ra genre <<< "${response[0]//\"/}"; unset IFS
     96     genre=$(sed -e 's/^ //' <<< $genre)
     98     # Create a bash array from the styles, stripping quotes
     99     # potential regex to surround each style in quotes: 's/\([^~]*\)/"\1"/g'
    101     IFS='~' read -ra style <<< "${response[1]//\"/}"; unset IFS
    102     style=$(sed -e 's/^ //' <<< $style)
    104     # Save the url as a string, stripping quotes (and remove the brackets entered by Ruby)
    105     url=$(sed -e 's/^ *\[//' -e 's/\]$//' <<<${response[2]//\"/})
    107     # If there's no url, there's no result
    108     if [ -z "$url" ]; then
    109 	echo -e "\nNot found.\n"
    110 	echo "Please enter the genre string (format \"Genre/Style\"):"
    111 	read finalg
    112 	finals=""
    113     else
    114 	IFS="$oldifs"
    116 	# Give the user the source information
    117 	echo "URL: $url"
    118 	echo "You're changing the album \"$album\" by \"$artist\""
    119 	printf '\n'
    121 	# Select menu for genre
    122 	echo "Genre options:"
    123 	printf '%s\n' "${genre[@]}"
    124 	printf "\nWould you like to use one of these?\n"
    125 	select yn in "Yes" "No"; do
    126 	    case $yn in
    127 		Yes)
    128 		    select opt in "${genre[@]}"; do
    129 			case $opt in
    130 			    *)
    131 				finalg=$(sed -e 's/"//g' <<< $opt)
    132 				if [[ $finalg = "Hip Hop" ]]; then finalg="Hip-Hop"; fi	# consistency
    133 				break;;
    134 			esac
    135 		    done
    136 		    break;;
    137 		No)
    138 		    echo "Write your own then:"
    139 		    read finalg
    140 		    if [[ $finalg = "Hip Hop" ]]; then finalg="Hip-Hop"; fi			# consistency
    141 		    if [[ $finalg = "Post-Rock" ]]; then finalg="Post Rock"; fi		# consistency
    142 		    break;;
    143 	    esac
    144 	done
    146 	# Select menu for style
    147 	if [ -z "$style" ]; then
    148 	    echo "No style from Discogs."
    149 	    echo "Write your own:"
    150 	    read finals
    151 	    finals="/$finals"
    152 	else
    153 	    echo "Style options:"
    154 	    printf '%s\n' "${style[@]}"
    155 	    printf "\nWould you like to use one of these?\n"
    156 	    select yn in "Yes" "No" "None needed"; do
    157 		case $yn in
    158 		    Yes)
    159 			select opt in "${style[@]}"; do
    160 			    case $opt in
    161 				*)
    162 				    # Add a forward slash at start, remove extra spaces,
    163 				    # also remove repetitions in genre/style like "Rock/Alternative Rock"
    164 				    finals="/"$(echo $opt | cut -d ' ' -f1- | sed -e "s/\"//g" -e "s/ *$finalg *//")
    165 				    break;;
    166 			    esac
    167 			done
    168 			break;;
    169 		    No)
    170 			echo "Write your own then:"
    171 			read finals
    172 			finals="/$finals"
    173 			break;;
    174 		    "None needed")
    175 			finals=""
    176 			break;;
    177 		esac
    178 	    done
    179 	fi
    181     fi
    183     if ! [ -z "$finalg$finals" ]; then
    184 	# Finally, write the info to the iTunes track (AppleScript)
    185 	# If there's an album, change the genre of the whole album
    186 	if [ $console -eq 1 ]; then
    187 	    eyed3 -G "$finalg$finals" "$2" &> /dev/null
    188 	else
    189 	    if [ -z "$album" ]; then
    190 		osascript -e "tell application \"iTunes\" to set the genre of every track whose name is \"$name\" and artist is \"${artist}\" to \"$finalg$finals\"" > /dev/null
    191 		# Otherwise, just change the genre of that one track
    192 	    else
    193 		osascript -e "tell application \"iTunes\" to set the genre of every track whose album is \"$album\" and artist is \"${artist}\" to \"$finalg$finals\"" > /dev/null
    194 	    fi
    195 	fi
    196 	# ...and give a status message.
    197 	printf "\nGenre set to: $finalg$finals\n"
    198     fi
    199     if [ $console -eq 1 ]; then exit 0; fi
    200 done