
My personal shell configs and stuff
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import-to-music-library (2443B)

      1 #!/bin/sh
      2 # Meant to be used with mpd and mpc.
      3 # Import everything in the current folder to $MUSIC_DIR. Then update the
      4 # recently added playlist in $MUSIC_DIR, and run an mpd database update.
      5 die() { printf '%s\n' "$1" >&2 && exit 1; }
      6 checkdeps() {
      7   for com in "$@"; do
      8     command -v "$com" >/dev/null 2>&1 \
      9       || { printf '%s required but not found.\n' "$com" >&2 && exit 1; }
     10   done
     11 }
     12 checkdeps rsync mpc
     14 # Check necessary variables
     15 [ -z "$XDG_DATA_HOME" ] && die 'XDG_DATA_HOME not set.'
     16 MPD_LOGFILE="$XDG_DATA_HOME"/mpd/mpd.log
     17 [ -f "$MPD_LOGFILE" ] || die "$MPD_LOGFILE does not exist or is not a readable file."
     18 [ -z "$MUSIC_DIR" ] && die 'MUSIC_DIR not set.'
     19 [ -d "$MUSIC_DIR" ] || die "$MUSIC_DIR does not exist or is not a readable directory."
     21 # Sync current dir into music dir, (u)pdated only, (r)ecursively, (p)reserve
     22 #   permissions, info about whole transfer, delete originals
     23 printf "Moving files into library...\n"
     24 rsync -urp --info=progress2 --remove-source-files ./ "$MUSIC_DIR"/
     26 # Update the database, waiting for it to finish
     27 printf "Updating MPD database...\n"
     28 mpc -w update >/dev/null 2>&1
     30 # Update the recently added playlist:
     31 printf "Updating recently added playlist...\n"
     33 # Create a tempdir for the files
     34 tempdir="$(mktemp -d)"
     35 trap 'rm -r "$tempdir"' INT TERM EXIT
     37 # MPD logs all additions to the library, so extract from that.
     38 # Sort for use in comm (1)
     39 tac ~/.local/share/mpd/mpd.log \
     40   | awk -F 'added ' '/update: added/ { print $2 }' \
     41   | sort > "$tempdir"/sorted_newly_added.log
     43 # Get the current contents of the recently added playlist, without M3U metadata
     44 # Sort for use in comm (1)
     45 grep -v '^#' "$MUSIC_DIR"/recently-added.m3u > "$tempdir"/current_recently_added.m3u
     46 sort "$tempdir"/current_recently_added.m3u > "$tempdir"/sorted_recently_added.m3u
     48 # Find the lines that have been logged by MPD as added but are not yet in the recently added playlist
     49 #   via comm (1), excluding lines present only in file 2 (MPD logfile) and in both.
     50 # Then, add an M3U header, and concatenate with the current recently added playlist.
     51 # The result is: [M3U header, newly added tracks, rest of current recently added playlist]
     52 cat - "$tempdir"/current_recently_added.m3u \
     53   > "$MUSIC_DIR"/recently-added.m3u \
     54   <<PLAYLIST_END
     55 #EXTM3U
     56 #PLAYLIST:Recently Added
     57 $(comm -23 "$tempdir"/sorted_newly_added.log "$tempdir"/sorted_recently_added.m3u)
     60 # Untrap
     61 trap - INT TERM EXIT
     63 printf "Done!\n"