
My personal shell configs and stuff
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dwmblock-internet (1604B)

      1 #!/bin/sh
      2 # dwmblocks script for internet information
      3 # Show wifi 📶 and percent strength or 📡 if none.
      4 # Show 🌐 if connected to ethernet or ❎ if none.
      5 # Show 🔒 if a vpn connection is active
      7 # Interfaces:
      8 # (list with `nmcli --get-values GENERAL.DEVICE,GENERAL.TYPE device show`)
      9 wired=enxc84bd604a6e7
     10 wireless=wlp0s20f3
     11 # there's probably a way to change these but I'd have to know all files to update...
     13 case "$BUTTON" in
     14   1)
     15     pgrep -f nmtui || "$TERMINAL" -e nmtui
     16     pkill -RTMIN+5 dwmblocks ;;
     17   2) notify "Connected to $(/sbin/iwgetid -r)" '' ;;
     18   3) notify Wireless "Toggling wireless..."
     19     rfkill toggle wlan
     20     pkill -RTMIN+5 dwmblocks ;;
     21   6) "$TERMINAL" -e "$EDITOR" "$0" ;;
     22 esac
     24 case "$(cat /sys/class/net/$wireless/operstate 2>/dev/null)" in
     25   down)
     26     if rfkill list wlan | grep 'Soft blocked: no' >/dev/null 2>&1; then
     27       wifiicon="📡 "
     28     else
     29       wifiicon="📡🛑 "
     30     fi ;;
     31   up) wifiicon="$(awk -v pat="^\\\\s*$wireless" '$0 ~ pat { print "📶", int($3) "% " }' /proc/net/wireless)" ;;
     32   # might need to do some calculations if this doesn't match up with `iwconfig` link quality
     33   # up) wifiicon="$(awk '/^\s*e/ { print "📶", int($3 * 100 / 70) "% " }' /proc/net/wireless)" ;;
     34 esac
     36 ethicon="$(sed 's/down/❎/;s/up/🌐/' /sys/class/net/$wired/operstate 2>/dev/null)"
     37 if nmcli --terse device status | grep '^tun.*:connected' >/dev/null 2>&1; then
     38   vpnicon=' 🔒'
     39 else
     40   vpnicon=' '
     41 fi
     42 # vpnicon="$(sed 's/down/ /;s/up/🔒/;s/unknown/ /;' /sys/class/net/tun*/operstate 2>/dev/null)"
     44 printf "%s%s%s" "$wifiicon" "$ethicon" "$vpnicon"