
My personal shell configs and stuff
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it2check (2272B)

      1 #!/bin/bash
      2 # Make sure stdin and stdout are a tty.
      3 if [ ! -t 0 ] ; then
      4   exit 1
      5 fi
      6 if [ ! -t 1 ] ; then
      7   exit 1
      8 fi
     10 # Read some bytes from stdin. Pass the number of bytes to read as the first argument.
     11 function read_bytes()
     12 {
     13   numbytes=$1
     14   dd bs=1 count=$numbytes 2>/dev/null
     15 }
     17 function read_dsr() {
     18   # Reading response to DSR.
     19   dsr=""
     20   spam=$(read_bytes 2)
     21   byte=$(read_bytes 1)
     22   while [ "${byte}" != "n" ]; do
     23     dsr=${dsr}${byte}
     24     byte=$(read_bytes 1)
     25   done
     26   echo ${dsr}
     27 }
     29 # Extract the terminal name from DSR 1337
     30 function terminal {
     31   echo -n "$1" | sed -e 's/ .*//'
     32 }
     34 # Extract the version number from DSR 1337
     35 function version {
     36   echo -n "$1" | sed -e 's/.* //'
     37 }
     39 trap clean_up EXIT
     40 _STTY=$(stty -g)      ## Save current terminal setup
     42 function clean_up() {
     43   stty "$_STTY"            ## Restore terminal settings
     44 }
     46 # Enter raw mode and turn off echo so the terminal and I can chat quietly.
     47 stty -echo -icanon raw
     49 # Support for the extension first appears in this version of iTerm2:
     50 MIN_VERSION=2.9.20160304
     51 if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
     52   MIN_VERSION=$1
     53 fi
     55 # Send iTerm2-proprietary code. Other terminals ought to ignore it (but are
     56 # free to use it respectfully).  The response won't start with a 0 so we can
     57 # distinguish it from the response to DSR 5. It should contain the terminal's
     58 # name followed by a space followed by its version number and be terminated
     59 # with an n.
     60 echo -n ''
     62 # Report device status. Responds with esc [ 0 n. All terminals support this. We
     63 # do this because if the terminal will not respond to iTerm2's custom escape
     64 # sequence, we can still read from stdin without blocking indefinitely.
     65 echo -n ''
     67 version_string=$(read_dsr)
     68 if [ "${version_string}" != "0" -a "${version_string}" != "3" ]; then
     69   # Already read DSR 1337. Read DSR 5 and throw it away.
     70   dsr=$(read_dsr)
     71 else
     72   # Terminal didn't respond to the DSR 1337. The response we read is from DSR 5.
     73   version_string=""
     74 fi
     76 # Extract the terminal name and version number from the response.
     77 version=$(version "${version_string}")
     78 term=$(terminal "${version_string}")
     80 # Check if they match what we're looking for. This becomes the return code of the script.
     81 test "$term" = ITERM2 -a \( "$version" \> "$MIN_VERSION" -o "$version" = "$MIN_VERSION" \)