
My personal shell configs and stuff
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imgcat (3346B)

      1 #!/bin/bash
      3 # tmux requires unrecognized OSC sequences to be wrapped with DCS tmux;
      4 # <sequence> ST, and for all ESCs in <sequence> to be replaced with ESC ESC. It
      5 # only accepts ESC backslash for ST. We use TERM instead of TMUX because TERM
      6 # gets passed through ssh.
      7 function print_osc() {
      8     if [[ $TERM == screen* ]] ; then
      9         printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]"
     10     else
     11         printf "\033]"
     12     fi
     13 }
     15 # More of the tmux workaround described above.
     16 function print_st() {
     17     if [[ $TERM == screen* ]] ; then
     18         printf "\a\033\\"
     19     else
     20         printf "\a"
     21     fi
     22 }
     24 function load_version() {
     25     if [ -z ${IMGCAT_BASE64_VERSION+x} ]; then
     26         export IMGCAT_BASE64_VERSION=$(base64 --version 2>&1)
     27     fi
     28 }
     30 function b64_encode() {
     31     load_version
     32     if [[ "$IMGCAT_BASE64_VERSION" =~ GNU ]]; then
     33         # Disable line wrap
     34         base64 -w0
     35     else
     36         base64
     37     fi
     38 }
     40 function b64_decode() {
     41     load_version
     42     if [[ "$IMGCAT_BASE64_VERSION" =~ fourmilab ]]; then
     43       BASE64ARG=-d
     44     elif [[ "$IMGCAT_BASE64_VERSION" =~ GNU ]]; then
     45       BASE64ARG=-di
     46     else
     47       BASE64ARG=-D
     48     fi
     49     base64 $BASE64ARG
     50 }
     52 # print_image filename inline base64contents print_filename
     53 #   filename: Filename to convey to client
     54 #   inline: 0 or 1
     55 #   base64contents: Base64-encoded contents
     56 #   print_filename: If non-empty, print the filename 
     57 #                   before outputting the image
     58 function print_image() {
     59     print_osc
     60     printf '1337;File='
     61     if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then
     62       printf 'name='`printf "%s" "$1" | b64_encode`";"
     63     fi
     65     printf "%s" "$3" | b64_decode | wc -c | awk '{printf "size=%d",$1}'
     66     printf ";inline=$2"
     67     printf ":"
     68     printf "%s" "$3"
     69     print_st
     70     printf '\n'
     71     if [[ -n "$4" ]]; then
     72       echo $1
     73     fi
     74 }
     76 function error() {
     77     echo "ERROR: $*" 1>&2
     78 }
     80 function show_help() {
     81     echo "Usage: imgcat [-p] filename ..." 1>& 2
     82     echo "   or: cat filename | imgcat" 1>& 2
     83 }
     85 function check_dependency() {
     86   if ! (builtin command -V "$1" > /dev/null 2>& 1); then
     87     echo "imgcat: missing dependency: can't find $1" 1>& 2
     88     exit 1
     89   fi
     90 }
     92 ## Main
     94 if [ -t 0 ]; then
     95     has_stdin=f
     96 else
     97     has_stdin=t
     98 fi
    100 # Show help if no arguments and no stdin.
    101 if [ $has_stdin = f -a $# -eq 0 ]; then
    102     show_help
    103     exit
    104 fi
    106 check_dependency awk
    107 check_dependency base64
    108 check_dependency wc
    110 # Look for command line flags.
    111 while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
    112     case "$1" in
    113     -h|--h|--help)
    114         show_help
    115         exit
    116         ;;
    117     -p|--p|--print)
    118         print_filename=1
    119         ;;
    120     -u|--u|--url)
    121         check_dependency curl
    122         encoded_image=$(curl -s "$2" | b64_encode) || (error "No such file or url $2"; exit 2)
    123         has_stdin=f
    124         print_image "$2" 1 "$encoded_image" "$print_filename"
    125         set -- ${@:1:1} "-u" ${@:3}
    126         if [ "$#" -eq 2 ]; then
    127             exit
    128         fi
    129         ;;
    130     -*)
    131         error "Unknown option flag: $1"
    132         show_help
    133         exit 1
    134       ;;
    135     *)
    136         if [ -r "$1" ] ; then
    137             has_stdin=f
    138             print_image "$1" 1 "$(b64_encode < "$1")" "$print_filename"
    139         else
    140             error "imgcat: $1: No such file or directory"
    141             exit 2
    142         fi
    143         ;;
    144     esac
    145     shift
    146 done
    148 # Read and print stdin
    149 if [ $has_stdin = t ]; then
    150     print_image "" 1 "$(cat | b64_encode)" ""
    151 fi
    153 exit 0