
My personal shell configs and stuff
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      1 * macOS installation info
      2 On macOS, I use Homebrew to install Emacs from daviderestivo/emacs-head/emacs-head@28.
      3 I install with ~--HEAD --with-dbus --with-cocoa --with-xwidgets --with-native-comp~.
      5 * Why I choose use-package
      6 - provides bind-key by default
      7 - is mostly just macros that wrap the needed stuff from package.el. can check that with ~macroexpand~.
      8 - adds a bunch of performance improvements
      9 * Let me know when we're at a certain version
     10 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
     11   (when (version<= "30" emacs-version)
     12     (message "Check out C-x w d to make windows dedicated."))
     13 #+end_src
     14 * Install from source
     15 Emacs 29 ships with a way to install packages from source, here's a small wrapper around it.
     17 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
     18   (cl-defun za/package-vc-install (&key (fetcher "github") repo name rev backend load)
     19     "Install a package from a remote if it's not already installed.
     20   This is a thin wrapper around `package-vc-install' in order to
     21   make non-interactive usage more ergonomic.  Takes the following
     22   named arguments:
     24   - FETCHER the remote where to get the package (e.g., \"gitlab\").
     25     If omitted, this defaults to \"github\".
     27   - REPO should be the name of the repository (e.g.,
     28   \"slotThe/arXiv-citation\".
     30   - NAME, REV, and BACKEND are as in `package-vc-install' (which
     31     see).
     33   - LOAD is optionally a subdirectory that should be added to `load-path'."
     34     (let* ((url (cond ((string-match-p (rx bos "http" (? ?s) "://") repo)
     35                        repo)
     36                       (t (format "" fetcher repo))))
     37            (iname (when name (intern name)))
     38            (pac-name (or iname (intern (file-name-base repo))))
     39            (to-load (when load
     40                       (format "%s/%s"
     41                               (package-desc-dir (package-get-descriptor pac-name))
     42                               load))))
     43       (unless (package-installed-p pac-name)
     44         (package-vc-install url iname rev backend))
     45       (when load
     46         (unless (file-directory-p to-load)
     47           (user-error "Not a readable dir: %s" to-load))
     48         (add-to-list 'load-path to-load))
     49       (message "%s" pac-name)))
     50 #+end_src
     52 You can use this in use-package with an ~:init~ clause.
     54 * exec-path-from-shell (macOS)
     55 In macOS, the path is not set correctly (i.e. as it is in the terminal) in the GUI app. This fixes it.
     56 Not needed when using emacs-plus, because it has a custom patch for it. It also defines a [[][custom variable]] which hopefully should be enough to detect if we're running emacs-plus.
     58 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
     59   (when (and (string-equal system-type "darwin")
     60              (not (boundp 'ns-system-appearance-change-functions)))
     61     (use-package exec-path-from-shell
     62       :config
     63       (add-to-list 'exec-path-from-shell-variables "NOTMUCH_CONFIG")
     64       (exec-path-from-shell-initialize)))
     65 #+end_src
     67 * Emacs file locations
     68 ** Auto-Save files
     69 By default, auto-save files ("#file#") are placed in the same directory as the file itself.
     70 I want to put this all in some unified place:
     72 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
     73   (let ((saves-directory "~/.local/share/emacs/saves/"))
     74     (unless (file-directory-p saves-directory)
     75       (make-directory saves-directory))
     76     (setq auto-save-file-name-transforms
     77           `((".*" ,saves-directory t))))
     78 #+end_src
     80 ** Backup files
     81 By default, backup files (those with a tilde) are saved in the same directory as the currently edited file.
     82 This setting puts them in ~/.local/share/emacs/backups.
     84 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
     85   (let ((backups-directory "~/.local/share/emacs/backups"))
     86     (unless (file-directory-p backups-directory)
     87       (make-directory backups-directory))
     88     (setq backup-directory-alist `(("." . ,backups-directory)))
     89     (setq backup-by-copying t))
     90 #+end_src
     92 ** Custom settings file
     93 Both commands are necessary.
     94 First one tells Emacs where to save customizations.
     95 The second one actually loads them.
     97 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
     98   (setq custom-file (expand-file-name (concat user-emacs-directory "custom.el")))
     99   (load custom-file)
    100 #+end_src
    101 ** Delete by trash
    102 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    103   (setq delete-by-moving-to-trash t)
    104   (unless (fboundp 'system-move-file-to-trash)
    105     (setq trash-directory "~/.Trash"))
    106 #+end_src
    107 * Daemon
    108 I want to have a way to kill the Emacs daemon.
    109 So, define a function that kills the frame, and with a prefix kills emacs.
    111 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    112   (defun za/emacsclient-c-x-c-c (&optional arg)
    113     "If running in emacsclient, make C-x C-c exit frame, and C-u C-x C-c exit Emacs."
    114     (interactive "P") ; prefix arg in raw form
    115     (if arg
    116         (save-buffers-kill-emacs)
    117       (save-buffers-kill-terminal)))
    118 #+end_src
    120 Then, if I'm in an emacsclient, I want to bind C-x C-c to that function (if not, I just want the default keybinding):
    122 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    123   ;; If not running in emacsclient, use the default bindings
    124   (if (daemonp)
    125       (bind-key "C-x C-c" #'za/emacsclient-c-x-c-c))
    126 #+end_src
    128 Furthermore, I want to set the theme correctly whenever I connect with 'emacsclient':
    130 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    131   (if (daemonp)
    132       (add-hook 'after-make-frame-functions #'za/auto-select-theme))
    133 #+end_src
    134 * Sound support
    135 On macOS, you can use afplay:
    137 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    138   (defun za/play-sound-file-macos (file &optional volume device)
    139     "Play sound using `afplay` on macOS"
    140     (unless (file-readable-p file)
    141       (user-error "File %s not readable." file))
    143     ;; the `apply` is required here because I need to build a list of arguments
    144     (apply 'start-process `("afplay" nil
    145                             "afplay"
    146                             ,@(if volume (list "-v" (int-to-string volume)))
    147                             ,file)))
    148 #+end_src
    150 Then redefine the play-sound-file function where needed:
    152 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    153   (cond ((and (not (fboundp 'play-sound-internal))
    154               (eq system-type 'darwin))
    155          (advice-add 'play-sound-file :override #'za/play-sound-file-macos)))
    156 #+end_src
    157 * DISABLED Fix non-dbus macOS notification
    158 macOS version might not be compiled with dbus support; in that case you can use e.g. terminal-notifier.
    159 If you use the ~sender~ option, notifications don't show
    160 unless the app is in the background. [[][See this Github issue.]]
    162 #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no
    163   ;; on mac without dbus:
    164   (org-show-notification-handler
    165    (lambda (str) (start-process "terminal-notifier" nil (executable-find "terminal-notifier")
    166                                 "-title" "Timer done"
    167                                 "-message" str
    168                                 "-group" "org.gnu.Emacs"
    169                                 "-ignoreDnD"
    170                                 "-activate" "org.gnu.Emacs")))
    171 #+end_src
    172 * Custom notification functions
    173 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    174   (defun za/notify (title message)
    175     "Show notification with TITLE and MESSAGE."
    176     (ignore-errors (require 'notifications))
    177     (cond ((fboundp 'ns-do-applescript)
    178            (ns-do-applescript
    179             (format "display notification \"%s\" with title \"%s\""
    180                     (replace-regexp-in-string "\"" "#" message)
    181                     (replace-regexp-in-string "\"" "#" title))))
    182           ((string= system-type "gnu/linux")
    183            (require 'notifications)
    184            (notifications-notify :title title :body message))
    185           (t (error "No notification handler defined!"))))
    187   (defun za/send-notification-interactivity-required (&rest _)
    188     "Notify that a function needs action."
    189     (za/notify "Interactivity required" "A function requires interactivity."))
    191   (defun za/notify-on-interactivity (func &rest r)
    192     "Send a notification whenever FUNC requires interactivity.
    193   Used as :around advice, calling FUNC with arguments R."
    194     (advice-add #'y-or-n-p :before #'za/send-notification-interactivity-required)
    195     (advice-add #'yes-or-no-p :before #'za/send-notification-interactivity-required)
    196     (advice-add #'user-error :before #'za/send-notification-interactivity-required)
    197     (with-demoted-errors "Error in %s" (apply func r))
    198     (advice-remove #'y-or-n-p #'za/send-notification-interactivity-required)
    199     (advice-remove #'yes-or-no-p #'za/send-notification-interactivity-required)
    200     (advice-remove #'user-error #'za/send-notification-interactivity-required))
    201 #+end_src
    203 * Editing
    204 ** Overwrite selection on typing
    205 Normally, when I select something and start typing, Emacs clears the selection, i.e. it deselects and inserts text after the cursor.
    206 I want to replace the selection.
    208 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    209   (delete-selection-mode t)
    210 #+end_src
    212 ** Strip trailing whitespace
    213 You can show trailing whitespace by setting show-trailing-whitespace to 't'.
    214 But I want to automatically strip trailing whitespace.
    215 Luckily there's already a function for that, I just need to call it in a hook:
    217 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    218   (add-hook 'before-save-hook #'delete-trailing-whitespace)
    219 #+end_src
    221 ** Formatting & indentation
    223 Show a tab as 8 spaces:
    225 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    226   (setq-default tab-width 8)
    227 #+end_src
    229 Never insert tabs with indentation by default:
    231 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    232   (setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)
    233 #+end_src
    235 Allow switching between the two easily:
    237 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    238   (defun indent-tabs ()
    239     (interactive)
    240     (setq indent-tabs-mode t))
    241   (defun indent-spaces ()
    242     (interactive)
    243     (setq indent-tabs-mode nil))
    244 #+end_src
    246 Indentation for various modes:
    248 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    249   (setq-default sh-basic-offset 2
    250                 c-basic-offset 4)
    251 #+end_src
    253 ** Wrapping
    254 A function to toggle wrapping:
    256 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    257   (defvar-local za/wrapping nil "Wrapping changes per buffer.")
    259   (defun za/toggle-wrap (&optional enable)
    260     "Toggle line wrapping settings. With ENABLE a positive number, enable wrapping. If ENABLE is negative or zero, disable wrapping."
    261     (interactive "P") ; prefix arg in raw form
    263     ;; If an argument is provided, prefix or otherwise
    264     (if enable
    265         (let ((enable (cond ((numberp enable)
    266                              enable)
    267                             ((booleanp enable)
    268                              (if enable 1 0))
    269                             ((or (listp enable) (string= "-" enable))
    270                              (prefix-numeric-value enable)))))
    271           ;; If zero or negative, we want to disable wrapping, so pretend it's currently enabled.
    272           ;; And vice versa.
    273           (cond ((<= enable 0) (setq za/wrapping t))
    274                 ((> enable 0) (setq za/wrapping nil)))))
    277     (let ((disable-wrapping (lambda ()
    278                               (visual-line-mode -1)
    279                               (toggle-truncate-lines t)))
    280           (enable-wrapping (lambda ()
    281                              (toggle-truncate-lines -1)
    282                              (visual-line-mode))))
    284       ;; If za/wrapping is not locally set, infer its values from the enabled modes
    285       (unless (boundp 'za/wrapping)
    286         (setq za/wrapping (and visual-line-mode
    287                                (not truncate-lines))))
    289       ;; Toggle wrapping based on current value
    290       (cond (za/wrapping
    291              (funcall disable-wrapping)
    292              (setq za/wrapping nil)
    293              (message "Wrapping disabled."))
    294             (t
    295              (funcall enable-wrapping)
    296              (setq za/wrapping t)
    297              (message "Wrapping enabled.")))))
    298 #+end_src
    300 And a keybinding to toggle wrapping:
    302 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    303   (bind-key "C-c q w" #'za/toggle-wrap)
    304 #+end_src
    306 ** Pager toggle
    307 M-x view-mode enables pager behavior.
    308 I want read-only files to automatically use pager mode:
    310 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    311   (setq view-read-only t)
    312 #+end_src
    313 ** Prefer newer file loading
    314 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    315   (setq load-prefer-newer t)
    316 #+end_src
    318 ** Automatically find tags file
    319 When opening a file in a git repo, try to discover the etags file:
    321 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    322   (defun current-tags-file ()
    323     "Get current tags file"
    324     (let* ((tagspath ".git/etags")
    325            (git-root (locate-dominating-file (buffer-file-name) tagspath)))
    326       (if git-root
    327           (expand-file-name tagspath git-root))))
    329   (setq default-tags-table-function #'current-tags-file)
    330 #+end_src
    332 There's probably a better way to write this. I need to ask Reddit for feedback at some point.
    334 ** End sentences with one space
    335 Emacs uses the rather old-fashioned convention of treating a period followed by double spaces as end of sentence. However, it is more common these days to end sentences with a period followed by a single space.
    337 Let a period followed by a single space be treated as end of sentence:
    339 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    340   (setq sentence-end-double-space nil)
    341 #+end_src
    342 * Keybindings
    343 ** Expansion/completion
    344 Use hippie expand instead of dabbrev-expand:
    346 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    347   (bind-key "M-/" #'hippie-expand)
    348 #+end_src
    350 ** Zap up to char
    351 It's more useful for me to be able to delete up to a character instead of to and including a character:
    353 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    354   (defun za/zap-up-to-char-icase ()
    355     "Ignore case for zap-up-to-char"
    356     (interactive)
    357     (let ((case-fold-search nil))
    358       (call-interactively #'zap-up-to-char)))
    359   (bind-key "M-z" #'za/zap-up-to-char-icase)
    360 #+end_src
    362 ** Forward-word and forward-to-word
    363 Change M-f to stop at the start of the word:
    365 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    366   (bind-key "M-f" #'forward-to-word)
    367 #+end_src
    369 Bind ESC M-f to the old functionality of M-f (stop at end of word)
    371 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    372   (bind-key "ESC M-f" #'forward-word)
    373 #+end_src
    375 ** Rectangle insert string
    376 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    377   (bind-key "C-x r I" #'string-insert-rectangle)
    378   (bind-key "C-x r R" #'replace-rectangle)
    379 #+end_src
    381 ** Toggle auto-revert-mode
    382 Sometimes I want to toggle auto reverting (or autoread) of buffer:
    384 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    385   (bind-key "C-c q a" #'auto-revert-mode)
    386 #+end_src
    387 ** Fast access to view-mode (pager)
    388 I want to bind view-mode to a key for easy access:
    390 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    391   (bind-key "C-c q r" 'view-mode)
    392 #+end_src
    394 ** Kill this buffer
    395 I like to be able to kill a buffer instantly:
    397 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    398   (bind-key "s-<backspace>" 'kill-current-buffer)
    399 #+end_src
    401 ** Delete this file (and kill the buffer)
    402 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    403   (defun za/delete-this-file ()
    404     "Kill the current buffer and delete its associated file."
    405     (interactive)
    406     (let ((fname (buffer-file-name))
    407           (buf (current-buffer)))
    408       (unless (and fname (file-exists-p fname))
    409         (user-error "Buffer has no associated file."))
    411       (unless (yes-or-no-p (format "Really delete %s and its buffer?" fname))
    412         (user-error "User cancelled."))
    414       (delete-file fname 'trash-if-enabled)
    415       (kill-buffer buf)
    416       (message "Deleted %s and killed its buffer." fname)))
    418   (bind-key "C-c s-<backspace>" #'za/delete-this-file)
    419 #+end_src
    421 ** Toggle fullscreen
    422 I'll use the keybinding that's standard on macOS:
    424 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    425   (bind-key "C-s-f" #'toggle-frame-fullscreen)
    426 #+end_src
    428 ** Sexp manipulation
    429 When I write lisp, sometimes I want to switch two sexps (e.g. ~(one) (two)~ → ~(two) (one)~), so a key binding is nice for that:
    431 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    432   (bind-key "C-S-t" #'transpose-sexps)
    433 #+end_src
    435 Also, to raise a sexp (e.g. ~(one (two))~ → ~(two)~):
    437 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    438   (bind-key "C-S-u" #'raise-sexp)
    439 #+end_src
    441 ** Dedicated windows
    442 Sometimes I want to avoid Emacs overriding a window's contents.
    443 So I create a keybinding to toggle dedicated on a window:
    445 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    446   (defun za/toggle-window-dedicated-p ()
    447     "Toggle set-window-dedicated-p on current window"
    448     (interactive)
    449     (cond ((window-dedicated-p (selected-window))
    450            (set-window-dedicated-p (selected-window) nil)
    451            (message "Window no longer dedicated"))
    452           (t
    453            (set-window-dedicated-p (selected-window) t)
    454            (message "Window marked as dedicated"))))
    456   (bind-key "C-x 9" #'za/toggle-window-dedicated-p)
    458 #+end_src
    460 ** Rotate windows horizontal ↔ vertical
    461 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    462   (defun za/rotate-windows ()
    463     (interactive)
    464     (if (= (count-windows) 2)
    465         (let* ((this-win-buffer (window-buffer))
    466                (next-win-buffer (window-buffer (next-window)))
    467                (this-win-edges (window-edges (selected-window)))
    468                (next-win-edges (window-edges (next-window)))
    469                (this-win-2nd (not (and (<= (car this-win-edges)
    470                                            (car next-win-edges))
    471                                        (<= (cadr this-win-edges)
    472                                            (cadr next-win-edges)))))
    473                (splitter
    474                 (if (= (car this-win-edges)
    475                        (car (window-edges (next-window))))
    476                     'split-window-horizontally
    477                   'split-window-vertically)))
    478           (delete-other-windows)
    479           (let ((first-win (selected-window)))
    480             (funcall splitter)
    481             (if this-win-2nd (other-window 1))
    482             (set-window-buffer (selected-window) this-win-buffer)
    483             (set-window-buffer (next-window) next-win-buffer)
    484             (select-window first-win)
    485             (if this-win-2nd (other-window 1))))))
    486 #+end_src
    488 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    489   (bind-key "C-x 7" #'za/rotate-windows)
    490 #+end_src
    492 ** Open line like in Vim
    493 I prefer to open-line the way o/O works in Vim:
    495 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    496   ;; Autoindent open-*-lines
    497   (defvar za/open-line-newline-and-indent t
    498     "Modify the behavior of the open-*-line functions to cause them to autoindent.")
    500   (defun za/open-line (prefix)
    501     "Open line like `o`/`O` in Vim. Negative prefix for line above, positive for below."
    502     (interactive "p")
    503     (cond ((< prefix 0)
    504            (beginning-of-line)
    505            (open-line (abs prefix)))
    506           (t
    507            (end-of-line)
    508            (open-line prefix)
    509            (forward-line 1)))
    510     (when za/open-line-newline-and-indent
    511       (indent-according-to-mode)))
    513   (defun za/open-line-keep-point (prefix)
    514     "Open line like `o`/`O` in Vim but don't move point. Negative prefix for line above, positive for below."
    515     (interactive "p")
    516     (save-mark-and-excursion (za/open-line prefix)))
    517 #+end_src
    519 And keybindings:
    521 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    522   (bind-key "C-o" #'za/open-line)
    523   (bind-key "C-M-o" #'za/open-line-keep-point)
    524 #+end_src
    526 ** Unfill region/paragraph
    527 Taken from here:
    529 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    530   (defun za/unfill-paragraph (&optional region)
    531     "Takes a multi-line paragraph and makes it into a single line of text."
    532     (interactive (progn (barf-if-buffer-read-only) '(t)))
    533     (let ((fill-column (point-max))
    534           ;; This would override `fill-column' if it's an integer.
    535           (emacs-lisp-docstring-fill-column t))
    536       (fill-paragraph nil region)))
    538   (bind-key "M-Q" #'za/unfill-paragraph)
    539 #+end_src
    540 ** Easily edit my config
    541 Bind a keyboard shortcut to open my config.
    542 The "(interactive)" means that it can be called from a keybinding or from M-x.
    544 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    545   (defun za/edit-config-org ()
    546     "Edit my file"
    547     (interactive)
    548     (find-file (expand-file-name "" user-emacs-directory)))
    549 #+end_src
    551 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    552   (bind-key "C-c E" 'za/edit-config-org)
    553 #+end_src
    554 ** Visible mode
    555 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    556   (bind-key (kbd "C-c q v") #'visible-mode)
    557 #+end_src
    558 ** Clone buffer indirectly by default
    559 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    560   (bind-key (kbd "C-x x n") #'clone-indirect-buffer)
    561 #+end_src
    562 * Custom functions
    563 ** Make region readonly or writable
    564 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    565   (defun za/set-region-read-only (begin end)
    566     "Sets the read-only text property on the marked region.
    567   Use `set-region-writeable' to remove this property."
    568     ;; See
    569     (interactive "r")
    570     (with-silent-modifications
    571       (put-text-property begin end 'read-only t)))
    573   (defun za/set-region-writeable (begin end)
    574     "Removes the read-only text property from the marked region.
    575   Use `set-region-read-only' to set this property."
    576     ;; See
    577     (interactive "r")
    578     (with-silent-modifications
    579       (remove-text-properties begin end '(read-only t))))
    580 #+end_src
    581 ** Insert macro as Lisp
    582 From here:
    584 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    585   (use-package kmacro
    586     :ensure nil ; included with Emacs
    587     :bind (:map kmacro-keymap
    588                 ("I" . kmacro-insert-macro))
    589     :config
    590     (defalias 'kmacro-insert-macro 'insert-kbd-macro)
    592     ;; Add advice to ignore errors on `kmacro-keyboard-macro-p`, it was
    593     ;; messing up because of some entry in `obarray`
    594     (advice-add #'kmacro-keyboard-macro-p :around (lambda (fun sym) "Ignore errors." (ignore-errors (funcall fun sym)))))
    595 #+end_src
    596 ** Show local help at point when idling
    597 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    598   (defun za/echo-area-tooltips ()
    599     "Show tooltips in the echo area automatically for current buffer."
    600     (setq-local help-at-pt-display-when-idle t
    601                 help-at-pt-timer-delay 0)
    602     (help-at-pt-cancel-timer)
    603     (help-at-pt-set-timer))
    604 #+end_src
    606 ** Info manual functions
    607 For some reason, these things don't show up in the index:
    609 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    610   (defun elisp-info (&optional node)
    611     "Read documentation for Elisp in the info system.
    612   With optional NODE, go directly to that node."
    613     (interactive)
    614     (info (format "(elisp)%s" (or node ""))))
    615 #+end_src
    617 Though I can also just use ~info-display-manual~.
    619 ** Radio
    620 Just a wrapper function to my radio script:
    622 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    623   (defun radio ()
    624     "Play an internet radio"
    625     (interactive)
    626     (ansi-term "radio" "*radio*"))
    627 #+end_src
    629 ** no-op
    630 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    631   (defun za/no-op (&rest args))
    632 #+end_src
    634 ** Syncthing
    635 Some functions to start/stop syncthing.
    636 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    637   (defconst za/st-buffer-name "*syncthing*" "Buffer name for the syncthing process.")
    638   (defun za/st ()
    639     "Start syncthing"
    640     (interactive)
    641     (if (get-buffer-process za/st-buffer-name)
    642         (user-error "Syncthing is already running."))
    643     (async-shell-command "syncthing serve --no-browser" za/st-buffer-name))
    645   (defun za/st-kill ()
    646     "Stop syncthing"
    647     (interactive)
    648     (unless (get-buffer-process za/st-buffer-name)
    649       (user-error "Syncthing is not running."))
    650     (async-shell-command "syncthing cli operations shutdown"))
    651 #+end_src
    652 ** Replace typographic quotes
    653 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    654   (defun za/replace-typographic-quotes ()
    655     "Replace typographic quotes with plain quotes"
    656     (interactive)
    657     (save-mark-and-excursion
    658       (goto-char (point-min))
    659       (while (re-search-forward (rx (any ?“ ?”)) nil 'noerror)
    660         (replace-match "\""))
    661       (goto-char (point-min))
    662       (while (re-search-forward (rx (any "‘" "’")) nil 'noerror)
    663         (replace-match "'"))))
    664 #+end_src
    665 ** Distraction-free on current buffer
    666 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    667   (defun za/buffer-focus-no-distractions ()
    668     "Focus on this buffer"
    669     (interactive)
    670     (cond ((or (not (boundp 'za/no-distractions))
    671                (not za/no-distractions))
    672            (olivetti-mode 1)
    673            (line-number-mode 0)
    674            (display-line-numbers-mode 0)
    675            (window-configuration-to-register ?w)
    676            (delete-other-windows)
    677            (setq-local za/tmp/mode-line-format mode-line-format)
    678            (setq-local mode-line-format nil)
    679            (setq-local za/tmp/internal-border-width (frame-parameter nil 'internal-border-width))
    680            (set-frame-parameter nil 'internal-border-width 20)
    681            (setq-local za/no-distractions t)
    682            (message "Window configuration stored in register W"))
    683           (za/no-distractions
    684            (set-frame-parameter nil 'internal-border-width za/tmp/internal-border-width)
    685            (line-number-mode 0)
    686            (display-line-numbers-mode 1)
    687            (setq-local mode-line-format za/tmp/mode-line-format)
    688            (jump-to-register ?w)
    689            (olivetti-mode 0)
    690            (setq-local za/no-distractions nil))))
    691 #+end_src
    692 * Interface
    693 ** Theme
    694 Icons required for some parts of the doom theme:
    696 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    697   (use-package all-the-icons)
    698 #+end_src
    700 Load Doom Emacs themes:
    702 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    703   (use-package doom-themes
    704     :config
    705     ;; Global settings (defaults)
    706     (setq doom-themes-enable-bold t    ; if nil, bold is universally disabled
    707           doom-themes-enable-italic t) ; if nil, italics is universally disabled
    709     ;; Enable flashing mode-line on errors
    710     (doom-themes-visual-bell-config)
    712     ;; Corrects (and improves) org-mode's native fontification.
    713     (doom-themes-org-config))
    714 #+end_src
    716 Define the themes I want:
    718 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    719   (defconst za/dark-theme-name 'doom-one "A symbol representing the name of the dark theme I use.")
    720   (defconst za/light-theme-name 'jokull "A symbol representing the name of the light theme I use.")
    721   ;; I used to use doom-acario-light before writing my own theme
    723   (defun za/dark-theme ()
    724     "Switch to dark theme"
    725     (interactive)
    726     (mapc #'disable-theme custom-enabled-themes)
    727     (load-theme za/dark-theme-name t)
    728     (add-hook 'pdf-view-mode-hook #'pdf-view-midnight-minor-mode))
    730   (defun za/light-theme ()
    731     "Switch to light theme"
    732     (interactive)
    733     (mapc #'disable-theme custom-enabled-themes)
    734     (load-theme za/light-theme-name t)
    735     (remove-hook 'pdf-view-mode-hook #'pdf-view-midnight-minor-mode))
    736 #+end_src
    738 Change theme depending on the current system theme.
    739 The way I check for dark mode is defined in 'dark-mode-p'; currently I use the presence of the ~/.config/dark-theme file to indicate when dark theme is set.
    740 I quote the call to ~file-exists-p~ because I want to evaluate it on-demand, not immediately.
    741 A function ending in '-p' is a predicate, i.e. returns true or false.
    742 If calling a function that's in a variable, you have to use 'funcall'.
    743 To evaluate a quoted form, use 'eval'.
    745 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    746   (defun za/auto-select-theme (&rest _)
    747     "Automatically select dark/light theme based on presence of ~/.config/dark-theme"
    748     (let ((dark-mode-p '(file-exists-p "~/.config/dark-theme")))
    749       (if (eval dark-mode-p)
    750           (za/dark-theme)
    751         (za/light-theme))))
    753   (za/auto-select-theme)
    754 #+end_src
    756 ** Font
    757 I want Menlo, size 12:
    759 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    760   (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(font . "Menlo-13"))
    761   (custom-set-faces
    762    ; height = pt * 10
    763    '(fixed-pitch ((t (:family "Menlo" :height 130))))
    764    '(variable-pitch ((t (:family "ETBembo" :height 140))))
    765    '(org-block ((t (:inherit fixed-pitch))))
    766    '(org-table ((t (:foreground "#0087af" :inherit fixed-pitch))))
    767    '(org-indent ((t (:inherit (org-hide fixed-pitch))))))
    769   (set-face-font 'fixed-pitch "Menlo-13")
    770   (set-face-font 'variable-pitch "ETBembo-14")
    771 #+end_src
    773 I like nicer list bullets:
    775 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    776   (font-lock-add-keywords
    777    'org-mode
    778    `((,(rx bol (* blank) (group ?-) " ")  ; list regexp
    779       1                                   ; first match
    780       '(face nil display "•"))))          ; replace with bullet point, keep same face
    781 #+end_src
    782 ** Cursor
    783 The default box cursor isn't really accurate, because the cursor is actually between letters, not on a letter.
    784 So, I want a bar instead of a box:
    786 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    787   (setq-default cursor-type '(bar . 4)
    788                 cursor-in-non-selected-windows 'hollow)
    789 #+end_src
    791 (I use ~setq-default~ here because cursor-type is automatically buffer-local when it's set)
    793 ** Matching parentheses
    794 Don't add a delay to show matching parenthesis.
    795 Must come before show-paren-mode enable.
    797 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    798   (setq show-paren-delay 0)
    799 #+end_src
    801 Show matching parentheses:
    803 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    804   (show-paren-mode t)
    805 #+end_src
    806 ** Line numbers
    807 Relative line numbers:
    809 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    810   (setq display-line-numbers-type 'relative)
    811   (global-display-line-numbers-mode)
    812 #+end_src
    814 Function to hide them:
    816 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    817   (defun za/hide-line-numbers ()
    818     "Hide line numbers"
    819     (display-line-numbers-mode 0))
    820 #+end_src
    821 Don't display them in specific modes.  For each of the modes in
    822 'mode-hooks', add a function to hide line numbers when the mode
    823 activates (which triggers the 'mode'-hook).
    825 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    826   (let ((mode-hooks '(doc-view-mode-hook vterm-mode-hook mpc-status-mode-hook mpc-tagbrowser-mode-hook)))
    827     (mapc
    828      (lambda (mode-name)
    829        (add-hook mode-name #'za/hide-line-numbers))
    830      mode-hooks))
    831 #+end_src
    832 ** Modeline
    833 I want to show the time and date in the modeline:
    835 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    836   (setq display-time-day-and-date t           ; also the date
    837         display-time-default-load-average nil ; don't show load average
    838         display-time-format "%I:%M%p %e %b (%a)")   ; "HR:MIN(AM/PM) day-of-month Month (Day)"
    839   (display-time-mode 1)                  ; enable time mode
    840 #+end_src
    842 And to set the modeline format:
    844 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    845   (setq-default mode-line-format '("%e" mode-line-front-space mode-line-mule-info mode-line-client mode-line-modified mode-line-remote mode-line-frame-identification mode-line-buffer-identification "   " mode-line-position
    846                                    (vc-mode vc-mode)
    847                                    "  " mode-line-modes mode-line-misc-info mode-line-end-spaces))
    848 #+end_src
    850 I want to hide certain modes from the modeline.
    851 For that, ~delight~ is a useful package; unlike ~diminish~, it can also change the display of /major/ modes (~diminish~ only does minor modes).
    853 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    854     (use-package delight
    855       :config
    856       (delight 'visual-line-mode " ↩" 'simple)
    857       (delight 'auto-revert-mode " AR" 'autorevert)
    858       (delight 'abbrev-mode " Abv" 'abbrev))
    859 #+end_src
    860 ** Transparent title bar
    861 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    862   (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(ns-transparent-titlebar . t))
    863 #+end_src
    864 ** Tab bar
    865 Only show tab bar if there's more than 1 tab:
    867 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    868   (setq tab-bar-show 1)
    869 #+end_src
    870 ** Buffer displaying
    872 So, this is a bit hard to grok. But basically the alist contains a
    873 regular expression to match a buffer name, then a list of functions to
    874 use in order for displaying the list, and then options for those functions (each of which is an alist).
    876 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    877   (setq
    878    ;; Maximum number of side-windows to create on (left top right bottom)
    879    window-sides-slots '(0   ;; left
    880                         1   ;; top
    881                         3   ;; right
    882                         1 ) ;; bottom
    884    display-buffer-alist `(
    885                           ;; Right side
    886                           (,(rx (or "*Help*" (seq "*helpful " (* anything) "*")))
    887                            (display-buffer-reuse-window display-buffer-in-side-window)
    888                            (side . right)
    889                            (slot . -1)
    890                            (inhibit-same-window . t))
    891                           (,(rx "*Async Shell " (* anything) "*")
    892                            (display-buffer-reuse-window display-buffer-in-side-window)
    893                            (side . right)
    894                            (slot . 0)
    895                            (inhibit-same-window . t))
    896                           (,(rx "magit-process: " (* anything))
    897                            (display-buffer-reuse-window display-buffer-in-side-window)
    898                            (side . right)
    899                            (slot . 0)
    900                            (inhibit-same-window . t))
    902                           ;; Top side
    903                           (,(rx "*Info*")
    904                            (display-buffer-reuse-window display-buffer-in-side-window)
    905                            (side . top)
    906                            (slot . 0))
    907                           (,(rx "*Man " (* anything) "*")
    908                            (display-buffer-reuse-window display-buffer-in-side-window)
    909                            (side . top)
    910                            (slot . 0))
    912                           ;; Bottom
    913                           (,(rx "*Flycheck errors*")
    914                            (display-buffer-reuse-window display-buffer-in-side-window)
    915                            (side . bottom)
    916                            (slot . 0))))
    917 #+end_src
    919 And a way to toggle those side windows:
    921 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    922   (bind-key "C-c W" #'window-toggle-side-windows)
    923 #+end_src
    925 ** Eldoc
    926 When editing Elisp and other supported major-modes, Eldoc will display useful information about the construct at point in the echo area.
    928 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    929   (use-package eldoc
    930     :ensure nil ; installed with Emacs
    931     :delight
    932     :config
    933     (global-eldoc-mode 1))
    934 #+end_src
    936 ** Pulse line
    937 When you switch windows, Emacs can flash the cursor briefly to guide your eyes; I like that.
    938 Set some options for pulsing:
    940 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    941   (setq pulse-iterations 10)
    942   (setq pulse-delay 0.05)
    943 #+end_src
    945 Define the pulse function:
    947 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    948   (defun pulse-line (&rest _)
    949     "Pulse the current line."
    950     (pulse-momentary-highlight-one-line (point)))
    951 #+end_src
    953 Run it in certain cases: scrolling up/down, recentering, switching windows.
    954 'dolist' binds 'command' to each value in the list in turn, and runs the body.
    955 'advice-add' makes the pulse-line function run after 'command'.
    957 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    958   (dolist (command '(scroll-up-command scroll-down-command recenter-top-bottom other-window))
    959     (advice-add command :after #'pulse-line))
    960 #+end_src
    962 And set the pulse color:
    964 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    965   (custom-set-faces '(pulse-highlight-start-face ((t (:background "CadetBlue2")))))
    966 #+end_src
    968 ** Enable all commands
    969 By default, Emacs disables some commands.
    970 I want to have these enabled so I don't get a prompt whenever I try to use a disabled command.
    972 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    973   (setq disabled-command-function nil)
    974 #+end_src
    975 ** More extensive apropos
    976 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    977   (setq apropos-do-all t)
    978 #+end_src
    979 ** Enable recursive minibuffers
    980 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    981   (setq enable-recursive-minibuffers t
    982         minibuffer-depth-indicate-mode t)
    983 #+end_src
    984 ** View webp and other formats
    985 Emacs handles common image formats internally, but for stuff like webp, you need an external converter:
    987 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    988   (setq image-use-external-converter t)
    989 #+end_src
    991 You also need imagemagick installed.
    993 ** Repeat mode: easy repeating of commands
    994 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
    995   (repeat-mode 1)
    996 #+end_src
    998 ** Messages
    999 Hide some messages I don't need.
   1001 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1002   (recentf-mode)
   1003   (setq inhibit-startup-message t)
   1004 #+end_src
   1006 ** Start buffer (dashboard)
   1007 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1008   (use-package dashboard
   1009     :custom
   1010     (dashboard-startup-banner 'logo)
   1011     (dashboard-items '((gtd-inbox-counts . 3)
   1012                        (recents . 5)
   1013                        (bookmarks . 5)))
   1016     :bind (:map dashboard-mode-map
   1017                 ("ss" . za/st)
   1018                 ("sk" . za/st-kill)
   1019                 ("J" . org-clock-goto))
   1020     :config
   1021     ;; Use my saved quotes in the dashboard (
   1022     (if (boundp 'za/my-website-dir)
   1023       (setq dashboard-footer-messages
   1024             (let* ((quotes-file (concat za/my-website-dir "content/"))
   1025                    ;; Reformat quotes for display in dashboard
   1026                    (file-contents (with-temp-buffer
   1027                                     (insert-file-contents quotes-file)
   1028                                     (re-search-forward (rx bol "> "))
   1029                                     (delete-region (point-min) (pos-bol))
   1030                                     (goto-char (point-min))
   1031                                     (save-excursion (replace-regexp (rx bol ">" (* " ") (? "\n")) ""))
   1032                                     (save-excursion (replace-regexp (rx eol "\n") "  "))
   1033                                     (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))
   1034                    ;; Split file into individual quotes
   1035                    (quotes (split-string file-contents "  ---  ")))
   1036               ;; Run each quote through fill-region for better display
   1037               (require 's)
   1038               (mapcar (lambda (quote-line)
   1039                         (with-temp-buffer
   1040                           (insert (s-trim quote-line))
   1041                           (fill-region (point-min) (point-max))
   1042                           (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))
   1044       (warn "za/my-website-dir not bound, not setting custom dashboard messages"))
   1045     (add-to-list 'dashboard-item-generators '(gtd-inbox-counts . dashboard-insert-gtd-inbox-counts)))
   1047   (defun dashboard-insert-gtd-inbox-counts (list-size)
   1048     (require 'org-roam)
   1049     (let* ((lines-inbox (za/org-count-headlines-in-file 1 za/org-life-inbox))
   1050            (lines-mobile (if (boundp 'za/org-life-inbox-mobile) (za/org-count-headlines-in-file 1 za/org-life-inbox-mobile) 0))
   1051            (count-docs (length (directory-files za/org-life-doc-inbox nil (rx bos (not ?.)))))
   1052            (item-list))
   1054       (when (> lines-inbox 0)
   1055         (push (list :name "Inbox" :count lines-inbox :file za/org-life-inbox) item-list))
   1056       (when (> lines-mobile 0)
   1057         (push (list :name "Mobile" :count lines-mobile :file za/org-life-inbox-mobile) item-list))
   1058       (when (> count-docs 0)
   1059         (push (list :name "Docs" :count count-docs :file za/org-life-doc-inbox) item-list))
   1061       (dashboard-insert-section
   1062        ;; Widget title
   1063        "GTD:"
   1064        ;; list generated for dashboard
   1065        item-list
   1066        list-size
   1067        'gtd
   1068        "t"
   1069        ;; decide what to do when clicked ("el" is automatically assigned)
   1070        `(lambda (&rest _)
   1071           (message "%s" (find-file (plist-get ',el :file))))
   1072        ;; show how list is shown in dashboard ("el" is automatically assigned)
   1073        (format "%s: %s" (plist-get el :name) (plist-get el :count)))))
   1075   (dashboard-setup-startup-hook)
   1076   (setq initial-buffer-choice (lambda () (get-buffer-create "*dashboard*")))
   1077 #+end_src
   1079 ** Pixel scroll mode
   1080 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1081   (unless (version< emacs-version "29")
   1082     (pixel-scroll-precision-mode))
   1083 #+end_src
   1084 * General packages
   1086 ** which-key
   1087 Minor mode for Emacs that displays the key bindings following your currently entered incomplete command (a prefix) in a popup.
   1089 #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
   1090   (use-package which-key
   1091     :delight
   1092     :config
   1093     (which-key-mode))
   1094 #+end_src
   1096 ** counsel + ivy + swiper + prescient
   1097 Better incremental completion and selection narrowing.
   1098 And a bunch more.
   1099 Generally makes for nicer interactivity, like ido mode on steroids.
   1100 Switched to this from Helm, it's more lightweight.
   1102 *** ivy: generic completion mechanism
   1103 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1104   (use-package ivy
   1105     :delight
   1106     :custom
   1107     (ivy-use-virtual-buffers t "extend searching to bookmarks")
   1108     (ivy-height 20 "set height of the ivy window")
   1109     (ivy-count-format "(%d/%d) " "count format, from the ivy help page")
   1110     (ivy-display-style 'fancy)
   1111     (ivy-format-function 'ivy-format-function-line)
   1112     (ivy-use-selectable-prompt t "to let me select exactly what I'm typing as a candidate")
   1114     :bind (("C-x b" . ivy-switch-buffer)
   1115            ("C-c v" . ivy-push-view)
   1116            ("C-c V" . ivy-pop-view)
   1118            ;; accidentally pressing shift-space deletes input, because
   1119            ;; by default, shift-space is bound to
   1120            ;; ~ivy-restrict-to-matches~ in the ivy minibuffer.
   1121            :map ivy-minibuffer-map
   1122            ("S-SPC" . (lambda () (interactive) (insert ?\s)))
   1123            ("<backtab>" . ivy-restrict-to-matches))
   1124     :config
   1125     (ivy-add-actions
   1126      'counsel-dired
   1127      '(("f" (lambda (dir) (counsel-fzf nil dir)) "Fzf in directory")
   1128        ("g" (lambda (dir) (counsel-ag nil dir)) "Ag in directory")))
   1129     (ivy-add-actions
   1130      'dired
   1131      '(("f" (lambda (dir) (ivy-exit-with-action (counsel-fzf nil dir))) "Fzf in directory")
   1132        ("g" (lambda (dir) (ivy-exit-with-action (counsel-ag nil dir))) "Ag in directory")))
   1133     (ivy-add-actions
   1134      'counsel-describe-function
   1135      '(("d" (lambda (fun) (ivy-exit-with-action (edebug-instrument-function (intern fun)))) "Edebug instrument function")))
   1136     (ivy-mode)
   1138     (defun edit-script ()
   1139       "Edit a file in ~/.scripts/"
   1140       (interactive)
   1141       (let ((input (ivy--input)))
   1142         (ivy-quit-and-run (counsel-file-jump nil "~/.scripts/"))))
   1144     (defun edit-config ()
   1145       "Edit a file in ~/.dotfiles/"
   1146       (interactive)
   1147       (let ((input (ivy--input)))
   1148         (ivy-quit-and-run (counsel-file-jump nil "~/.dotfiles/")))))
   1149 #+end_src
   1151 *** counsel: collection of common Emacs commands enhanced using ivy
   1152 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1153   (use-package counsel
   1154     :demand
   1155     :delight
   1156     :config
   1157     (counsel-mode)
   1158     :bind (("M-x" . counsel-M-x)
   1159            ("C-x C-f" . counsel-find-file)
   1160            ("M-y" . counsel-yank-pop)
   1161            ("C-c c" . counsel-compile)
   1162            ("M-s g" . counsel-ag)
   1163            ("M-s f" . counsel-fzf)
   1164            ("C-c b" . counsel-bookmark)
   1165            ("C-c p" . counsel-recentf)
   1166            ("C-c o" . counsel-outline)
   1167            ("C-h f" . counsel-describe-function)
   1168            ("C-h v" . counsel-describe-variable)
   1169            ("C-h o" . counsel-describe-symbol)
   1170            ("C-c g j" . counsel-org-agenda-headlines)))
   1171 #+end_src
   1172 *** swiper: search enhanced using ivy
   1173 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1174   (use-package swiper
   1175     :bind (("C-s" . swiper-isearch)
   1176            ("C-r" . swiper-isearch-backward)))
   1177 #+end_src
   1178 *** prescient: scoring system for M-x
   1179 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1180   (use-package prescient
   1181     :config (prescient-persist-mode))
   1183   (use-package ivy-prescient
   1184     :after counsel
   1185     :custom (ivy-prescient-retain-classic-highlighting t)
   1186     :config (ivy-prescient-mode))
   1187 #+end_src
   1189 *** ivy-posframe: ivy in a popup
   1190 I like having ivy in a popup.
   1191 Problem: posframe does not work if emacs is too old and on macos.
   1192 See here:
   1193 On Mac, ~brew install --HEAD emacs~ doesn't work either.
   1194 Solution: ~brew tap daviderestivo/emacs-head && brew install emacs-head@28 --with-cocoa~
   1196 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1197   (if (and (version< emacs-version "28") (equal system-type 'darwin))
   1198       (message "ivy-posframe won't work properly, run `brew install daviderestivo/emacs-head/emacs-head@28 --with-cocoa`")
   1199     (use-package ivy-posframe
   1200       :delight
   1201       :custom
   1202       (ivy-posframe-display-functions-alist '((t . ivy-posframe-display-at-frame-center)))
   1203       (ivy-posframe-parameters
   1204        '((left-fringe . 8)
   1205          (right-fringe . 8)))
   1206       (ivy-posframe-border-width 3)
   1207       (ivy-truncate-lines nil) ;; otherwise the cursor gets hidden by long lines in posframe
   1208       :custom-face
   1209       (ivy-posframe-border ((t (:inherit mode-line-inactive))))
   1210       :config
   1211       (ivy-posframe-mode 1)))
   1212 #+end_src
   1214 [[][See here]] for cursor going offscreen in the posframe. Currently 'solved' with ~ivy-truncate-lines~ nil.
   1216 ** DISABLED vertico + consult + marginalia + embark + posframe + prescient
   1217 Alternative to counsel/ivy/swiper, will probably switch to this at some point.
   1218 [[][Here]] is a good comparison.
   1220 A [[][comment here to follow]] when I switch to vertico.
   1221 #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no
   1222   (dolist (pack '(vertico consult marginalia embark vertico-posframe vertico-prescient))
   1223     (unless (package-installed-p pack)
   1224       (package-install pack))
   1225     (require pack))
   1227   (vertico-mode 1)
   1228   (vertico-posframe-mode 1)
   1229   (marginalia-mode 1)
   1230   (vertico-prescient-mode 1)
   1231   (setq completion-styles '(basic substring partial-completion flex))
   1233   (global-set-key (kbd "M-o") #'embark-act)
   1234   (global-set-key (kbd "C-s") #'consult-line)
   1236 #+end_src
   1237 ** company: completion mechanism
   1238 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1239   (use-package company)
   1240 #+end_src
   1242 ** wgrep: writable grep
   1243 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1244   (use-package wgrep)
   1245 #+end_src
   1246 ** avy: jump to any position
   1247 This lets me jump to any position in Emacs rather quickly, sometimes it's useful.
   1248 ~avy-goto-char-timer~ lets me type a part of the text before avy kicks in.
   1250 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1251   (use-package avy
   1252     :custom
   1253     (avy-single-candidate-jump nil "Often I want to perform an action, never jump automatically")
   1254     :bind
   1255     (("C-:" . avy-goto-char-timer)))
   1256 #+end_src
   1258 ** calendar
   1259 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1260   (use-package calendar
   1261     :ensure nil ; comes with Emacs
   1262     :custom
   1263     (calendar-week-start-day 1))
   1264 #+end_src
   1265 ** calfw: graphical calendar
   1266 Basically provides a way to show the org agenda as a standard GUI calendar app would.
   1268 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1269   (use-package calfw
   1270     :config
   1271     (use-package calfw-org)
   1272     :custom
   1273     (cfw:org-overwrite-default-keybinding t))
   1274 #+end_src
   1276 ** vanish: hide parts of the file
   1277 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1278   (use-package vanish
   1279     :init
   1280     (za/package-vc-install :repo "thezeroalpha/vanish.el" :rev "develop")
   1281     (require 'vanish)
   1282     :ensure nil
   1283     :bind (:map vanish-mode-map
   1284                 ("C-c q h h" . vanish-hide-dwim)
   1285                 ("C-c q h u r" . vanish-show-all-regions)
   1286                 ("C-c q h u e" . vanish-elt-unhide)
   1287                 ("C-c q h u u" . vanish-show-all)))
   1288 #+end_src
   1289 ** magit
   1290 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1291   (use-package magit)
   1292 #+end_src
   1293 ** vterm
   1294 Emacs has a bunch of built-in terminal emulators.
   1295 And they all suck.
   1296 (OK not really, eshell is alright, but not for interactive terminal programs like newsboat/neomutt)
   1298 Also use emacsclient inside vterm as an editor, because that'll open documents in the existing Emacs session.
   1299 And I'm not gonna be a heretic and open Vim inside of Emacs.
   1301 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1302   (use-package vterm
   1303     :hook
   1304     (vterm-mode . (lambda () (unless server-process (server-start))))
   1305     :bind (("C-c t" . switch-to-vterm))
   1306     :config
   1307     (defun switch-to-vterm ()
   1308       "Switch to a running vterm, or start one and switch to it."
   1309       (interactive)
   1310       (if (get-buffer vterm-buffer-name)
   1311           (switch-to-buffer vterm-buffer-name)
   1312         (vterm))))
   1313 #+end_src
   1314 ** sr-speedbar
   1315 Make speed bar show in the current frame.
   1317 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1318   (use-package sr-speedbar
   1319     :bind (("C-c F" . za/jump-to-speedbar-or-open)
   1320            :map speedbar-mode-map
   1321            ("q" . sr-speedbar-close))
   1322     :custom
   1323     (sr-speedbar-right-side nil)
   1325     :config
   1326     (defun za/jump-to-speedbar-or-open ()
   1327       "Open a speedbar or jump to it if already open."
   1328       (interactive)
   1329       (if (or (not (boundp 'sr-speedbar-exist-p))
   1330               (not (sr-speedbar-exist-p)))
   1331           (sr-speedbar-open))
   1332       (sr-speedbar-select-window)))
   1333 #+end_src
   1334 ** expand-region
   1335 Expand the selected region semantically.
   1337 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1338   (use-package expand-region
   1339     :bind ("C-=" . er/expand-region))
   1340 #+end_src
   1341 ** flycheck
   1342 Install flycheck:
   1344 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1345   (use-package flycheck)
   1346 #+end_src
   1347 ** rainbow-mode: visualise hex colors
   1348 'rainbow-mode' lets you visualise hex colors:
   1350 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1351   (use-package rainbow-mode)
   1352 #+end_src
   1353 ** hl-todo: highlight TODO keywords
   1354 I want to highlight TODO keywords in comments:
   1356 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1357   (use-package hl-todo
   1358     :custom-face
   1359     (hl-todo ((t (:inherit hl-todo :underline t))))
   1360     :custom
   1361     (hl-todo-keyword-faces '(("TODO"   . "#ff7060")
   1362                              ("FIXME"  . "#caa000")))
   1363     :config
   1364     (global-hl-todo-mode t))
   1365 #+end_src
   1366 ** undo-tree
   1367 Sometimes it's better to look at undo history as a tree:
   1369 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1370   (use-package undo-tree
   1371     :delight
   1372     :custom
   1373     (undo-tree-history-directory-alist
   1374      (progn (let ((undo-tree-dir (concat user-emacs-directory "undo-tree/")))
   1375               (unless (file-directory-p undo-tree-dir) (make-directory undo-tree-dir))
   1376               `(("." . ,undo-tree-dir)))))
   1378     :config
   1379     (global-undo-tree-mode))
   1380 #+end_src
   1382 *** TODO undo tree dir should be configurable
   1383 ** eglot
   1384 A good LSP plugin.
   1386 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1387   (use-package eglot)
   1388 #+end_src
   1389 ** crdt
   1390 Collaborative editing in Emacs:
   1392 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1393   (use-package crdt)
   1394 #+end_src
   1395 ** git gutter
   1396 General git gutter:
   1398 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1399   (use-package git-gutter
   1400     :bind (("C-c d n" . git-gutter:next-hunk)
   1401            ("C-c d p" . git-gutter:previous-hunk))
   1402     :config
   1403     (global-git-gutter-mode 1))
   1404 #+end_src
   1405 ** keycast
   1406 In case I want to show what keys I'm pressing.
   1408 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1409   (use-package keycast)
   1410 #+end_src
   1411 ** ace-window: better window switching
   1412 Window switching with ~other-window~ sucks when I have more than 2 windows open. Too much cognitive load.
   1413 This lets me select a window to jump to using a single key, sort of like ~avy~.
   1415 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1416   (use-package ace-window
   1417     :custom
   1418     (aw-keys '(?a ?s ?d ?f ?g ?h ?j ?k ?l) "I prefer using home-row keys instead of numbers")
   1420     :custom-face
   1421     ;; I want something a little more contrasty
   1422     (aw-leading-char-face ((t (:inherit font-lock-keyword-face :height 2.0))))
   1424     :bind ("M-o" . ace-window))
   1425 #+end_src
   1426 ** decide-mode for dice rolling
   1427 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1428   (use-package decide
   1429     :init (za/package-vc-install :repo "lifelike/decide-mode" :name "decide")
   1430     :ensure nil
   1431     :bind ("C-c q ?" . decide-mode))
   1432 #+end_src
   1434 ** try: try out different packages
   1435 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1436   (use-package try)
   1437 #+end_src
   1438 ** dumb-jump
   1439 "jump to definition" package, minimal configuration with no stored indexes.
   1440 Uses The Silver Searcher ag, ripgrep rg, or grep to find potential definitions of a function or variable under point.
   1442 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1443   (use-package dumb-jump)
   1444 #+end_src
   1446 Enable xref backend:
   1448 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1449   (add-hook 'xref-backend-functions #'dumb-jump-xref-activate)
   1450   (setq xref-show-definitions-function #'xref-show-definitions-completing-read)
   1451 #+end_src
   1452 ** DISABLED command-log-mode
   1453 Simple real-time logger of commands.
   1455 #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no
   1456   (use-package command-log-mode)
   1457 #+end_src
   1458 ** package-lint
   1459 Linter for the metadata in Emacs Lisp files which are intended to be packages.
   1461 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1462   (use-package package-lint)
   1463   (use-package flycheck-package)
   1464   (eval-after-load 'flycheck
   1465     '(flycheck-package-setup))
   1466 #+end_src
   1467 ** prism: change color of text depending on depth
   1468 Prism changes the color of text depending on their depth. Makes it easier to see where something is at a glance.
   1470 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1471   (use-package prism)
   1472 #+end_src
   1473 ** olivetti: distraction-free writing
   1474 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1475   (use-package olivetti
   1476     :diminish)
   1477 #+end_src
   1478 ** nov.el: EPUB support
   1479 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1480   (use-package nov)
   1481   (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.epub\\'" . nov-mode))
   1482 #+end_src
   1483 ** god-mode: reduce the need to hold down modifier keys
   1484 - All commands are assumed to use the control modifier (C-) unless otherwise indicated.
   1485 - g is used to indicate the meta modifier
   1486 - G is used to indicate both the control and meta modifiers
   1487 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1488   (use-package god-mode
   1489     :bind
   1490     (("s-<escape>" . god-mode-all)
   1491      :map god-local-mode-map
   1492      ("z" . repeat)
   1493      ("i" . god-local-mode))
   1494     :hook    (post-command . za/god-mode-update-mode-line)
   1495     :config
   1496     (defun za/god-mode-update-mode-line ()
   1497       "Update the color of the modeline depending on god-mode."
   1498       (cond (god-local-mode
   1499              (set-face-attribute 'mode-line nil :background "#770085"))
   1500             (t
   1501              (let* ((current-theme (car custom-enabled-themes))
   1502                      (theme-settings (get current-theme 'theme-settings)))
   1503                 (dolist (theme-setting theme-settings)
   1504                   (if (and (eq (car theme-setting) 'theme-face)
   1505                            (eq (cadr theme-setting) 'mode-line))
   1506                       (let* ((face-def (caar (last theme-setting)))
   1507                              (properties (car (last face-def)))
   1508                              (bg (plist-get properties :background)))
   1509                         (set-face-attribute 'mode-line nil :background bg)))))))))
   1510 #+end_src
   1511 ** devil: alternative to god-mode that uses a comma
   1512 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1513   (use-package devil
   1514     :init
   1515     (za/package-vc-install :repo "susam/devil")
   1516     (require 'devil)
   1517     :custom
   1518     (devil-lighter " \u272A")
   1519     (devil-prompt "\u272A %t")
   1520     :config (global-devil-mode)
   1521     :bind ("C-," . global-devil-mode))
   1522 #+end_src
   1523 ** academic-phrases
   1524 Gives ideas for phrases to use in academic writing.
   1525 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1526   (use-package academic-phrases)
   1527 #+end_src
   1528 ** ediff
   1529 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1530   (use-package ediff
   1531     :custom
   1532     ((ediff-keep-variants nil "Prompt to remove unmodifid buffers after session")
   1533      (ediff-make-buffers-readonly-at-startup nil "Don't make all buffers read-only at startup")
   1534      (ediff-show-clashes-only t "Only show diff regions where both buffers disagree with ancestor")
   1535      (ediff-split-window-function 'split-window-horizontally "I want long vertical side-by-side windows")
   1536      (ediff-window-setup-function 'ediff-setup-windows-plain "Everything in one frame please")))
   1537 #+end_src
   1538 ** highlight-indent-guides
   1539 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1540   (use-package highlight-indent-guides
   1541     :hook (yaml-mode . highlight-indent-guides-mode)
   1542     :custom
   1543     ((highlight-indent-guides-method 'character))
   1544     :custom-face
   1545     (highlight-indent-guides-character-face ((t (:foreground "#adadad")))))
   1546 #+end_src
   1547 ** cc-avy
   1548 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1549   (use-package cc-avy
   1550     :ensure nil ; local
   1551     :bind ("C-M-:" . cc/avy-menu))
   1552 #+end_src
   1553 ** annotate
   1554 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1555   (use-package annotate
   1556     :custom (annotate-annotation-position-policy :margin)
   1557     :config
   1558     (defun za/annotate-initialize-extra-hooks ()
   1559       (add-hook 'after-save-hook #'annotate-save-annotations t t))
   1560     (defun za/annotate-shutdown-extra-hooks ()
   1561       (remove-hook 'after-save-hook #'annotate-save-annotations t))
   1562     (advice-add 'annotate-initialize :after #'za/annotate-initialize-extra-hooks)
   1563     (advice-add 'annotate-shutdown :after #'za/annotate-shutdown-extra-hooks))
   1565 #+end_src
   1566 ** yasnippet
   1567 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1568   (use-package yasnippet
   1569     :config (yas-global-mode)
   1570     :delight)
   1571 #+end_src
   1572 * Mode/language specific packages
   1573 ** Org
   1574 *** Custom functions
   1575 **** Get number of headlines in a file
   1576 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1577   (defun za/org-count-headlines-in-file (level filename)
   1578     "Count number of level LEVEL headlines in FILENAME. If LEVEL is 0, count all."
   1579     (let ((headline-str (cond ((zerop level) "^\*+")
   1580                               (t (format "^%s " (apply 'concat (make-list level "\\*")))))))
   1581       (save-mark-and-excursion
   1582         (with-temp-buffer
   1583           (insert-file-contents filename)
   1584           (count-matches headline-str (point-min) (point-max))))))
   1585 #+end_src
   1587 **** Yank URL
   1588 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1589   (defun org-yank-link-url ()
   1590     (interactive)
   1591     (kill-new (org-element-property :raw-link (org-element-context)))
   1592     (message "Link copied to clipboard"))
   1593 #+end_src
   1594 *** Installation
   1595 Install Org and require additional components that I use.
   1597 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1598   (use-package org
   1599     :custom
   1600     (org-outline-path-complete-in-steps nil "Complete path all at once (needed for completion frameworks")
   1601     (org-format-latex-options (plist-put org-format-latex-options :scale 2.0) "Larger latex previews")
   1602     (org-goto-interface 'outline-path-completion "Use outline path completion for org-goto, instead of its weird interface")
   1603     (org-insert-heading-respect-content t "Insert headings after current subtree")
   1604     (org-id-link-to-org-use-id 'create-if-interactive "If org-store-link is called directly, create an ID.")
   1605     (org-clock-mode-line-total 'today)
   1606     (org-return-follows-link t "Easier link following. Actual enter is still possible with ~C-q C-j~.")
   1607     (org-hide-emphasis-markers t "Don't show italics/bold markers")
   1608     (org-babel-python-command "python3")
   1609     (org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)
   1610     (org-file-apps '((auto-mode . emacs)
   1611                      (directory . emacs)
   1612                      ("\\.mm\\'" . default)
   1613                      ("\\.x?html?\\'" . default)
   1614                      ("\\.pdf\\'" . emacs)))
   1615     (org-link-elisp-confirm-function #'y-or-n-p)
   1616     (org-link-elisp-skip-confirm-regexp "^org-noter$")
   1617     (org-clock-sound (concat user-emacs-directory "notification.wav"))
   1618     (org-export-backends '(ascii html icalendar latex md odt org pandoc confluence-ext jira))
   1619     (org-catch-invisible-edits 'show-and-error
   1620                                "Sometimes when text is folded away, I might accidentally edit text inside of it. This option prevents that. I wanted to do 'smart', but that has a 'fixme' so it might change in the future...Instead, show what's being edited, but don't perform the edit.")
   1621     (org-src-tab-acts-natively t "a tab in a code block indents the code as it should")
   1622     (org-attach-store-link-p 'attached)
   1623     (org-attach-archive-delete 'query)
   1624     (org-stuck-projects '("/PROJ"
   1625                           ("NEXT" "STARTED")
   1626                           nil nil)
   1627                         "List projects that are stuck (don't have a next action)")
   1628     (org-tag-alist (let ((za/org-tag-energy-levels
   1629                           '((:startgroup)
   1630                             ("sport" . ?h) ; Sport (deep focus, long tasks, no interruptions, at least an hour)
   1631                             ("cruise" . ?l) ; Cruise (shallow focus, can be interrupted, can batch lots of quick tasks together)
   1632                             ("parked" . ?e) ; Parked (take a break, look into the distance, walk the dog, stretch, etc.)
   1633                             ("errand" . ?o) ; Errand (anything that involves me being out of the house)
   1634                             (:endgroup)))
   1635                          (za/org-tag-1-3-5
   1636                           '(; 1-3-5 tagging
   1637                             (:startgroup)
   1638                             ("_1" . ?1) ; 1 big task, 3-4 hrs
   1639                             ("_3" . ?3) ; 3 medium tasks, 1-2 hrs
   1640                             ("_5" . ?5) ; 5 small tasks, 30min-1hr
   1641                             (:endgroup))))
   1642                      `(,@za/org-tag-contexts ,@za/org-tag-energy-levels ,@za/org-tag-1-3-5)))
   1644     :bind (("C-c a" . org-agenda)
   1645            ("C-c n" . org-capture)
   1646            ("C-c l" . org-store-link)
   1647            :map org-mode-map
   1648            ("C-M-<return>" . org-insert-todo-heading)
   1649            ("C-c M-y" . org-yank-link-url)
   1650            ("C-c N" . org-noter)
   1651            ("C-M-i" . completion-at-point)
   1652            ("C-c SPC" . org-table-blank-field))
   1653     :hook ((org-mode . abbrev-mode)
   1654            (org-mode . za/echo-area-tooltips)
   1655            (org-mode . org-superstar-mode)
   1656            (org-mode . org-indent-mode)
   1657            (org-mode . za/settings-on-org-mode)
   1658            (org-mode . org-pretty-table-mode)
   1659            (org-mode . variable-pitch-mode))
   1660     :config
   1661     (za/package-vc-install :repo "Fuco1/org-pretty-table")
   1662     (require 'org-pretty-table)
   1663     (delight 'org-pretty-table nil)
   1666     (za/package-vc-install :repo "" :load "lisp/")
   1667     (require 'org-contrib)
   1668     (require 'org-checklist)
   1669     (delight 'org-indent-mode nil 'org-indent)
   1670     (defun za/settings-on-org-mode ()
   1671       "Settings on enabling org mode"
   1672       (za/toggle-wrap t))
   1674     (defcustom za/org-inline-images-desired-screen-proportion (/ (float 3) 4)
   1675       "Percentage of the window (as a float) that Org inline images should take up."
   1676       :type 'float)
   1678     (defun za/org-display-inline-images-set-width (&rest _)
   1679       "Set `org-image-actual-width` dynamically before displaying images."
   1680       (if (window-system)
   1681           (let* ((total-width (window-pixel-width))
   1682                  (image-width (round (* total-width za/org-inline-images-desired-screen-proportion))))
   1683             (setq-local org-image-actual-width image-width))))
   1685     (advice-add 'org-display-inline-images :before #'za/org-display-inline-images-set-width)
   1687     (defun za/org-attach-tag (old/org-attach-tag &rest args)
   1688       "Wraps :around org-attach-tag (as OLD/ORG-ATTACH-TAG) with ARGS.
   1689   When inside capture for org-roam, attaching fails at
   1690   org-attach-tag. This function prevents that error interrupting
   1691   org-attach."
   1692       (if ; there's no heading
   1693           (not (org-element-lineage (org-element-at-point)
   1694                                     '(headline inlinetask)
   1695                                     'include-self))
   1696           nil ; there's no point attaching a tag
   1697                                           ; otherwise, normal attach
   1698         (apply old/org-attach-tag args)))
   1700     (advice-add #'org-attach-tag :around #'za/org-attach-tag)
   1701     (defun za/org-clear-1-3-5 ()
   1702       "Clears the _1/_3/_5 daily tags from all antries."
   1703       (interactive)
   1704       (let ((number-of-entries
   1705              (length (org-map-entries
   1706                       (lambda ()
   1707                         (let* ((tags-1-3-5 '("_1" "_3" "_5"))
   1708                                (tags-without-1-3-5 (seq-remove (lambda (e) (member e tags-1-3-5))
   1709                                                                org-scanner-tags)))
   1710                           (org-set-tags tags-without-1-3-5)))
   1711                       "_1|_3|_5"
   1712                       'agenda-with-archives))))
   1713         (message "Modified %d entries." number-of-entries)))
   1715     (require 'org-tempo)
   1716     (require 'org-habit)
   1717     (require 'org-id)
   1718     (use-package ob-async)
   1719     (use-package ob-rust)
   1720     (org-babel-do-load-languages
   1721      'org-babel-load-languages
   1722      '((emacs-lisp . t)
   1723        (R . t)
   1724        (python . t)
   1725        (ruby . t)
   1726        (shell . t)
   1727        (sqlite . t)
   1728        (rust . t)))
   1729     (use-package inf-ruby)
   1730     (use-package org-superstar
   1731       :custom
   1732       (org-superstar-leading-bullet ?\s))
   1734     ;; Linking to emails via notmuch
   1735     (use-package ol-notmuch)
   1737     ;; Improved search
   1738     (use-package org-ql)
   1740     ;; Tempo expansions
   1741     (add-to-list 'org-structure-template-alist '("se" . "src emacs-lisp"))
   1742     (add-to-list 'org-structure-template-alist '("sb" . "src bibtex"))
   1743     (add-to-list 'org-structure-template-alist '("ss" . "src sh"))
   1744     (add-to-list 'org-structure-template-alist '("sy" . "src yaml")))
   1745 #+end_src
   1746 *** Agenda & GTD
   1747 **** Agenda mode settings
   1748 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1749   (use-package org-agenda
   1750     :ensure org
   1751     :bind (:map org-agenda-mode-map
   1752                 ("C-c TAB" . za/org-agenda-goto-narrowed-subtree)
   1753                 ("@" . za/org-agenda-show-context-tags))
   1754     :custom
   1755     (org-agenda-files (list za/org-life-main
   1756                             za/org-life-inbox
   1757                             za/org-life-tickler))
   1758     (org-agenda-text-search-extra-files
   1759      (directory-files za/org-life-dir t (rx bol (not ?.) (* anything) ".org"))
   1760      "I want to search all Org files in the life directory")
   1762     :config
   1763     (defun za/org-agenda-show-context-tags ()
   1764       "Show the context tags (e.g. @computer) applicable to the current item."
   1765       (interactive)
   1766       (let* ((tags (org-get-at-bol 'tags))
   1767              (context-tag-p (lambda (tag) (string-prefix-p "@" tag)))
   1768              (context-tags (seq-filter context-tag-p tags)))
   1769         (if context-tags
   1770             (message "Contexts are :%s:"
   1771                      (org-no-properties (mapconcat #'identity context-tags ":")))
   1772           (message "No contexts associated with this line"))))
   1773     (defun za/org-agenda-goto-narrowed-subtree ()
   1774       "Jump to current agenda item and narrow to its subtree."
   1775       (interactive)
   1776       (delete-other-windows)
   1777       (org-agenda-goto)
   1778       (org-narrow-to-subtree)
   1779       (outline-hide-subtree)
   1780       (org-show-children 1)
   1781       (other-window 1)))
   1782 #+end_src
   1784 Fix tag display by dynamically calculating the column.
   1786 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1787   (defun za/settings-org-agenda-mode ()
   1788     "My settings for org agenda mode"
   1789     )
   1790   (add-hook 'org-agenda-mode-hook #'za/settings-org-agenda-mode)
   1791 #+end_src
   1793 **** Opening files
   1794 Convenience functions to make opening the main file faster:
   1796 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1797   (defun gtd () "GTD: main file" (interactive) (find-file za/org-life-main))
   1798   (defun gtd-inbox ()
   1799     "GTD: inbox"
   1800     (interactive)
   1801     (let ((count-docs (length (directory-files za/org-life-doc-inbox nil (rx bos (not ?.))))))
   1802       (find-file za/org-life-inbox)
   1803       (when (> count-docs 0)
   1804         (dired-other-window za/org-life-doc-inbox)
   1805         (dired-revert)
   1806         (other-window 1))))
   1807   (defun gtd-inbox-mobile () "GTD: mobile inbox" (interactive) (find-file za/org-life-inbox-mobile))
   1808   (defun gtd-archive () "GTD: archive" (interactive) (find-file za/org-life-archive))
   1809   (defun gtd-someday () "GTD: someday" (interactive) (find-file za/org-life-someday))
   1810   (defun gtd-tickler () "GTD: tickler" (interactive) (find-file za/org-life-tickler))
   1811 #+end_src
   1813 Bind keys to those functions:
   1815 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1816   (bind-keys :prefix "M-g t"
   1817              :prefix-map za/gtd-files-map
   1818              :prefix-docstring "Visit GTD file"
   1819              ("i" . gtd-inbox)
   1820              ("l" . gtd)
   1821              ("a" . gtd-archive)
   1822              ("s" . gtd-someday)
   1823              ("t" . gtd-tickler))
   1824 #+end_src
   1826 To improve jumping to any headline via counsel, filter returned candidates to include source file.
   1828 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1829   (defun za/counsel-org-agenda-headlines--candidates-with-filename (candidates)
   1830     "Convert CANDIDATES to include source filename for each candidate."
   1831     (mapcar (lambda (candidate)
   1832               (let ((name (nth 0 candidate))
   1833                     (path (nth 1 candidate))
   1834                     (pos (nth 2 candidate)))
   1835                 (list (format "%s/%s" (file-name-nondirectory path) name)
   1836                       path
   1837                       pos)))
   1838             candidates))
   1840   (advice-add #'counsel-org-agenda-headlines--candidates :filter-return #'za/counsel-org-agenda-headlines--candidates-with-filename)
   1841 #+end_src
   1843 *** Processing inbox
   1844 I made a function for processing the inbox, focusing on one item at a time:
   1846 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1847   (defun za/gtd-inbox-next-item ()
   1848     (interactive)
   1849     (unless (string= (buffer-file-name) (file-truename za/org-life-inbox))
   1850       (user-error "You're not in your GTD inbox file."))
   1851     (widen)
   1852     (org-first-headline-recenter)
   1853     (org-narrow-to-subtree))
   1854 #+end_src
   1856 And a conditional binding:
   1858 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1859   (bind-key "C-c g n" #'za/gtd-inbox-next-item 'org-mode-map (string= (buffer-file-name) (file-truename za/org-life-inbox)))
   1860 #+end_src
   1862 And a function for importing other inboxes:
   1864 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1865   (defun za/gtd-inbox-import ()
   1866     (interactive)
   1867     (unless (string= (buffer-file-name) (file-truename za/org-life-inbox))
   1868       (user-error "You're not in your GTD inbox file"))
   1869     (when (directory-files za/org-life-dir nil "\\.sync-conflict-")
   1870         (user-error "Sync conflicts found, please fix them"))
   1871     (let ((mobile (if (boundp 'za/org-life-inbox-mobile) (file-truename za/org-life-inbox-mobile) nil))
   1872           (calendar (if (boundp 'za/org-life-calendar-inbox) (file-truename za/org-life-calendar-inbox) nil)))
   1873       (save-mark-and-excursion
   1874         (goto-char (point-max))
   1875         (when mobile
   1876           (insert-file mobile)
   1877           (goto-char (point-max))
   1878           (write-region "" nil mobile))
   1879         (when calendar
   1880           (insert-file calendar)
   1881           (write-region "" nil calendar)
   1882           (goto-char (point-max)))
   1883         (message "Imported other inboxes."))))
   1884 #+end_src
   1886 Also with a conditional binding:
   1888 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1889   (bind-key "C-c g i" #'za/gtd-inbox-import 'org-mode-map (string= (buffer-file-name) (file-truename za/org-life-inbox)))
   1890 #+end_src
   1891 *** Refiling & archiving
   1892 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1893   (use-package org-refile
   1894     :ensure org
   1895     :custom
   1896     (org-refile-targets `((,za/org-life-main :maxlevel . 3)
   1897                           (,za/org-life-someday :level . 1)
   1898                           (,za/org-life-tickler :maxlevel . 3))
   1899                         "Where I want to be able to move subtrees (doesn't include inbox because I never refile to that, and the archive has its own keybining)")
   1900     (org-archive-location (concat za/org-life-archive "::datetree/")
   1901                           "I want to archive to a specific file, in a date tree")
   1902     (org-refile-use-outline-path 'file
   1903                                  "Include the destination file as an element in the path to a heading, and to use the full paths as completion targets rather than just the heading text itself")
   1904     (org-outline-path-complete-in-steps nil
   1905                                         "Tell Org that I don’t want to complete in steps; I want Org to generate all of the possible completions and present them at once (necessary for Helm/Ivy)")
   1906     (org-refile-allow-creating-parent-nodes 'confirm
   1907                                             "Allow me to tack new heading names onto the end of my outline path, and if I am asking to create new ones, make me confirm it"))
   1908 #+end_src
   1910 *** Quick capture
   1911 Quick capture lets me send something to my inbox very quickly, without thinking about where it should go.
   1912 The inbox is processed later.
   1914 Templates for quick capture:
   1916 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1917   (use-package org-capture
   1918     :ensure org
   1919     :custom
   1920     (org-capture-templates `(("t" "Todo [inbox]" entry
   1921                               (file ,za/org-life-inbox)
   1922                               "* TODO %i%?")
   1924                              ("s" "Save for read/watch/listen" entry
   1925                               (file+headline ,za/org-life-someday "Read/watch/listen")
   1926                               "* TODO %?[[%^{link}][%^{description}]] %^G"))))
   1927 #+end_src
   1929 *** Todo & custom agenda views
   1930 Todo keywords based on the GTD system (pipe separates incomplete from complete).
   1931 Apart from the logging-on-done configured [[*Logging][below]], I also want to log a note & timestamp when I start waiting on something.
   1932 In ~org-todo-keywords~, ~@~ means note+timestamp, ~!~ means timestamp, ~@/!~ means note+timestamp on state entry and timestamp on leave.
   1934 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1935   (custom-set-variables '(org-todo-keywords '((sequence "TODO(t)" "NEXT(n)" "STARTED(s)" "WAITING(w@)" "PROJ(p)" "|" "DONE(d)" "CANCELLED(c)")))
   1936                         '(org-todo-keyword-faces '(("TODO" . org-todo)
   1937                                                    ("NEXT" . org-todo)
   1938                                                    ("WAITING" . org-todo)
   1939                                                    ("STARTED" . org-todo)
   1940                                                    ("PROJ" . org-todo)
   1941                                                    ("DONE" . org-done)
   1942                                                    ("CANCELLED" . org-done))))
   1943 #+end_src
   1946 Something is a habit if: it has a HABIT tag, STYLE is habit, LOGGING is logrepeat, it has a scheduled repeater from today.
   1948 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1949   (defun za/mark-as-habit ()
   1950     "This function makes sure that the current heading has:
   1951   (1) a HABIT tag
   1952   (2) todo set to TODO
   1953   (3) LOGGING property set to logrepeat
   1954   (4) a scheduled repeater from today"
   1955     (interactive)
   1956     (org-back-to-heading t)
   1957     (org-set-property "TODO" "TODO")
   1958     (org-set-property "LOGGING" "logrepeat")
   1959     (org-set-property "STYLE" "habit")
   1960     (org-toggle-tag "HABIT" 'on)
   1961     (org-schedule nil))
   1962 #+end_src
   1964 +I decided that projects will not be TODO items, but their progress will be tracked with a progress cookie ([x/y]). This function converts an item to a project: it adds a PROJECT tag, sets the progress indicator to count all checkboxes in sub-items (only TODO items), and removes any existing TODO keywords. Finally, PROJECT tags shouldn't be inherited (i.e. subtasks shouldn't be marked as projects).+
   1965 In the end, I want NEXT items that are part of a project to be shown as such (so inherit that PROJECT tag), but projects themselves will have a PROJ todo keyword.
   1966 This function converts an item to a project.
   1968 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1969   (defun za/mark-as-project ()
   1970     "This function makes sure that the current heading has
   1971       (1) the tag PROJECT
   1972       (2) the todo keyword PROJ
   1973       (3) the property COOKIE_DATA set to \"todo recursive\"
   1974       (4) a progress indicator"
   1975     (interactive)
   1976     (org-back-to-heading t)
   1977     ;; Step 1: clear out everything
   1978     (org-set-property "TODO" "")
   1980     ;; org-set-property errors via org-priority if you try to clear
   1981     ;; priority of an item that doesn't have priority. Stupid design,
   1982     ;; but I can't change that so we gotta jump through hoops:
   1983     (let ((have-priority (org-element-property :priority (org-element-at-point))))
   1984       (when have-priority
   1985         (org-set-property "PRIORITY" "")))
   1987     ;; Step 2: set info (stats cookie, todo, tag, properties drawer)
   1988     (forward-whitespace 1)
   1989     (insert "[/] ")
   1990     (org-set-property "TODO" "PROJ")
   1991     (org-toggle-tag "PROJECT" 'on)
   1992     (org-set-property "COOKIE_DATA" "todo recursive")
   1993     (org-update-statistics-cookies nil))
   1994 #+end_src
   1996 And a keybinding for it:
   1998 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   1999   (bind-key "C-c g p" #'za/mark-as-project 'org-mode-map)
   2000 #+end_src
   2002 Want all tags to be inherited:
   2004 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2005   (custom-set-variables '(org-tags-exclude-from-inheritance nil))
   2006 #+end_src
   2008 Define a function to skip items if they're part of a project (i.e. one of their parents has a "PROJECT" tag).
   2009 +The problem is, the "PROJECT" tag isn't inherited. So, we temporarily disable excluding from inheritance, just for the ~org-get-tags~ call. Then check if "PROJECT" is one of the tags.+ That tag is now inherited.
   2011 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2012   (defun za/skip-if-in-project ()
   2013     "Skip items that are part of a project but not a project themselves."
   2014     (let ((skip (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t)))
   2015           (keep nil)
   2016           (item-tags (let ((org-use-tag-inheritance t)) (org-get-tags)))
   2017           (item-tags-without-inherited (let ((org-use-tag-inheritance nil)) (org-get-tags))))
   2018       (if (and (member "PROJECT" item-tags)
   2019                (not (member "PROJECT" item-tags-without-inherited)))
   2020           skip
   2021         keep)))
   2022 #+end_src
   2024 Also, define a function to skip tasks (trees) that are not habits (i.e. don't have the STYLE property ~habit~):
   2026 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2027   (defun za/skip-unless-habit ()
   2028     "Skip trees that are not habits"
   2029     (let ((skip (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t)))
   2030           (keep nil))
   2031       (if (string= (org-entry-get nil "STYLE") "habit")
   2032           keep
   2033         skip)))
   2034 #+end_src
   2036 And one to skip tasks that /are/ habits:
   2038 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2039   (defun za/skip-if-habit ()
   2040     "Skip trees that are not habits"
   2041     (let ((skip (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t)))
   2042           (keep nil))
   2043       (if (string= (org-entry-get nil "STYLE") "habit")
   2044           skip
   2045         keep)))
   2046 #+end_src
   2048 Skip ones with a habit tag:
   2050 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2051   (defun za/skip-if-has-habit-tag ()
   2052     (let ((skip (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t)))
   2053           (keep nil)
   2054           (item-tags-without-inherited (let ((org-use-tag-inheritance nil)) (org-get-tags))))
   2055       (if (or (member "HABIT" item-tags-without-inherited)
   2056               (member "flatastic" item-tags-without-inherited))
   2057           skip
   2058         keep)))
   2059 #+end_src
   2061 And another function, to skip tasks that are blocked:
   2063 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2064   (defun za/skip-if-blocked ()
   2065     "Skip trees that are blocked by previous tasks"
   2066     (let ((skip (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t)))
   2067           (keep nil))
   2068       (if (org-entry-blocked-p)
   2069           skip
   2070         keep)))
   2071 #+end_src
   2073 For listing tasks without a context - skip if it has a context tag:
   2075 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2076   (defun za/skip-if-has-context ()
   2077     (let ((skip (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t)))
   2078           (keep nil)
   2079           (item-tags-without-inherited (let ((org-use-tag-inheritance nil)) (org-get-tags)))
   2080           (context-tag-p (lambda (s) (eq (aref s 0) ?@))))
   2081       (if (cl-some context-tag-p item-tags-without-inherited)
   2082           skip
   2083         keep)))
   2084 #+end_src
   2086 For listing tasks without an energy level - skip if it has an energy level:
   2088 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2089   (defun za/skip-if-has-energy-level ()
   2090     (let ((skip (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t)))
   2091           (keep nil)
   2092           (item-tags-without-inherited (let ((org-use-tag-inheritance nil)) (org-get-tags)))
   2093           (energy-tag-p (lambda (s) (member s '("sport" "cruise" "parked" "errand")))))
   2094       (if (cl-some energy-tag-p item-tags-without-inherited)
   2095           skip
   2096         keep)))
   2097 #+end_src
   2099 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2100   (defun za/skip-if-scheduled-in-future ()
   2101     (let* ((skip (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t)))
   2102            (keep nil)
   2103            (scheduled-time (org-get-scheduled-time (point))))
   2104       (if (and scheduled-time (time-less-p (current-time) scheduled-time))
   2105           skip
   2106         keep)))
   2107 #+end_src
   2109 Create custom agenda view based on those keywords.
   2110 Agenda views are made up of blocks, appearing in the order that you declare them.
   2111 The first two strings are what shows up in the agenda dispatcher (the key to press and the description).
   2113 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2114   (setq org-agenda-custom-commands
   2115         '(("n" "Next actions"
   2116            todo "NEXT" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Next actions:")
   2117                         (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(priority-down alpha-up))))
   2118           ("q" "Query" (lambda (&rest _) (call-interactively #'org-ql-search)))
   2120           ("W" "Waiting"
   2121            ((todo "WAITING" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Waiting:")))))
   2122           ("S" . "Saved for later...")
   2123           ("Sw" "Saved to watch"
   2124            ((tags-todo "WATCH" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "To watch:")))))
   2125           ("Sr" "Saved to read"
   2126            ((tags-todo "READ" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "To read:")))))
   2127           ("Sl" "Saved to listen"
   2128            ((tags-todo "LISTEN" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "To listen:")))))
   2130           ("a" . "Agenda with schedule only...")
   2131           ("aw" "This week"
   2132            ((agenda "" ((org-agenda-span 'week)))))
   2133           ("aD" "Today"
   2134            ((agenda "" ((org-agenda-span 'day)))))
   2135           ("ad" "Today (no habits)"
   2136            ((agenda "" ((org-agenda-span 'day)
   2137                         (org-agenda-skip-function 'za/skip-if-has-habit-tag)))))
   2138           ("at" "Tomorrow (no habits)"
   2139            ((agenda "" ((org-agenda-span 'day)
   2140                         (org-agenda-start-day "+1d")
   2141                         (org-agenda-skip-function 'za/skip-if-has-habit-tag)))))
   2142           ("aT" "Tomorrow"
   2143            ((agenda "" ((org-agenda-span 'day)
   2144                         (org-agenda-start-day "+1d")))))
   2146           ("w" "Week Agenda + Next Actions"
   2147            ((agenda "" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Week agenda:")))
   2148             (todo "NEXT" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Next actions:")))))
   2150           ("o" "Month agenda"
   2151            ((agenda "" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Month agenda:")
   2152                         (org-agenda-span 'month)))))
   2154           ("d" "Day Agenda + Habits graph + Waiting"
   2155            ((agenda "" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Day:")
   2156                         (org-agenda-span 'day)
   2157                         (org-habit-show-habits nil)
   2158                         (org-agenda-skip-function 'za/skip-if-has-habit-tag)))
   2159             (todo "STARTED" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "In progress:")))
   2160             (todo "WAITING" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Waiting:")))
   2161             (agenda "" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Habits:")
   2162                         (org-agenda-span 'day)
   2163                         (org-agenda-use-time-grid nil)
   2164                         (org-agenda-skip-function 'za/skip-unless-habit)
   2165                         (org-habit-show-habits t) (org-habit-show-habits-only-for-today nil)
   2166                         (org-habit-show-all-today t)))))
   2167           ("D" "Day Agenda with habit tags + Habits + Waiting"
   2168            ((agenda "" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Day:")
   2169                         (org-agenda-span 'day)
   2170                         (org-habit-show-habits nil)))
   2171             (todo "STARTED" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "In progress:")))
   2172             (todo "WAITING" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Waiting:")))
   2173             (agenda "" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Habits:")
   2174                         (org-agenda-span 'day)
   2175                         (org-agenda-use-time-grid nil)
   2176                         (org-agenda-skip-function 'za/skip-unless-habit)
   2177                         (org-habit-show-habits t) (org-habit-show-habits-only-for-today nil)
   2178                         (org-habit-show-all-today t)))))
   2181           ("k" "Kanban view"
   2182            ((todo "DONE" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Done:") (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(deadline-up priority-down alpha-up))))
   2183             (todo "STARTED" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "In progress:") (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(deadline-up priority-down alpha-up))))
   2184             (todo "NEXT" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "To do:") (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(deadline-up priority-down alpha-up))))))
   2186           ("p" "Projects"
   2187            ((todo "PROJ" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Projects:")
   2188                           (org-agenda-prefix-format '((todo . " %i %-22(let ((deadline (org-entry-get nil \"DEADLINE\"))) (if deadline deadline \"\"))")))
   2189                           (org-agenda-dim-blocked-tasks nil)
   2190                           (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '((todo deadline-up alpha-down)))))))
   2191           ("1" "1-3-5"
   2192            ((tags "_1" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Big tasks:")
   2193                         (org-agenda-skip-function 'za/skip-if-scheduled-in-future)
   2194                         (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(todo-state-down deadline-up priority-down alpha-up))))
   2195             (tags "_3" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Medium tasks:")
   2196                         (org-agenda-skip-function 'za/skip-if-scheduled-in-future)
   2197                         (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(todo-state-down deadline-up priority-down alpha-up))))
   2198             (tags "_5" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Small tasks:")
   2199                         (org-agenda-skip-function 'za/skip-if-scheduled-in-future)
   2200                         (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(todo-state-down deadline-up priority-down alpha-up))))))
   2202           ;; Useful thread for opening calfw:
   2203           ("c" "Calendar view" (lambda (&rest _)
   2204                                  (interactive)
   2205                                  (let ((org-agenda-skip-function 'za/skip-if-habit))
   2206                                    (cfw:open-org-calendar))))
   2207           ("f" . "Find & fix...")
   2208           ("f@" "Next actions missing context"
   2209            todo "NEXT" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Missing context:")
   2210                         (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(priority-down alpha-up))
   2211                         (org-agenda-skip-function 'za/skip-if-has-context)))
   2212           ("fe" "Next actions missing energy"
   2213            todo "NEXT" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Missing energy level:")
   2214                         (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(priority-down alpha-up))
   2215                         (org-agenda-skip-function 'za/skip-if-has-energy-level)))
   2216           ("ff" "Finished tasks that aren't in a project"
   2217            ((tags "TODO=\"DONE\"|TODO=\"CANCELLED\"" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Finished tasks:")
   2218                                                       (org-agenda-skip-function 'za/skip-if-in-project)))))
   2219           ("ft" "Tasks without a scheduled time"
   2220            alltodo "" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Missing scheduled time:")
   2221                        (org-agenda-skip-function '(org-agenda-skip-entry-if 'scheduled 'deadline 'timestamp))))))
   2222 #+end_src
   2224 In calfw, I don't want to show habits:
   2226 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2227   (add-hook 'cfw:calendar-mode-hook (setq-local org-agenda-skip-function 'za/skip-if-habit))
   2228 #+end_src
   2230 *** Automatically mark next project item as NEXT
   2231 Unless the current item is a project, when a project item is done, the next item in the project should be marked "NEXT".
   2232 I tried org-edna but I couldn't get it working after an hour of effort. So a bit of lisp is the easier solution.
   2234 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2235   (defun za/gtd-auto-next ()
   2236     "Automatically mark project item as next."
   2237     (save-excursion
   2238       (org-back-to-heading)
   2239       (when (buffer-narrowed-p)
   2240         (widen))
   2241       (when (and (member org-state org-done-keywords)
   2242                  (not (member "PROJECT" (org-get-tags nil 'local)))
   2243                  (member "PROJECT" (let ((org-use-tag-inheritance t))
   2244                                      (org-get-tags nil))))
   2245         (when (org-goto-sibling)
   2246           (org-entry-put (point) "TODO" "NEXT")))))
   2248   (add-hook #'org-after-todo-state-change-hook #'za/gtd-auto-next)
   2249 #+end_src
   2251 *** Logging for tasks
   2252 I want to log into the LOGBOOK drawer (useful when I want to take quick notes):
   2254 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2255   (setq org-log-into-drawer "LOGBOOK")
   2256 #+end_src
   2258 I also want to log when I finish a task (useful for archiving).
   2259 Furthermore, when I'm done, I want to add a note (any important
   2260 workarounds/tips). And when I reschedule, I want to know the reason.
   2261 I can disable logging on state change for a specific task by adding ~:LOGGING: nil~ to the ~:PROPERTIES:~ drawer.
   2263 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2264   (setq org-log-done 'time
   2265         org-log-reschedule 'note)
   2266 #+end_src
   2268 I want to hide drawers on startup. This variable has options:
   2269 - 'overview': Top-level headlines only.
   2270 - 'content': All headlines.
   2271 - 'showall': No folding on any entry.
   2272 - 'show2levels: Headline levels 1-2.
   2273 - 'show3levels: Headline levels 1-3.
   2274 - 'show4levels: Headline levels 1-4.
   2275 - 'show5levels: Headline levels 1-5.
   2276 - 'showeverything: Show even drawer contents.
   2278 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2279   (setq org-startup-folded 'content)
   2280 #+end_src
   2282 *** Task ordering
   2283 Some tasks should be ordered, i.e. they should be done in steps.
   2284 Those have the ~:ORDERED: t~ setting in ~:PROPERTIES:~, and it should be enforced:
   2286 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2287   (setq org-enforce-todo-dependencies t)
   2288 #+end_src
   2290 Furthermore, tasks that are ordered and can't be done yet because of previous steps should be dimmed in the agenda:
   2292 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2293   (setq org-agenda-dim-blocked-tasks t)
   2294 #+end_src
   2296 I might also want to set ~org-enforce-todo-checkbox-dependencies~, but not convinced on that one yet.
   2298 *** Time tracking & effort
   2299 Time tracking should be done in its own drawer:
   2301 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2302   (setq org-clock-into-drawer "CLOCK")
   2303 #+end_src
   2305 And to customize how clock tables work:
   2307 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2308   (setq org-clocktable-defaults '(:lang "en" :scope agenda-with-archives  :wstart 1 :mstart 1 :compact t :maxlevel nil))
   2309   (setq org-agenda-clockreport-parameter-plist '(:link t :maxlevel nil))
   2310 #+end_src
   2312 I want to set effort in hours:minutes:
   2314 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2315   (add-to-list 'org-global-properties '("Effort_ALL" . "0:05 0:10 0:15 0:20 0:30 0:45 1:00 1:30 2:00 4:00 6:00 8:00"))
   2316 #+end_src
   2318 I want column view to look like this:
   2320 | To do        | Task      | Tags | Sum of time elapsed | Sum of time estimated (effort) |
   2321 |--------------+-----------+------+---------------------+--------------------------------|
   2322 | todo keyword | task name | tags | sum of clock        | sum of estimated time          |
   2323 | ...          | ...       | ...  | ...                 | ...                            |
   2325 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2326   (setq org-columns-default-format "%7TODO (To Do) %32ITEM(Task) %TAGS(Tags) %11CLOCKSUM_T(Clock) %10Difficulty(Difficulty) %8Effort(Effort){:}")
   2327 #+end_src
   2329 Fix column alignment in agenda.
   2331 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2332   (set-face-attribute 'org-column nil
   2333                       :height (face-attribute 'default :height)
   2334                       :family (face-attribute 'default :family))
   2335   (set-face-attribute 'org-agenda-date-today nil
   2336                       :height (face-attribute 'default :height))
   2337 #+end_src
   2339 *** Calculate time since timestamp
   2340 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2341   (defun za/org-time-since ()
   2342     "Print the amount of time between the timestamp at point and the current date and time."
   2343     (interactive)
   2344     (unless (org-at-timestamp-p 'lax)
   2345       (user-error "Not at timestamp"))
   2347     (when (org-at-timestamp-p 'lax)
   2348       (let ((timestamp (match-string 0)))
   2349         (with-temp-buffer
   2350           (insert timestamp
   2351                   "--"
   2352                   (org-time-stamp '(16)))
   2353           (org-evaluate-time-range)))))
   2354 #+end_src
   2356 Also a method to add overlays with that timestamp:
   2358 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2359   (defvar-local za/org-timestamp-overlays--list nil "Buffer-local list of overlays with timestamps")
   2360   (defvar-local za/org-timestamp-overlays--show nil "Buffer-local boolean to show overlays.")
   2361   (defun za/org-timestamp-overlays-clear ()
   2362     "Clear all overlays with timestamps in current buffer."
   2363     (dolist (ov za/org-timestamp-overlays--list)
   2364       (delete-overlay ov))
   2365     (setq-local za/org-timestamp-overlays--list nil))
   2367   (defun za/org-timestamp-overlays-add ()
   2368     "Add overlays for active timestamps in current buffer."
   2369     (let ((markup-string (lambda (s) (propertize (format "{%s}" s)
   2370                                                  'face 'org-habit-ready-future-face))))
   2371       (save-excursion
   2372         (let* ((beg (point-min))
   2373                (end (point-max)))
   2374           (goto-char beg)
   2375           (while (re-search-forward (org-re-timestamp 'active) end t)
   2376             (let ((ov (make-overlay (point) (point))))
   2377               (overlay-put ov 'before-string (funcall markup-string (za/org-time-since)))
   2378               (add-to-list 'za/org-timestamp-overlays--list ov)))))))
   2380   (defun za/org-timestamp-overlays-redraw ()
   2381     "Redraw all overlays for active timestamps."
   2382     (za/org-timestamp-overlays-clear)
   2383     (za/org-timestamp-overlays-add))
   2385   (defun za/org-timestamp-hook-fn (&rest _)
   2386     (za/org-timestamp-overlays-redraw))
   2388   (bind-key "C-c q p" #'tmp/p)
   2389   (defun za/org-timestamp-overlays-toggle (&optional prefix)
   2390     "With no prefix, toggle showing timestamp overlay.
   2391   With PREFIX = 0, redraw overlays.
   2392   With PREFIX > 0, show overlays.
   2393   With PREFIX < 0, hide overlays."
   2394     (interactive "P")
   2395     (let ((overlays-hide (lambda ()
   2396                            (za/org-timestamp-overlays-clear)
   2397                            (remove-hook 'org-cycle-hook #'za/org-timestamp-hook-fn)
   2398                            (setq za/org-timestamp-overlays--show nil)
   2399                            (message "Overlays hidden.")))
   2400           (overlays-show (lambda ()
   2401                            (za/org-timestamp-overlays-redraw)
   2402                            (add-hook 'org-cycle-hook #'za/org-timestamp-hook-fn)
   2403                            (setq za/org-timestamp-overlays--show t)
   2404                            (message "Overlays showing.")))
   2405           (overlays-redraw-maybe (lambda ()
   2406                                    (when za/org-timestamp-overlays--show
   2407                                      (za/org-timestamp-overlays-redraw)
   2408                                      (message "Redrawing overlays."))))
   2409           (prefix-num (prefix-numeric-value prefix)))
   2410       (cond ((not prefix)
   2411              (cond (za/org-timestamp-overlays--show
   2412                     (funcall overlays-hide))
   2413                    (t
   2414                     (funcall overlays-show))))
   2415             ((zerop prefix-num)
   2416              )
   2417             ((> prefix-num 0)
   2418              (funcall overlays-show))
   2419             ((< prefix-num 0)
   2420              (funcall overlays-hide)))))
   2422 #+end_src
   2424 Bind a key:
   2426 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2427   (bind-key "C-c q d" #'za/org-timestamp-overlays-toggle 'org-mode-map)
   2428   (bind-key "C-c q d" #'za/org-timestamp-overlays-toggle 'org-agenda-mode-map)
   2429 #+end_src
   2430 *** Priorities: how important something is
   2431 I usually have a lot of 'next' actions, so I prefer 4 priority levels instead of the default 3: A (urgent, ASAP), B (important),  C (if you have nothing else, do this), D (do in free time):
   2433 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2434   (setq org-priority-highest ?A
   2435         org-priority-lowest ?D
   2436         org-priority-default ?C)
   2437 #+end_src
   2439 Faces for priorities in agenda:
   2441 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2442   (setq org-priority-faces `((?A . (:foreground ,(face-foreground 'error)))
   2443                              (?B . (:foreground ,(face-foreground 'org-todo)))
   2444                              (?C . (:foreground ,(face-foreground 'font-lock-constant-face) :weight semi-light))
   2445                              (?D . (:foreground ,(face-foreground 'font-lock-string-face) :slant italic :weight light))))
   2446 #+end_src
   2448 And to be able to bulk-set priorities in agenda:
   2450 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2451   (setq org-agenda-bulk-custom-functions '((?P (lambda nil (org-agenda-priority 'set)))))
   2452 #+end_src
   2453 *** Energy requirement: how difficult something is
   2454 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2455   (add-to-list 'org-global-properties '("Difficulty_ALL" . "low medium high"))
   2456 #+end_src
   2457 *** Org export backends
   2458 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2459   (use-package ox-pandoc)
   2460 #+end_src
   2462 *** org publishing
   2463 I decided, after trying many different things, to settle on org-publish.
   2465 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2466   (defconst za/org-roam-top-name "Top" "The name of the top-level Org-roam node.")
   2467   (defun za/org-roam-sitemap-function (title list)
   2468     "Customized function to generate sitemap for org-roam, almost the same as `org-publish-sitemap-default`."
   2469     (concat "#+TITLE: " title "\n\n"
   2470             (format "[[file:%s][%s]]\n\n"
   2471                     (file-name-nondirectory (org-roam-node-file
   2472                                              (org-roam-node-from-title-or-alias za/org-roam-top-name)))
   2473                     "Click here for entrypoint.")))
   2474   ;; (org-list-to-org list)))  <-- this is taken care of by Zola
   2476 #+end_src
   2478 To make this work with Zola, I need to export Github-flavored markdown (fenced code blocks with language):
   2480 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2481   (require 'ox-publish)
   2482   (require 'ox-md)
   2484   (use-package ox-gfm
   2485     :init
   2486     (with-eval-after-load 'org (require 'ox-gfm)))
   2487 #+end_src
   2489 First difficulty: Zola needs front matter with ~+++...+++~.
   2490 The default Markdown backend doesn't provide that, so need to customize it by advising the default ~org-md-template~.
   2492 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2493   (defun za/org-md-template-zola (contents info)
   2494     "Markdown template compatible with Zola (generates the necessary front matter from CONTENTS and INFO)."
   2495     (let ((title (org-md-plain-text (org-element-interpret-data (plist-get info :title)) info)))
   2496       (concat "+++\n"
   2497               (format "title = \"%s\"\n" (string-replace "\"" "'" title))
   2499               ;; If the note contains a math org-roam tag
   2500               (when (member "math" (plist-get info :filetags))
   2501                 "template = \"page-math.html\"\n")
   2503               "+++\n"
   2504               (format "# %s\n" title)
   2505               contents)))
   2506 #+end_src
   2508 Second difficulty: links need to be reformatted and changed for static data (like images).
   2509 This function filters the return value of ~org-md-link~.
   2511 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2512   (defun za/org-md-link-zola (linkstr)
   2513     "A filter function for the return value of
   2514           `org-md-link` (LINKSTR) to generate a link compatible with Zola."
   2515     (cond ((string-match-p (rx ".md") linkstr)
   2516            (string-replace "](" "](@/org-roam/" linkstr))
   2517           ((string-match-p (rx "](" (? (* alnum) "://") "/") linkstr)
   2518            (replace-regexp-in-string (rx "](" (? (* alnum) "://") "/" (* any) "/org-roam/data") "](/org-roam-data" linkstr))
   2519           (t linkstr)))
   2520 #+end_src
   2522 A wrapper to set the right image link:
   2524 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2525   (defun za/org-html--format-image (args)
   2526     "Modify source image link to work with my Org roam setup"
   2527     (let ((source (nth 0 args))
   2528           (_attributes (nth 1 args))
   2529           (_info (nth 2 args)))
   2530       (list (replace-regexp-in-string (rx bos "data/") "/org-roam-data/" source)
   2531             _attributes
   2532             _info)))
   2533 #+end_src
   2535 And here's the custom publish function that adds/removes the necessary advice:
   2537 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2538   (defun za/org-gfm-publish-to-gfm-zola (plist filename pub-dir)
   2539     "Run `org-gfm-publish-to-gfm`, advising the necessary
   2540   functions to generate Zola-compatible markdown."
   2541     (let* ((org-export-output-file-name-locked (lambda (extension &rest _)
   2542                                                  (concat (plist-get plist :publishing-directory)
   2543                                                          "locked-"
   2544                                                          (file-name-base filename)
   2545                                                          extension)))
   2546            (node (car (seq-filter
   2547                        (lambda (node) (file-equal-p (org-roam-node-file node) filename))
   2548                        (org-roam-node-list))))
   2549            (locked-p (cond ((file-equal-p filename
   2550                                           (file-name-concat (plist-get plist :base-directory) (plist-get plist :sitemap-filename)))
   2551                             nil)
   2552                            (t
   2553                             (member "locked" (org-roam-node-tags node)))))
   2554            (advice '((org-gfm-inner-template :override za/org-md-template-zola)
   2555                      (org-md-link :filter-return za/org-md-link-zola)
   2556                      (org-html--format-image :filter-args za/org-html--format-image)
   2557                      (org-gfm-table :override org-md--convert-to-html)))) ; Zola uses CommonMark, so doesn't support Markdown tables
   2559       (dolist (orig-type-new advice) (apply #'advice-add orig-type-new))
   2560       (unwind-protect
   2561           (cond (locked-p
   2562                  (advice-add #'org-export-output-file-name :override org-export-output-file-name-locked)
   2563                  (unwind-protect
   2564                      (org-gfm-publish-to-gfm plist filename pub-dir)
   2565                    (advice-remove #'org-export-output-file-name org-export-output-file-name-locked)))
   2566                 (t
   2567                  (org-gfm-publish-to-gfm plist filename pub-dir)))
   2568         (dolist (orig-type-new advice)
   2569           (advice-remove (nth 0 orig-type-new)
   2570                          (nth 2 orig-type-new))))))
   2571 #+end_src
   2573 Finally, the list of things we can publish with their respective publishin functions:
   2575 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2576   (if (boundp 'za/my-website-dir)
   2577       (setq org-publish-project-alist
   2578             `(
   2579               ("org-notes"
   2580                :base-directory ,za/org-roam-dir
   2581                :base-extension "org"
   2582                :publishing-directory ,(concat za/my-website-dir "content/org-roam/")
   2583                :publishing-function za/org-gfm-publish-to-gfm-zola
   2584                :recursive t
   2585                :sitemap-filename ""
   2586                :sitemap-title "Org Roam"
   2587                :sitemap-function za/org-roam-sitemap-function
   2588                :auto-sitemap t)
   2590               ("org-notes-data"
   2591                :base-directory ,(concat za/org-roam-dir "/data")
   2592                :base-extension any
   2593                :publishing-directory ,(concat za/my-website-dir "static/org-roam-data/")
   2594                :recursive t
   2595                :publishing-function org-publish-attachment)
   2597               ("org-roam" :components ("org-notes" "org-notes-data"))))
   2598     (warn "za/my-website-dir not bound, not setting org publishing targets."))
   2599 #+end_src
   2601 And a function to rsync to my VPS:
   2603 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2604   (defun za/publish-upload-to-website ()
   2605     "Upload my website to my VPS"
   2606     (interactive)
   2607     (async-shell-command (format "cd %s && zola build && yes|publish" za/my-website-dir) "*Async Shell publish*"))
   2608 #+end_src
   2609 *** Rebuild org cache
   2611 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2612   (defun za/force-org-rebuild-cache ()
   2613     "Rebuild the `org-mode' and `org-roam' cache."
   2614     (interactive)
   2615     (org-id-update-id-locations)
   2616     ;; Note: you may need `org-roam-db-clear-all'
   2617     ;; followed by `org-roam-db-sync'
   2618     (org-roam-db-sync)
   2619     (org-roam-update-org-id-locations))
   2620 #+end_src
   2621 *** Sync with OurHome
   2622 API work is handled via an external ruby script.
   2624 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2625   (defun za/org-flatastic-sync-tasks ()
   2626     "Add tasks from flatastic to inbox"
   2627     (interactive)
   2628     (unless (json-available-p)
   2629       (user-error "JSON not available"))
   2630     (unless (boundp 'za/org-life-inbox)
   2631       (user-error "Please set za/org-life-inbox"))
   2632     (let* ((api-data (json-parse-string
   2633                       (progn
   2634                         (require 'exec-path-from-shell)
   2635                         (exec-path-from-shell-copy-envs
   2636                          '("FLATASTIC_API_KEY" "FLATASTIC_USER_ID"))
   2637                         (shell-command-to-string "~/.local/share/rbenv/shims/ruby ~/.scripts/flatastic.rb"))
   2638                       :object-type 'alist))
   2639            (format-data-as-org (lambda (l)
   2640                                  (format "* TODO %s :flatastic:\n  SCHEDULED: <%s>\n  Points: %d\n"
   2641                                          (alist-get 'description l)
   2642                                          (alist-get 'scheduled_due_date l)
   2643                                          (alist-get 'point_value l))))
   2644            (org-flatastic-items (mapcar format-data-as-org api-data)))
   2645       (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect za/org-life-inbox)
   2646         (goto-char (point-max))
   2647         (insert "\n" (string-join org-flatastic-items "\n")))
   2648       (message "Synced %d Flatastic tasks to inbox" (length api-data))))
   2649 #+end_src
   2651 *** org-caldav
   2652 This lets me sync my Org agenda to my CalDAV server.
   2653 The main reason is because Orgzly doesn't have a calendar view and can't (yet) search for events on a specific day, so if someone asks "are you free on that day", it's a bit hard for me to answer if I don't have my computer with me.
   2654 This way, I can just check my calendar.
   2656 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2657   (if (and (boundp 'za/caldav-url)
   2658            (boundp 'za/caldav-org-calendar-id)
   2659            (boundp 'za/org-life-calendar-inbox))
   2660       (use-package org-caldav
   2661         :init
   2662         (defconst za/org-life-calendar-inbox (concat za/org-life-dir ""))
   2663         :custom
   2664         (org-caldav-url za/caldav-url)
   2665         (org-caldav-calendar-id za/caldav-org-calendar-id)
   2666         (org-caldav-inbox za/org-life-calendar-inbox)
   2667         (org-caldav-files (cons (car (split-string org-archive-location "::")) org-agenda-files))
   2668         (org-caldav-sync-todo nil)
   2669         (org-icalendar-include-todo nil)
   2670         (org-icalendar-use-deadline '(event-if-todo event-if-not-todo todo-due))
   2671         (org-icalendar-use-scheduled '(todo-start event-if-todo event-if-not-todo))
   2672         (org-caldav-exclude-tags '("HABIT")
   2673                                  "I don't want to export habits, because those will just clutter up my calendar. The calendar is supposed to be for one-off stuff, or rarely repeating stuff. Yes, I have to manually add the HABIT tag to every habit. Perhaps nicer would be to exclude based on the property ~:STYLE: habit~, but I haven't figured that one out yet.")
   2674         (org-caldav-todo-percent-states '((0 "TODO")
   2675                                           (0 "WAITING")
   2676                                           (1 "NEXT")
   2677                                           (2 "STARTED")
   2678                                           (0 "PROJ")
   2679                                           (100 "DONE")
   2680                                           (100 "CANCELLED")))
   2681         :config
   2682         (defun za/caldav-after-sync-notify () (za/notify "org-caldav sync complete" "Finished syncing"))
   2683         (advice-add #'org-caldav-sync :after #'za/caldav-after-sync-notify)
   2684         (advice-add #'org-caldav-sync :around #'za/notify-on-interactivity))
   2685     (warn "za/caldav-url, za/caldav-org-calendar-id, za/org-life-calendar-inbox not bound, not using org-caldav."))
   2686 #+end_src
   2688 Maybe check [[][this]] for a way to sync on save.
   2690 *** org-ref
   2691 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2692   (use-package org-ref)
   2693 #+end_src
   2694 *** org-roam
   2695 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2696   (use-package org-roam
   2697     :custom
   2698     (org-roam-directory za/org-roam-dir)
   2699     (org-roam-completion-everywhere t)
   2700     (org-roam-dailies-capture-templates
   2701      '(("d" "default" entry
   2702         "* %U\n%?"
   2703         :target (file+head "%<%Y-%m-%d>.org"
   2704                            "#+title: %<%Y-%m-%d>\n"))))
   2705     :config
   2706                                           ; can't use nil because org-roam-ui checks for boundp on this and
   2707                                           ; errors if bound but nil.
   2708     (with-eval-after-load 'org-roam-dailies
   2709       (makunbound 'org-roam-dailies-directory))
   2710     (defun za/org-roam-dailies-goto-latest-note ()
   2711       (interactive)
   2712       (unless (boundp 'org-roam-dailies-directory)
   2713         (za/org-roam-dailies-select-dir))
   2714       (let* ((dailies (org-roam-dailies--list-files))
   2715              (latest-note (car (last dailies))))
   2716         (unless latest-note
   2717           (user-error "Can't find latest note"))
   2718         (find-file latest-note)
   2719         (run-hooks 'org-roam-dailies-find-file-hook)))
   2720     (org-roam-setup)
   2721     (bind-keys :prefix "C-c w"
   2722                :prefix-map za/org-roam-map
   2723                :prefix-docstring "Org roam"
   2724                ("n" . org-roam-capture)
   2725                ("f" . org-roam-node-find)
   2726                ("w" . org-roam-buffer-toggle)
   2727                ("i" . org-roam-node-insert))
   2728     (bind-keys :prefix "C-c j"
   2729                :prefix-map za/org-roam-dailies-map
   2730                :prefix-docstring "Org roam dailies"
   2731                ("s" . za/org-roam-dailies-select-dir)
   2732                ("n" . org-roam-dailies-capture-today)
   2733                ("j" . org-roam-dailies-goto-today)
   2734                ("+" . org-roam-dailies-goto-tomorrow)
   2735                (">" . org-roam-dailies-goto-next-note)
   2736                ("-" . org-roam-dailies-goto-yesterday)
   2737                ("<" . org-roam-dailies-goto-previous-note)
   2738                ("g" . org-roam-dailies-goto-date)
   2739                ("l" . za/org-roam-dailies-goto-latest-note)
   2740                ("." . org-roam-dailies-find-directory))
   2742     (defun za/org-roam-dailies--daily-note-p (&optional file)
   2743       "Replacement of default function. Return t if FILE is an Org-roam daily-note, nil otherwise.
   2744   If FILE is not specified, use the current buffer's file-path."
   2745       (when-let ((path (expand-file-name
   2746                         (or file
   2747                             (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer)))))
   2748                  (directory (expand-file-name org-roam-dailies-directory org-roam-directory)))
   2749         (setq path (expand-file-name path))
   2750         (save-match-data
   2751           (and
   2752            ;; (org-roam-file-p path) ; don't want this, dailies might not be in org-roam path
   2753            (org-roam-descendant-of-p path directory)))))
   2754     (advice-add #'org-roam-dailies--daily-note-p :override #'za/org-roam-dailies--daily-note-p)
   2756     (defun za/org-roam-dailies-select-dir ()
   2757       "Select an org-roam-dailies folder."
   2758       (interactive)
   2759       (let* ((choices (cons '(?0 nil) za/org-roam-dailies-dirs))
   2760              (choice (nth 1 (read-multiple-choice "org-roam-dailies dir" choices))))
   2761         (if choice
   2762             (progn (setq org-roam-dailies-directory choice)
   2763                    (message "Selected org-roam-dailies directory: %s" org-roam-dailies-directory))
   2764           (makunbound 'org-roam-dailies-directory))))
   2766     (defun za/org-roam-dailies-calendar-mark-entries-p ()
   2767       "Only mark dailies entries in calendar if a dailies directory is set."
   2768       (boundp 'org-roam-dailies-directory))
   2769     (advice-add #'org-roam-dailies-calendar-mark-entries :before-while #'za/org-roam-dailies-calendar-mark-entries-p)
   2771     ;; Before doing anything journal-related, check that a journal is
   2772     ;; selected, or prompt for one.
   2773     (defun za/org-roam-dailies--capture-check-non-nil-dailies-dir (&rest _)
   2774       (unless (boundp 'org-roam-dailies-directory)
   2775         (za/org-roam-dailies-select-dir))
   2776       (unless (boundp 'org-roam-dailies-directory)
   2777         (user-error "No org-roam-dailies-directory selected!")))
   2779     (advice-add #'org-roam-dailies--capture :before #'za/org-roam-dailies--capture-check-non-nil-dailies-dir)
   2780     (advice-add #'org-roam-dailies-goto-date :before #'za/org-roam-dailies--capture-check-non-nil-dailies-dir)
   2781     (require 'org-roam-export))
   2782 #+end_src
   2784 *** org-roam-ui
   2785 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2786   (use-package org-roam-ui)
   2787 #+end_src
   2788 *** org-download
   2789 Drag-and-drop images to Emacs Org mode.
   2791 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2792   (use-package org-download
   2793     :custom
   2794     (org-download-method 'attach)
   2795     (org-download-backend t))
   2796 #+end_src
   2798 *** org-sticky-header
   2799 Displays in the header-line the Org heading for the node that’s at the top of the window.
   2801 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2802   (use-package org-sticky-header)
   2803 #+end_src
   2804 *** org-timestone
   2805 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2806   (use-package org-timestone
   2807     :init (za/package-vc-install :repo "thezeroalpha/org-timestone.el")
   2808     :ensure nil
   2809     :after org
   2810     :bind (:map org-mode-map
   2811                 ("C-c C-t" . org-timestone-org-todo-wrapper)))
   2812 #+end_src
   2813 *** org-noter
   2814 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2815   (use-package org-noter
   2816     :config
   2817     ;; Fix disabling of line wrap by no-opping set-notes-scroll
   2818     (advice-add 'org-noter--set-notes-scroll :override 'za/no-op))
   2819 #+end_src
   2820 *** el-easydraw
   2821 Lets you draw stuff in org mode documents.
   2823 #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no
   2824   (za/package-vc-install :repo "misohena/el-easydraw" :name "edraw")
   2825   (with-eval-after-load 'org
   2826     (require 'edraw-org)
   2827     (edraw-org-setup-default)
   2828     (bind-key "C-c q c" #'edraw-color-picker-insert-color))
   2829 #+end_src
   2830 *** ox-jira
   2831 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2832   (use-package ox-jira)
   2833 #+end_src
   2834 *** org-confluence
   2835 ox-confluence with some custom code to remove the theme & create expandable drawers.
   2836 Add to confluence by pressing ~ctrl + shift + d~ when editing a page and inserting confluence wiki text.
   2838 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2839   (require 'ox-confluence)
   2840   (org-export-define-derived-backend 'confluence-ext 'confluence
   2841     :translate-alist '((drawer . za/org-confluence-drawer))
   2842      :menu-entry
   2843     '(?F "Export to Confluence (ext)"
   2844          ((?F "As Confluence buffer (ext)" za/org-confluence-export-as-confluence))))
   2846   (defun za/org-confluence-export-as-confluence
   2847     (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)
   2848     (interactive)
   2849     (org-export-to-buffer 'confluence-ext "*org CONFLUENCE Export*"
   2850       async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist (lambda () (text-mode))))
   2852   (defun za/org-confluence--block-remove-theme (s)
   2853     "Remove the theme from the block"
   2854     (replace-regexp-in-string (rx "\{code:theme=Emacs" (? "|")) "\{code:" s))
   2855   (advice-add #'org-confluence--block :filter-return #'za/org-confluence--block-remove-theme)
   2857   (defun za/org-confluence-drawer (drawer contents info)
   2858     "Handle custom drawers"
   2859     (let* ((name (org-element-property :drawer-name drawer)))
   2860       (concat
   2861        (format "\{expand:%s\}\n" name)
   2862        contents
   2863        "\{expand\}")))
   2864 #+end_src
   2865 *** TODO the path for org-roam export and data export should be configurable, not hard-coded
   2867 ** Mail mode for neomutt
   2868 When editing a message from neomutt, I want to use mail mode.
   2869 Even though I won't be sending the email from there, I like the syntax highlighting :)
   2871 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2872   (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("/neomutt-" . mail-mode))
   2873 #+end_src
   2874 ** DISABLED Semantic mode
   2875 Disabled for now, don't use it much.
   2876 SemanticDB is written into ~/.emacs.d/semanticdb/.
   2878 #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no
   2879   (use-package semantic
   2880     :bind (:map semantic-mode-map
   2881                 ("C-c , ." . semantic-ia-show-summary))
   2882     :custom
   2883     (semantic-default-submodes '(global-semantic-idle-scheduler-mode ; reparse buffer when idle
   2884                                  global-semanticdb-minor-mode ; maintain database
   2885                                  global-semantic-idle-summary-mode  ; show information (e.g. types) about tag at point
   2886                                  global-semantic-stickyfunc-mode))) ; show current func in header line
   2889 #+end_src
   2891 ** Bib(la)tex
   2892 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2893   (use-package bibtex
   2894     :config
   2895     (bibtex-set-dialect "biblatex"))
   2896 #+end_src
   2898 ** Python
   2899 In Python, I want to enable flycheck and semantic mode:
   2901 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2902   (add-hook 'python-mode-hook #'flycheck-mode)
   2903   ;;(add-hook 'python-mode-hook #'semantic-mode)
   2904 #+end_src
   2906 ** Elisp
   2907 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2908   (use-package emacs-lisp
   2909     :ensure nil ; preinstalled
   2910     :hook ((emacs-lisp-mode . flycheck-mode)
   2911            (emacs-lisp-mode . rainbow-mode)
   2912            (emacs-lisp-mode . outline-minor-mode)
   2913            (emacs-lisp-mode . company-mode)))
   2914 #+end_src
   2915 ** lean-mode
   2916 Specifically for the Lean prover.
   2917 I also install company-lean and helm-lean, which are suggested on the [[][Github page]].
   2918 Then I map company-complete only for lean-mode.
   2920 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2921   (use-package lean-mode
   2922     :config
   2923     (use-package company-lean)
   2924     :bind (:map lean-mode-map
   2925                 ("S-SPC" . company-complete)))
   2926 #+end_src
   2928 ** sh-mode
   2929 #+begin_src emacs-lisp :results value
   2930   (use-package sh-script
   2931     :hook (sh-mode . flycheck-mode))
   2932 #+end_src
   2934 ** anki-editor
   2935 Some extra keybindings that are not set up by default.
   2936 anki-editor doesn't provide a keymap so I have to set one up here:
   2938 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2939   (use-package anki-editor
   2940     :init
   2941     (defvar anki-editor-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
   2942     (add-to-list 'minor-mode-map-alist (cons 'anki-editor-mode
   2943                                              anki-editor-mode-map))
   2944     :custom
   2945     (anki-editor-use-math-jax t)
   2947     :bind (:map anki-editor-mode-map
   2948                 ("C-c t" . org-property-next-allowed-value)
   2949                 ("C-c i" . anki-editor-insert-note)
   2950                 ("C-c p" . anki-editor-push-notes)
   2951                 ("C-c c" . anki-editor-cloze-dwim)))
   2952 #+end_src
   2953 ** pdf-tools
   2954 A better replacement for DocView:
   2956 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   2957   (use-package pdf-tools
   2958     :init
   2959     (pdf-tools-install)
   2961     :custom
   2962     (pdf-annot-default-annotation-properties '((t
   2963                                                 (label . "Alex Balgavy"))
   2964                                                (text
   2965                                                 (icon . "Note")
   2966                                                 (color . "#0088ff"))
   2967                                                (highlight
   2968                                                 (color . "yellow"))
   2969                                                (squiggly
   2970                                                 (color . "orange"))
   2971                                                (strike-out
   2972                                                 (color . "red"))
   2973                                                (underline
   2974                                                 (color . "blue"))))
   2975     :bind (:map pdf-isearch-minor-mode-map
   2976                 ("C-s" . isearch-forward)
   2977                 :map pdf-view-mode-map
   2978                 ;; Save position & jump back
   2979                 ("C-SPC" . (lambda () (interactive) (message "Position saved") (pdf-view-position-to-register ?x)))
   2980                 ("C-u C-SPC" . (lambda () (interactive) (pdf-view-jump-to-register ?x))))
   2981     :hook
   2982     (pdf-annot-list-mode . pdf-annot-list-follow-minor-mode)
   2983     (pdf-annot-edit-contents-minor-mode . org-mode)
   2984     (pdf-view-mode . (lambda () (display-line-numbers-mode 0)))
   2986     :config
   2987     ;; The arrow tooltip does not show properly when jumping to a
   2988     ;; location. Maybe this is a Mac-only thing. See here:
   2989     ;;
   2990     ;; This ~:override~ advice fixes it, color is customized via ~tooltip~ face
   2991     (advice-add #'pdf-util-tooltip-arrow :override #'za/pdf-util-tooltip-arrow)
   2992     (defun za/pdf-util-tooltip-arrow (image-top &optional timeout)
   2993       "Fix up `pdf-util-tooltip-arrow`, the original doesn't show the arrow."
   2994       (pdf-util-assert-pdf-window)
   2995       (when (floatp image-top)
   2996         (setq image-top
   2997               (round (* image-top (cdr (pdf-view-image-size))))))
   2998       (let* (x-gtk-use-system-tooltips ;allow for display property in tooltip
   2999              (dx (+ (or (car (window-margins)) 0)
   3000                     (car (window-fringes))))
   3001              (dy image-top)
   3002              (pos (list dx dy dx (+ dy (* 2 (frame-char-height)))))
   3003              (vscroll
   3004               (pdf-util-required-vscroll pos))
   3005              (tooltip-frame-parameters
   3006               `((border-width . 0)
   3007                 (internal-border-width . 0)
   3008                 ,@tooltip-frame-parameters))
   3009              (tooltip-hide-delay (or timeout 3)))
   3010         (when vscroll
   3011           (image-set-window-vscroll vscroll))
   3012         (setq dy (max 0 (- dy
   3013                            (cdr (pdf-view-image-offset))
   3014                            (window-vscroll nil t)
   3015                            (frame-char-height))))
   3016         (when (overlay-get (pdf-view-current-overlay) 'before-string)
   3017           (let* ((e (window-inside-pixel-edges))
   3018                  (xw (pdf-util-with-edges (e) e-width)))
   3019             (cl-incf dx (/ (- xw (car (pdf-view-image-size t))) 2))))
   3020         (pdf-util-tooltip-in-window "\u2192" dx dy))))
   3021 #+end_src
   3023 *** TODO this clobbers register x. Find a way to not clobber a register
   3024 ** virtualenvwrapper
   3025 Like, but for Emacs.
   3027 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   3028   (use-package virtualenvwrapper
   3029     :custom
   3030     (venv-location "~/.config/virtualenvs")
   3032     :config
   3033     (venv-initialize-interactive-shells)
   3034     (venv-initialize-eshell))
   3035 #+end_src
   3037 ** ledger
   3038 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   3039   (use-package ledger-mode
   3040     :mode ("\\.ledger\\'")
   3041     :hook (ledger-mode . company-mode)
   3042     :custom
   3043     (ledger-clear-whole-transactions t)
   3044     (ledger-reconcile-default-commodity "eur")
   3045     (ledger-reports
   3046      '(("unreconciled" "%(binary) [[ledger-mode-flags]] -f %(ledger-file) --start-of-week=1 reg --uncleared")
   3047        ("net-worth-changes" "%(binary) [[ledger-mode-flags]] -f %(ledger-file) reg ^Assets ^Liabilities -R -M -X eur --effective -n")
   3048        ("budget-last-month" "%(binary) -f %(ledger-file) --start-of-week=1 --effective -X eur --period \"last month\" budget ^expenses:budgeted")
   3049        ("budget-this-month" "%(binary) -f %(ledger-file) --start-of-week=1 --effective -X eur --period \"this month\" budget ^expenses:budgeted")
   3050        ("expenses-this-month-vs-budget" "%(binary) -f %(ledger-file) --start-of-week=1 --effective --period \"this month\" --period-sort \"(amount)\" bal ^expenses:budgeted --budget -R")
   3051        ("expenses-last-month-vs-budget" "%(binary) -f %(ledger-file) --start-of-week=1 --effective --period \"last month\" --period-sort \"(amount)\" bal ^expenses:budgeted --budget -R")
   3052        ("expenses-last-month" "%(binary) -f %(ledger-file) --start-of-week=1 --effective --period \"last month\" --period-sort \"(amount)\" bal ^expenses -X eur -R")
   3053        ("expenses-this-month" "%(binary) -f %(ledger-file) --start-of-week=1 --effective --period \"this month\" --period-sort \"(amount)\" bal ^expenses -X eur -R")
   3054        ("expenses-vs-income-this-month" "%(binary) -f %(ledger-file) --start-of-week=1 --effective --period \"this month\" --period-sort \"(amount)\" bal ^income ^expenses -X eur -R")
   3055        ("expenses-vs-income-last-month" "%(binary) -f %(ledger-file) --start-of-week=1 --effective --period \"last month\" --period-sort \"(amount)\" bal ^expenses ^income -X eur -R")
   3056        ("bal-assets-czk" "%(binary) -f %(ledger-file) --start-of-week=1 bal Assets Liabilities -X czk -R")
   3057        ("bal-assets" "%(binary) -f %(ledger-file) --start-of-week=1 bal Assets Liabilities -R")
   3058        ("bal" "%(binary) -f %(ledger-file) --start-of-week=1 bal -B -R")
   3059        ("bal-assets-eur" "%(binary) -f %(ledger-file) --start-of-week=1 bal Assets Liabilities -X eur -R")
   3060        ("monthly-balance-abn-checking" "%(binary) -f %(ledger-file) --start-of-week=1 --effective reg --monthly 'Assets:ABN Checking' -R")
   3061        ("monthly-expenses" "%(binary) -f %(ledger-file) --monthly register ^expenses --effective --collapse -X eur -R")
   3062        ("reg" "%(binary) -f %(ledger-file) --start-of-week=1 reg -R")
   3063        ("payee" "%(binary) -f %(ledger-file) --start-of-week=1 reg @%(payee) -R")
   3064        ("account" "%(binary) -f %(ledger-file) --start-of-week=1 reg %(account) -R")
   3065        ("reg-org-table" "%(binary) -f %(ledger-file) csv --csv-format '|%(scrub(date))|%(scrub(display_account))|%(scrub(payee))|%(scrub(display_amount))|%(scrub(display_total))|
   3066   ' %(account) -R")))
   3067     :config
   3068     (with-eval-after-load 'ledger-mode
   3069       (setq ledger-amount-regex
   3070             (rx
   3071              (group (or (= 2 " ") ?\t (seq " " ?\t)))
   3072              (zero-or-more (any " " ?\t))
   3073              (opt "=")
   3074              (zero-or-more space)
   3075              (opt "-")
   3076              (opt "(")
   3077              (one-or-more (opt (group
   3078                                 (one-or-more (any "A-Z" "$(_£€₹"))
   3079                                 (zero-or-more blank)))
   3080                           (group (opt "-")
   3081                                  (or (one-or-more (any "0-9"))
   3082                                      (+\? (any "0-9" ",."))))
   3083                           (opt (group (any ",.")
   3084                                       (one-or-more (any "0-9" ")"))))
   3085                           (opt (group (zero-or-more blank)
   3086                                       (one-or-more (any "\"_£€₹" word))))
   3087                           (opt (zero-or-more (any blank))
   3088                                (any "*+/-")
   3089                                (zero-or-more (any blank))))
   3090              (opt ")")
   3091              (opt (group (zero-or-more (any blank))
   3092                          (any "=@{")
   3093                          (opt "@")
   3094                          (+? (not (any ?\xA ";")))))
   3095              (opt (group (or (seq (one-or-more (any blank)) ";" (+\? nonl))
   3096                              (zero-or-more (any blank)))))
   3097              eol))))
   3098 #+end_src
   3100 #+RESULTS:
   3101 : ((\.[pP][dD][fF]\' . pdf-view-mode) (/neomutt- . mail-mode) (\.odc\' . archive-mode) (\.odf\' . archive-mode) (\.odi\' . archive-mode) (\.otp\' . archive-mode) (\.odp\' . archive-mode) (\.otg\' . archive-mode) (\.odg\' . archive-mode) (\.ots\' . archive-mode) (\.ods\' . archive-mode) (\.odm\' . archive-mode) (\.ott\' . archive-mode) (\.odt\' . archive-mode) (\.epub\' . nov-mode) (\.[Ss][Aa][Ss]\' . SAS-mode) (\.Sout\' . S-transcript-mode) (\.[Ss]t\' . S-transcript-mode) (\.Rd\' . Rd-mode) (DESCRIPTION\' . conf-colon-mode) (/Makevars\(\.win\)?\' . makefile-mode) (\.[Rr]out\' . ess-r-transcript-mode) (CITATION\' . ess-r-mode) (NAMESPACE\' . ess-r-mode) (\.[rR]profile\' . ess-r-mode) (\.[rR]\' . ess-r-mode) (/R/.*\.q\' . ess-r-mode) (\.[Jj][Aa][Gg]\' . ess-jags-mode) (\.[Bb][Mm][Dd]\' . ess-bugs-mode) (\.[Bb][Oo][Gg]\' . ess-bugs-mode) (\.[Bb][Uu][Gg]\' . ess-bugs-mode) (\.lean$ . lean-mode) (\.ledger\' . ledger-mode) (/git-rebase-todo\' . git-rebase-mode) (\.\(?:md\|markdown\|mkd\|mdown\|mkdn\|mdwn\)\' . markdown-mode) (\.gpg\(~\|\.~[0-9]+~\)?\' nil epa-file) (\.elc\' . elisp-byte-code-mode) (\.zst\' nil jka-compr) (\.dz\' nil jka-compr) (\.xz\' nil jka-compr) (\.lzma\' nil jka-compr) (\.lz\' nil jka-compr) (\.g?z\' nil jka-compr) (\.bz2\' nil jka-compr) (\.Z\' nil jka-compr) (\.vr[hi]?\' . vera-mode) (\(?:\.\(?:rbw?\|ru\|rake\|thor\|jbuilder\|rabl\|gemspec\|podspec\)\|/\(?:Gem\|Rake\|Cap\|Thor\|Puppet\|Berks\|Brew\|Vagrant\|Guard\|Pod\)file\)\' . ruby-mode) (\.re?st\' . rst-mode) (\.py[iw]?\' . python-mode) (\.m\' . octave-maybe-mode) (\.less\' . less-css-mode) (\.scss\' . scss-mode) (\.cs\' . csharp-mode) (\.awk\' . awk-mode) (\.\(u?lpc\|pike\|pmod\(\.in\)?\)\' . pike-mode) (\.idl\' . idl-mode) (\.java\' . java-mode) (\.m\' . objc-mode) (\.ii\' . c++-mode) (\.i\' . c-mode) (\.lex\' . c-mode) (\.y\(acc\)?\' . c-mode) (\.h\' . c-or-c++-mode) (\.c\' . c-mode) (\.\(CC?\|HH?\)\' . c++-mode) (\.[ch]\(pp\|xx\|\+\+\)\' . c++-mode) (\.\(cc\|hh\)\' . c++-mode) (\.\(bat\|cmd\)\' . bat-mode) (\.[sx]?html?\(\.[a-zA-Z_]+\)?\' . mhtml-mode) (\.svgz?\' . image-mode) (\.svgz?\' . xml-mode) (\.x[bp]m\' . image-mode) (\.x[bp]m\' . c-mode) (\.p[bpgn]m\' . image-mode) (\.tiff?\' . image-mode) (\.gif\' . image-mode) (\.png\' . image-mode) (\.jpe?g\' . image-mode) (\.webp\' . image-mode) (\.te?xt\' . text-mode) (\.[tT]e[xX]\' . tex-mode) (\.ins\' . tex-mode) (\.ltx\' . latex-mode) (\.dtx\' . doctex-mode) (\.org\' . org-mode) (\.dir-locals\(?:-2\)?\.el\' . lisp-data-mode) (\.eld\' . lisp-data-mode) (eww-bookmarks\' . lisp-data-mode) (tramp\' . lisp-data-mode) (/archive-contents\' . lisp-data-mode) (places\' . lisp-data-mode) (\.emacs-places\' . lisp-data-mode) (\.el\' . emacs-lisp-mode) (Project\.ede\' . emacs-lisp-mode) (\.\(scm\|sls\|sld\|stk\|ss\|sch\)\' . scheme-mode) (\.l\' . lisp-mode) (\.li?sp\' . lisp-mode) (\.[fF]\' . fortran-mode) (\.for\' . fortran-mode) (\.p\' . pascal-mode) (\.pas\' . pascal-mode) (\.\(dpr\|DPR\)\' . delphi-mode) (\.\([pP]\([Llm]\|erl\|od\)\|al\)\' . perl-mode) (Imakefile\' . makefile-imake-mode) (Makeppfile\(?:\.mk\)?\' . makefile-makepp-mode) (\.makepp\' . makefile-makepp-mode) (\.mk\' . makefile-bsdmake-mode) (\.make\' . makefile-bsdmake-mode) (GNUmakefile\' . makefile-gmake-mode) ([Mm]akefile\' . makefile-bsdmake-mode) (\.am\' . makefile-automake-mode) (\.texinfo\' . texinfo-mode) (\.te?xi\' . texinfo-mode) (\.[sS]\' . asm-mode) (\.asm\' . asm-mode) (\.css\' . css-mode) (\.mixal\' . mixal-mode) (\.gcov\' . compilation-mode) (/\.[a-z0-9-]*gdbinit . gdb-script-mode) (-gdb\.gdb . gdb-script-mode) ([cC]hange\.?[lL]og?\' . change-log-mode) ([cC]hange[lL]og[-.][0-9]+\' . change-log-mode) (\$CHANGE_LOG\$\.TXT . change-log-mode) (\.scm\.[0-9]*\' . scheme-mode) (\.[ckz]?sh\'\|\.shar\'\|/\.z?profile\' . sh-mode) (\.bash\' . sh-mode) (/PKGBUILD\' . sh-mode) (\(/\|\`\)\.\(bash_\(profile\|history\|log\(in\|out\)\)\|z?log\(in\|out\)\)\' . sh-mode) (\(/\|\`\)\.\(shrc\|zshrc\|m?kshrc\|bashrc\|t?cshrc\|esrc\)\' . sh-mode) (\(/\|\`\)\.\([kz]shenv\|xinitrc\|startxrc\|xsession\)\' . sh-mode) (\.m?spec\' . sh-mode) (\.m[mes]\' . nroff-mode) (\.man\' . nroff-mode) (\.sty\' . latex-mode) (\.cl[so]\' . latex-mode) (\.bbl\' . latex-mode) (\.bib\' . bibtex-mode) (\.bst\' . bibtex-style-mode) (\.sql\' . sql-mode) (\(acinclude\|aclocal\|acsite\)\.m4\' . autoconf-mode) (\.m[4c]\' . m4-mode) (\.mf\' . metafont-mode) (\.mp\' . metapost-mode) (\.vhdl?\' . vhdl-mode) (\.article\' . text-mode) (\.letter\' . text-mode) (\.i?tcl\' . tcl-mode) (\.exp\' . tcl-mode) (\.itk\' . tcl-mode) (\.icn\' . icon-mode) (\.sim\' . simula-mode) (\.mss\' . scribe-mode) (\.f9[05]\' . f90-mode) (\.f0[38]\' . f90-mode) (\.indent\.pro\' . fundamental-mode) (\.\(pro\|PRO\)\' . idlwave-mode) (\.srt\' . srecode-template-mode) (\.prolog\' . prolog-mode) (\.tar\' . tar-mode) (\.\(arc\|zip\|lzh\|lha\|zoo\|[jew]ar\|xpi\|rar\|cbr\|7z\|squashfs\|ARC\|ZIP\|LZH\|LHA\|ZOO\|[JEW]AR\|XPI\|RAR\|CBR\|7Z\|SQUASHFS\)\' . archive-mode) (\.oxt\' . archive-mode) (\.\(deb\|[oi]pk\)\' . archive-mode) (\`/tmp/Re . text-mode) (/Message[0-9]*\' . text-mode) (\`/tmp/fol/ . text-mode) (\.oak\' . scheme-mode) (\.sgml?\' . sgml-mode) (\.x[ms]l\' . xml-mode) (\.dbk\' . xml-mode) (\.dtd\' . sgml-mode) (\.ds\(ss\)?l\' . dsssl-mode) (\.js[mx]?\' . javascript-mode) (\.har\' . javascript-mode) (\.json\' . js-json-mode) (\.[ds]?va?h?\' . verilog-mode) (\.by\' . bovine-grammar-mode) (\.wy\' . wisent-grammar-mode) (\.erts\' . erts-mode) ([:/\]\..*\(emacs\|gnus\|viper\)\' . emacs-lisp-mode) (\`\..*emacs\' . emacs-lisp-mode) ([:/]_emacs\' . emacs-lisp-mode) (/crontab\.X*[0-9]+\' . shell-script-mode) (\.ml\' . lisp-mode) (\.ld[si]?\' . ld-script-mode) (ld\.?script\' . ld-script-mode) (\.xs\' . c-mode) (\.x[abdsru]?[cnw]?\' . ld-script-mode) (\.zone\' . dns-mode) (\.soa\' . dns-mode) (\.asd\' . lisp-mode) (\.\(asn\|mib\|smi\)\' . snmp-mode) (\.\(as\|mi\|sm\)2\' . snmpv2-mode) (\.\(diffs?\|patch\|rej\)\' . diff-mode) (\.\(dif\|pat\)\' . diff-mode) (\.[eE]?[pP][sS]\' . ps-mode) (\.\(?:PDF\|EPUB\|CBZ\|FB2\|O?XPS\|DVI\|OD[FGPST]\|DOCX\|XLSX?\|PPTX?\|pdf\|epub\|cbz\|fb2\|o?xps\|djvu\|dvi\|od[fgpst]\|docx\|xlsx?\|pptx?\)\' . doc-view-mode-maybe) (configure\.\(ac\|in\)\' . autoconf-mode) (\.s\(v\|iv\|ieve\)\' . sieve-mode) (BROWSE\' . ebrowse-tree-mode) (\.ebrowse\' . ebrowse-tree-mode) (#\*mail\* . mail-mode) (\.g\' . antlr-mode) (\.mod\' . m2-mode) (\.ses\' . ses-mode) (\.docbook\' . sgml-mode) (\.com\' . dcl-mode) (/config\.\(?:bat\|log\)\' . fundamental-mode) (/\.\(authinfo\|netrc\)\' . authinfo-mode) (\.\(?:[iI][nN][iI]\|[lL][sS][tT]\|[rR][eE][gG]\|[sS][yY][sS]\)\' . conf-mode) (\.la\' . conf-unix-mode) (\.ppd\' . conf-ppd-mode) (java.+\.conf\' . conf-javaprop-mode) (\.properties\(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\)?\' . conf-javaprop-mode) (\.toml\' . conf-toml-mode) (\.desktop\' . conf-desktop-mode) (/\.redshift\.conf\' . conf-windows-mode) (\`/etc/\(?:DIR_COLORS\|ethers\|.?fstab\|.*hosts\|lesskey\|login\.?de\(?:fs\|vperm\)\|magic\|mtab\|pam\.d/.*\|permissions\(?:\.d/.+\)?\|protocols\|rpc\|services\)\' . conf-space-mode) (\`/etc/\(?:acpid?/.+\|aliases\(?:\.d/.+\)?\|default/.+\|group-?\|hosts\..+\|inittab\|ksysguarddrc\|opera6rc\|passwd-?\|shadow-?\|sysconfig/.+\)\' . conf-mode) ([cC]hange[lL]og[-.][-0-9a-z]+\' . change-log-mode) (/\.?\(?:gitconfig\|gnokiirc\|hgrc\|kde.*rc\|mime\.types\|wgetrc\)\' . conf-mode) (/\.mailmap\' . conf-unix-mode) (/\.\(?:asound\|enigma\|fetchmail\|gltron\|gtk\|hxplayer\|mairix\|mbsync\|msmtp\|net\|neverball\|nvidia-settings-\|offlineimap\|qt/.+\|realplayer\|reportbug\|rtorrent\.\|screen\|scummvm\|sversion\|sylpheed/.+\|xmp\)rc\' . conf-mode) (/\.\(?:gdbtkinit\|grip\|mpdconf\|notmuch-config\|orbital/.+txt\|rhosts\|tuxracer/options\)\' . conf-mode) (/\.?X\(?:default\|resource\|re\)s\> . conf-xdefaults-mode) (/X11.+app-defaults/\|\.ad\' . conf-xdefaults-mode) (/X11.+locale/.+/Compose\' . conf-colon-mode) (/X11.+locale/compose\.dir\' . conf-javaprop-mode) (\.~?[0-9]+\.[0-9][-.0-9]*~?\' nil t) (\.\(?:orig\|in\|[bB][aA][kK]\)\' nil t) ([/.]c\(?:on\)?f\(?:i?g\)?\(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\)?\' . conf-mode-maybe) (\.[1-9]\' . nroff-mode) (\.art\' . image-mode) (\.avs\' . image-mode) (\.bmp\' . image-mode) (\.cmyk\' . image-mode) (\.cmyka\' . image-mode) (\.crw\' . image-mode) (\.dcr\' . image-mode) (\.dcx\' . image-mode) (\.dng\' . image-mode) (\.dpx\' . image-mode) (\.fax\' . image-mode) (\.heic\' . image-mode) (\.hrz\' . image-mode) (\.icb\' . image-mode) (\.icc\' . image-mode) (\.icm\' . image-mode) (\.ico\' . image-mode) (\.icon\' . image-mode) (\.jbg\' . image-mode) (\.jbig\' . image-mode) (\.jng\' . image-mode) (\.jnx\' . image-mode) (\.miff\' . image-mode) (\.mng\' . image-mode) (\.mvg\' . image-mode) (\.otb\' . image-mode) (\.p7\' . image-mode) (\.pcx\' . image-mode) (\.pdb\' . image-mode) (\.pfa\' . image-mode) (\.pfb\' . image-mode) (\.picon\' . image-mode) (\.pict\' . image-mode) (\.rgb\' . image-mode) (\.rgba\' . image-mode) (\.tga\' . image-mode) (\.wbmp\' . image-mode) (\.webp\' . image-mode) (\.wmf\' . image-mode) (\.wpg\' . image-mode) (\.xcf\' . image-mode) (\.xmp\' . image-mode) (\.xwd\' . image-mode) (\.yuv\' . image-mode) (\.tgz\' . tar-mode) (\.tbz2?\' . tar-mode) (\.txz\' . tar-mode) (\.tzst\' . tar-mode))
   3103 org-capture lets me add transactions from anywhere in Emacs:
   3105 Budget throws an error when there's multiple commodities involved.
   3106 See discussion here:
   3108 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   3109   (defconst za/ledger-budget-fix-string
   3110     "-X eur -F '%(justify(scrub(get_at(display_total, 0)), 20, -1, true, false)) %(justify(get_at(display_total, 1) ? -scrub(get_at(display_total, 1)) : 0.0, 20,            20 + 1 + 20, true, false)) %(justify(get_at(display_total, 1) ? (get_at(display_total, 0) ?           -(scrub(get_at(display_total, 1) + get_at(display_total, 0))) :           -(scrub(get_at(display_total, 1)))) : -(scrub(get_at(display_total, 0))), 20,            20 + 1 + 20 + 1 + 20, true, false))%(get_at(display_total, 1) and (abs(quantity(scrub(get_at(display_total, 0))) /           quantity(scrub(get_at(display_total, 1)))) >= 1) ?  \" \" : \" \")%(justify((get_at(display_total, 1) ?           (100% * (get_at(display_total, 0) ? scrub(get_at(display_total, 0)) : 0.0)) /              -scrub(get_at(display_total, 1)) : \"na\"),            5, -1, true, false))  %(!options.flat ? depth_spacer : \"\")%-(partial_account(options.flat))\n%/%$2 %$3 %$4 %$6\n%/%(prepend_width ? \" \" * int(prepend_width) : \"\")    ----------------     ----------------     ---------------- -----\n'"
   3111     "Append this to a ledger budget to fix errors with multiple commodities.")
   3112 #+end_src
   3114 ** Notmuch
   3115 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   3116   (use-package notmuch
   3117     :custom
   3118     (notmuch-saved-searches
   3119      `((:name "inbox: personal" :query ,(format "folder:/%s/ tag:inbox" za/email-personal) :key ,(kbd "ip") :search-type 'tree)
   3120        (:name "inbox: school" :query ,(format "folder:/%s/ tag:inbox" za/email-vu) :key ,(kbd "is") :search-type 'tree)
   3121        (:name "archive: personal" :query ,(format "folder:/%s/ tag:archive" za/email-personal) :key ,(kbd "ap") :search-type 'tree)
   3122        (:name "archive: school" :query ,(format "folder:/%s/ tag:archive" za/email-vu) :key ,(kbd "as") :search-type 'tree))
   3123      "Define some saved searches (i.e. mailboxes)")
   3124     (notmuch-hello-sections
   3125      '(notmuch-hello-insert-header
   3126        notmuch-hello-insert-saved-searches
   3127        notmuch-hello-insert-search
   3128        notmuch-hello-insert-alltags
   3129        notmuch-hello-insert-footer)
   3130      "Define the main screen sections")
   3131     (notmuch-search-oldest-first nil "Show newest mail first")
   3132     (notmuch-archive-tags '("-inbox" "+archive"))
   3133     (notmuch-tagging-keys '(("a" notmuch-archive-tags "Archive")
   3134                             ("r" notmuch-show-mark-read-tags "Mark read")
   3135                             ("u" notmuch-show-mark-unread-tags "Mark unread")
   3136                             ("d" notmuch-delete-tags "Delete")))
   3138     :bind (("C-c m" . notmuch)
   3139            :map notmuch-show-mode-map
   3140            ("C-c M-y" . shr-copy-url))
   3141     ;; Run notmuch-hook script on hello refresh, to move messages to
   3142     ;; folders according to their tags:
   3143     :hook (notmuch-hello-refresh . za/notmuch-hook-tags2folders)
   3144     :init (setenv "NOTMUCH_CONFIG" "/Users/alex/.config/notmuch/config")
   3145     :config
   3146     (setq notmuch-show-mark-unread-tags '("+unread"))
   3147     (setq notmuch-delete-tags '("-inbox" "+trash"))
   3148     (defun za/notmuch-hook-tags2folders ()
   3149       "Run notmuch-hook to organise email in folders based on tags."
   3150       (start-process "notmuch-hook" nil "notmuch-hook" "--tags2folders")))
   3151 #+end_src
   3153 ** MPC
   3154 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   3155   (use-package mpc
   3156     :custom
   3157     (mpc-browser-tags '(AlbumArtist Album Genre Playlist)
   3158                       "Set the windows I want to show")
   3160     :bind (:map mpc-mode-map
   3161                 ("a" . mpc-playlist-add)
   3162                 ("P" . mpc-playlist)
   3163                 ("x" . mpc-playlist-delete)
   3164                 ("p" . mpc-toggle-play)
   3165                 ("t" . mpc-select-toggle)
   3166                 ("f" . za/mpc-seek-forward-20-seconds)
   3167                 ("b" . za/mpc-seek-backward-20-seconds))
   3168     :config
   3169     (defun za/mpc-seek-forward-20-seconds ()
   3170       "Seek forward 20 seconds"
   3171       (interactive)
   3172       (mpc-seek-current "+20"))
   3174     (defun za/mpc-seek-backward-20-seconds ()
   3175       "Seek backward 20 seconds"
   3176       (interactive)
   3177       (mpc-seek-current "-20")))
   3178 #+end_src
   3179 ** Dired
   3180 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   3181   (use-package dired
   3182     :ensure nil ; installed with Emacs
   3183     :bind (:map dired-mode-map
   3184                 ;; 'i' expands subdirs, so I want to be able to close them too.
   3185                 ("M-k" . dired-kill-subdir))
   3186     :custom
   3187     (dired-listing-switches "-alhv")
   3188     (dired-dwim-target t "If I have another dired window open, use that as target")
   3189     ;; By default, hide details (show again by pressing oparen):
   3190     :hook (dired-mode . dired-hide-details-mode))
   3191 #+end_src
   3193 ** ess: statistics (R, SAS...)
   3194 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   3195   (use-package ess)
   3196 #+end_src
   3198 ** help mode
   3199 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   3200   (use-package help-mode
   3201     :ensure nil ; included with Emacs
   3202     :hook (help-mode . za/settings-on-help-mode)
   3203     :config
   3204     (defun za/settings-on-help-mode ()
   3205       "Settings on enabling help mode"
   3206       (za/toggle-wrap t)))
   3207 #+end_src
   3208 ** helpful
   3209 An alternative to the built-in Emacs help that provides much more contextual information.
   3210 I use counsel, so I use the keybindings in [[*counsel + ivy + swiper]].
   3211 I just augment the functions counsel uses.
   3212 Also, counsel doesn't provide some keybindings that I can get from helpful.
   3214 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   3215   (use-package helpful
   3216     :custom
   3217     (counsel-describe-symbol-function #'helpful-symbol)
   3218     (counsel-describe-function-function #'helpful-callable)
   3219     (counsel-describe-variable-function #'helpful-variable)
   3221     :bind (("C-h k" . helpful-key)
   3222            ("C-h C" . helpful-command)
   3223            :map helpful-mode-map
   3224            ("l" . za/helpful-previous)
   3225            ("r" . za/helpful-next))
   3227     :hook (helpful-mode . za/settings-on-helpful-mode)
   3228     :config
   3230     (defun za/settings-on-helpful-mode ()
   3231       "Settings on enabling helpful mode"
   3232       (za/toggle-wrap t))
   3234     ;; Then, a way to jump forward and backward in the window:
   3235     (defvar za/helpful-buffer-ring-size 20
   3236       "How many buffers are stored for use with `helpful-next'.")
   3238     (defvar za/helpful--buffer-ring (make-ring za/helpful-buffer-ring-size)
   3239       "Ring that stores the current Helpful buffer history.")
   3241     (defun za/helpful--buffer-index (&optional buffer)
   3242       "If BUFFER is a Helpful buffer, return it’s index in the buffer ring."
   3243       (let ((buf (or buffer (current-buffer))))
   3244         (and (eq (buffer-local-value 'major-mode buf) 'helpful-mode)
   3245              (seq-position (ring-elements za/helpful--buffer-ring) buf #'eq))))
   3247     (defun za/helpful--new-buffer-a (help-buf)
   3248       "Update the buffer ring according to the current buffer and HELP-BUF."
   3249       :filter-return #'helpful--buffer
   3250       (let ((buf-ring za/helpful--buffer-ring))
   3251         (let ((newer-buffers (or (za/helpful--buffer-index) 0)))
   3252           (dotimes (_ newer-buffers) (ring-remove buf-ring 0)))
   3253         (when (/= (ring-size buf-ring) za/helpful-buffer-ring-size)
   3254           (ring-resize buf-ring za/helpful-buffer-ring-size))
   3255         (ring-insert buf-ring help-buf)))
   3257     (advice-add #'helpful--buffer :filter-return #'za/helpful--new-buffer-a)
   3259     (defun za/helpful--next (&optional buffer)
   3260       "Return the next live Helpful buffer relative to BUFFER."
   3261       (let ((buf-ring za/helpful--buffer-ring)
   3262             (index (or (za/helpful--buffer-index buffer) -1)))
   3263         (cl-block nil
   3264           (while (> index 0)
   3265             (cl-decf index)
   3266             (let ((buf (ring-ref buf-ring index)))
   3267               (if (buffer-live-p buf) (cl-return buf)))
   3268             (ring-remove buf-ring index)))))
   3271     (defun za/helpful--previous (&optional buffer)
   3272       "Return the previous live Helpful buffer relative to BUFFER."
   3273       (let ((buf-ring za/helpful--buffer-ring)
   3274             (index (1+ (or (za/helpful--buffer-index buffer) -1))))
   3275         (cl-block nil
   3276           (while (< index (ring-length buf-ring))
   3277             (let ((buf (ring-ref buf-ring index)))
   3278               (if (buffer-live-p buf) (cl-return buf)))
   3279             (ring-remove buf-ring index)))))
   3281     (defun za/helpful-next ()
   3282       "Go to the next Helpful buffer."
   3283       (interactive)
   3284       (when-let (buf (za/helpful--next))
   3285         (funcall helpful-switch-buffer-function buf)))
   3287     (defun za/helpful-previous ()
   3288       "Go to the previous Helpful buffer."
   3289       (interactive)
   3290       (when-let (buf (za/helpful--previous))
   3291         (funcall helpful-switch-buffer-function buf))))
   3292 #+end_src
   3293 ** Tex-mode
   3294 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   3295   (use-package tex-mode
   3296     :ensure nil ; installed with Emacs
   3297     :hook (tex-mode . za/settings-on-tex-mode)
   3298     :config
   3299     (defun za/settings-on-tex-mode ()
   3300       "Settings on enabling helpful mode"
   3301       (setq comment-add 0)))
   3302 #+end_src
   3303 ** Quail
   3304 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   3305   (use-package quail
   3306     :ensure nil) ; provided by Emacs
   3307 #+end_src
   3308 ** Markdown
   3309 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   3310   (use-package markdown-mode)
   3311 #+end_src
   3312 ** vdirel (contacts)
   3313 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   3314   (use-package vdirel
   3315     :config
   3316     (vdirel-switch-repository "~/.local/share/contacts/default"))
   3317 #+end_src
   3318 ** Yaml
   3319 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   3320   (use-package yaml-mode
   3321     :commands yaml-mode
   3322     :init
   3323     (add-hook 'yaml-mode-hook
   3324               (lambda ()
   3325                 (setq-local outline-regexp (rx (* blank)))
   3326                 (outline-minor-mode))))
   3327 #+end_src
   3328 ** calc
   3329 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   3330   (use-package calc
   3331     :config
   3332     (setq math-additional-units
   3333      ;; elements:
   3334      ;; - symbol identifying the unit,
   3335      ;; - expression indicatingv alue of unit or nil for fundamental units
   3336      ;; - textual description
   3337      '((b nil "Bit")
   3338        (B "b * 8" "Bytes")
   3339        (KiB "1024 * B" "Kibibyte")
   3340        (MiB "1024 * KiB" "Mebibyte")
   3341        (GiB "1024 * MiB" "Gibibyte")
   3342        (TiB "1024 * GiB" "Tebibyte")
   3343        (PiB "1024 * TiB" "Pebibyte")
   3344        (EiB "1024 * PiB" "Exbibyte")
   3345        (ZiB "1024 * EiB" "Zebibyte")
   3346        (YiB "1024 * ZiB" "Yobibyte")
   3347        (KB "1000 * B" "Kilobyte")
   3348        (MB "1000 * KB" "Megabyte")
   3349        (GB "1000 * MB" "Gigabyte")
   3350        (TB "1000 * GB" "Terabyte")
   3351        (PB "1000 * TB" "Petabyte")
   3352        (EB "1000 * PB" "Exabyte")
   3353        (ZB "1000 * EB" "Zettabyte")
   3354        (YB "1000 * ZB" "Yottabyte")
   3355        (Kib "1024 * b" "Kibibit")
   3356        (Mib "1024 * Kib" "Mebibit")
   3357        (Gib "1024 * Mib" "Gibibit")
   3358        (Kb "1000 * b" "Kilobit")
   3359        (Mb "1000 * Kb" "Megabit")
   3360        (Gb "1000 * Mb" "Gigabit")))
   3361     (setq math-units-table nil))
   3362 #+end_src
   3363 ** casual
   3364 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   3365   (use-package casual
   3366     :bind (:map calc-mode-map ("C-o" . 'casual-main-menu)))
   3367 #+end_src
   3368 ** casual-dired
   3369 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   3370   (use-package casual-dired
   3371     :bind (:map dired-mode-map
   3372                 ("C-o" . 'casual-dired-tmenu)
   3373                 ("C-u C-o" . 'dired-display-file)))
   3374 #+end_src
   3376 ** json
   3377 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   3378   (use-package json-mode)
   3379 #+end_src
   3380 ** rust
   3381 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   3382   (use-package rust-mode)
   3383 #+end_src
   3384 * Override some faces
   3385 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   3386   (with-eval-after-load 'org-faces
   3387     (set-face-attribute 'org-table nil :inherit 'fixed-pitch)
   3388     (set-face-attribute 'org-block nil :inherit 'fixed-pitch))
   3389 #+end_src
   3390 * Shortdoc
   3391 Set a better keybinding (I'm never gonna use ~view-hello-file~ anyways):
   3393 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   3394   (bind-key "C-h h" #'shortdoc-display-group)
   3395 #+end_src
   3396 * Upcoming new features
   3397 In a new version of use-package, I can use the :vc keyword, so check for when that's available.
   3398 See [[][commit]] and [[][article]].
   3400 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   3401   (when (fboundp 'use-package-vc-install)
   3402     (user-error "use-package :vc keyword now available!"))
   3403 #+end_src
   3404 * References
   3405 Here's a list of good articles I encountered about configging emacs:
   3406 - [[][Batteries included with Emacs]]
   3407 - [[][More batteries included with emacs]]
   3409 For Org mode, [[][Rainer König's tutorials]] are the best.
   3410 [[][Here's a good reference for setting up gtd in org mode]]