1 # Third-party single binaries 2 bin: ~/.bin 3 4 # My scripts 5 scripts: ~/.scripts 6 7 # Mailcap (Mutt and other programs) 8 mailcap: ~/.config/mailcap 9 10 # Config: utilities 11 keynav: ~/.config/keynav 12 calcure/config.ini: ~/.config/calcure/config.ini 13 compton: ~/.config/compton 14 ctags: ~/.config/ctags 15 gdb: 16 - gdbinit: ~/.config/gdb/init 17 git: 18 - gitconfig: ~/.config/git/config 19 i3: ~/.config/regolith/i3 20 jwm: 21 - jwmrc: ~/.jwmrc 22 - jwm: ~/.jwm 23 irssi: ~/.config/irssi 24 karabiner: ~/.config/karabiner 25 lf: ~/.config/lf 26 newsboat: 27 - config: ~/.config/newsboat/config 28 - urls: ~/.config/newsboat/urls 29 - notify-wrapper: ~/.config/newsboat/notify-wrapper 30 polybar: ~/.config/polybar 31 ranger: ~/.config/ranger 32 ttrv: ~/.config/ttrv 33 screen: 34 - screenrc: ~/.screenrc 35 tmux: 36 - tmux-dark.conf: ~/.config/tmux/tmux.conf 37 tmuxinator: ~/.config/tmuxinator 38 ghci: ~/.ghci 39 mpv: ~/.config/mpv 40 mps-youtube: 41 - config.json: ~/.config/mps-youtube/config.json 42 - playlists: ~/.config/mps-youtube/playlists 43 joplin/keymap.json: ~/.config/joplin/keymap.json 44 sxiv: ~/.config/sxiv 45 w3m: ~/.config/w3m 46 scim/scimrc: ~/.config/scimrc 47 neomutt: ~/.config/neomutt 48 urlview/urlview: ~/.urlview 49 gnupg: ~/.config/gnupg 50 mpd: ~/.config/mpd 51 ncmpcpp: ~/.config/ncmpcpp 52 pipe-viewer: ~/.config/pipe-viewer 53 R: ~/.config/R 54 zathura: ~/.config/zathura 55 gotop: ~/.config/gotop 56 paru: ~/.config/paru 57 alacritty: ~/.config/alacritty 58 glow: ~/.config/glow 59 dunst: ~/.config/dunst 60 sxhkd: ~/.config/sxhkd 61 talon-user: ~/.talon/user 62 surfraw: ~/.config/surfraw 63 khard: ~/.config/khard 64 khal: ~/.config/khal 65 helix: ~/.config/helix 66 bitmonero: ~/.config/bitmonero 67 spotify/spot-last-checked: ~/.local/share/spot-last-checked 68 ripgrep: ~/.config/ripgrep 69 70 # Config: sioyek 71 # for macOS: 72 sioyek: 73 - keys_user.config: ~/Library/Application Support/sioyek/keys_user.config 74 - prefs_user.config: ~/Library/Application Support/sioyek/prefs_user.config 75 - light.config: ~/Library/Application Support/sioyek/light.config 76 - dark.config: ~/Library/Application Support/sioyek/dark.config 77 78 # Config: X server (Linux) 79 xinitrc: ~/.xinitrc 80 xprofile: ~/.xprofile 81 Xresources: ~/.Xresources 82 83 # Config: GTK 84 gtk-2.0/gtkrc: ~/.gtkrc-2.0 85 86 keyd: /etc/keyd 87 88 # Config: Emacs 89 emacs: 90 - ~/.config/emacs/ 91 - init.el: ~/.config/emacs/init.el 92 - jokull-theme.el: ~/.config/emacs/jokull-theme.el 93 - junipero-theme.el: ~/.config/emacs/junipero-theme.el 94 - notification.wav: ~/.config/emacs/notification.wav 95 - lisp: ~/.config/emacs/lisp 96 - ~/.config/emacs/ 97 98 # Config: shell 99 shell: 100 - zshenv_bootstrap: ~/.zshenv 101 # - zshenv: ~/.config/zsh/.zshenv # Catalina decided that /etc/zprofile should override a custom gotta stick everything in zshrc. 102 - zshrc: ~/.config/zsh/.zshrc 103 - inputrc: ~/.inputrc 104 - starship.toml: ~/.config/starship.toml 105 mime.types: ~/.mime.types 106 107 # Config: Vim 108 vim: 109 - after: ~/.vim/after 110 - autoload: ~/.vim/autoload 111 - colors: ~/.vim/colors 112 - compiler: ~/.vim/compiler 113 - filetype.vim: ~/.vim/filetype.vim 114 - plugin: ~/.vim/plugin 115 - syntax: ~/.vim/syntax 116 - ultisnips: ~/.vim/ultisnips 117 - words: ~/.vim/words 118 - spell: ~/.vim/spell 119 - vimrc: ~/.vim/vimrc 120 - snippets: ~/.vim/snippets 121 122 # Config: nvim 123 nvim: ~/.config/nvim 124 125 # Thirdparty tools 126 tools: 127 - solvitaire: 128 -- freecell: bin/freecell 129 -- sol: bin/solitaire 130 -- spider: bin/spider 131 - tmpmail/tmpmail: bin/tmpmail