
My personal shell configs and stuff
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Info.plist (3477B)

      1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      2 <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
      3 <plist version="1.0">
      4 <dict>
      5 	<key>AMIsApplet</key>
      6 	<true/>
      7 	<key>AMStayOpen</key>
      8 	<false/>
      9 	<key>BuildMachineOSBuild</key>
     10 	<string>17A405001</string>
     11 	<key>CFBundleAllowMixedLocalizations</key>
     12 	<true/>
     13 	<key>CFBundleDevelopmentRegion</key>
     14 	<string>English</string>
     15 	<key>CFBundleDocumentTypes</key>
     16 	<array>
     17 		<dict>
     18 			<key>CFBundleTypeExtensions</key>
     19 			<array>
     20 				<string>*</string>
     21 			</array>
     22 			<key>CFBundleTypeName</key>
     23 			<string>Automator workflow file</string>
     24 			<key>CFBundleTypeOSTypes</key>
     25 			<array>
     26 				<string>****</string>
     27 			</array>
     28 			<key>CFBundleTypeRole</key>
     29 			<string>Viewer</string>
     30 		</dict>
     31 	</array>
     32 	<key>CFBundleExecutable</key>
     33 	<string>Application Stub</string>
     34 	<key>CFBundleIconFile</key>
     35 	<string>AutomatorApplet</string>
     36 	<key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>
     37 	<string></string>
     38 	<key>CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion</key>
     39 	<string>6.0</string>
     40 	<key>CFBundleName</key>
     41 	<string>wal-init</string>
     42 	<key>CFBundlePackageType</key>
     43 	<string>APPL</string>
     44 	<key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key>
     45 	<string>1.3</string>
     46 	<key>CFBundleSignature</key>
     47 	<string>????</string>
     48 	<key>CFBundleSupportedPlatforms</key>
     49 	<array>
     50 		<string>MacOSX</string>
     51 	</array>
     52 	<key>CFBundleURLTypes</key>
     53 	<array/>
     54 	<key>CFBundleVersion</key>
     55 	<string>444.39</string>
     56 	<key>DTCompiler</key>
     57 	<string></string>
     58 	<key>DTPlatformBuild</key>
     59 	<string>10L213p</string>
     60 	<key>DTPlatformName</key>
     61 	<string>macosx</string>
     62 	<key>DTPlatformVersion</key>
     63 	<string>10.14</string>
     64 	<key>DTSDKBuild</key>
     65 	<string>18C12</string>
     66 	<key>DTSDKName</key>
     67 	<string>macosx10.14internal</string>
     68 	<key>DTXcode</key>
     69 	<string>1000</string>
     70 	<key>DTXcodeBuild</key>
     71 	<string>10L213p</string>
     72 	<key>LSMinimumSystemVersion</key>
     73 	<string>10.6</string>
     74 	<key>LSUIElement</key>
     75 	<true/>
     76 	<key>NSAppleEventsUsageDescription</key>
     77 	<string>This workflow needs to control other applications to run.</string>
     78 	<key>NSAppleMusicUsageDescription</key>
     79 	<string>This workflow needs access to your music to run.</string>
     80 	<key>NSAppleScriptEnabled</key>
     81 	<string>YES</string>
     82 	<key>NSCalendarsUsageDescription</key>
     83 	<string>This workflow needs access to your calendars to run.</string>
     84 	<key>NSCameraUsageDescription</key>
     85 	<string>This workflow needs access to your camera to run.</string>
     86 	<key>NSContactsUsageDescription</key>
     87 	<string>This workflow needs access to your contacts to run.</string>
     88 	<key>NSHomeKitUsageDescription</key>
     89 	<string>This workflow needs access to your HomeKit Home to run.</string>
     90 	<key>NSMicrophoneUsageDescription</key>
     91 	<string>This workflow needs access to your microphone to run.</string>
     92 	<key>NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription</key>
     93 	<string>This workflow needs access to your photos to run.</string>
     94 	<key>NSPrincipalClass</key>
     95 	<string>NSApplication</string>
     96 	<key>NSRemindersUsageDescription</key>
     97 	<string>This workflow needs access to your reminders to run.</string>
     98 	<key>NSServices</key>
     99 	<array/>
    100 	<key>NSSiriUsageDescription</key>
    101 	<string>This workflow needs access to Siri to run.</string>
    102 	<key>NSSystemAdministrationUsageDescription</key>
    103 	<string>This workflow needs access to administer this system in order to run.</string>
    104 	<key>UTExportedTypeDeclarations</key>
    105 	<array/>
    106 	<key>UTImportedTypeDeclarations</key>
    107 	<array/>
    108 </dict>
    109 </plist>