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adb-sync (31186B)

      1 #!/usr/bin/env python3
      3 # Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
      4 #
      5 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      6 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      7 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
      8 #
      9 #
     10 #
     11 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     12 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     13 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     14 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     15 # limitations under the License.
     16 """Sync files from/to an Android device."""
     18 from __future__ import unicode_literals
     19 import argparse
     20 import locale
     21 import logging
     22 import os
     23 import re
     24 import stat
     25 import subprocess
     26 import time
     27 from types import TracebackType
     28 from typing import Callable, cast, Dict, List, IO, Iterable, Optional, Tuple, Type
     31 class OSLike(object):
     33   def listdir(self, path: bytes) -> Iterable[bytes]:  # os's name, so pylint: disable=g-bad-name
     34     raise NotImplementedError('Abstract')
     36   def lstat(self, path: bytes) -> os.stat_result:  # os's name, so pylint: disable=g-bad-name
     37     raise NotImplementedError('Abstract')
     39   def stat(self, path: bytes) -> os.stat_result:  # os's name, so pylint: disable=g-bad-name
     40     raise NotImplementedError('Abstract')
     42   def unlink(self, path: bytes) -> None:  # os's name, so pylint: disable=g-bad-name
     43     raise NotImplementedError('Abstract')
     45   def rmdir(self, path: bytes) -> None:  # os's name, so pylint: disable=g-bad-name
     46     raise NotImplementedError('Abstract')
     48   def makedirs(self, path: bytes) -> None:  # os's name, so pylint: disable=g-bad-name
     49     raise NotImplementedError('Abstract')
     51   def utime(self, path: bytes, times: Tuple[float, float]) -> None:  # os's name, so pylint: disable=g-bad-name
     52     raise NotImplementedError('Abstract')
     55 class GlobLike(object):
     57   def glob(self, path: bytes) -> Iterable[bytes]:  # glob's name, so pylint: disable=g-bad-name
     58     raise NotImplementedError('Abstract')
     61 class Stdout(object):
     63   def __init__(self, args: List[bytes]) -> None:
     64     """Closes the process's stdout when done.
     66     Usage:
     67       with Stdout(...) as stdout:
     68         DoSomething(stdout)
     70     Args:
     71       args: Which program to run.
     73     Returns:
     74       An object for use by 'with'.
     75     """
     76     self.popen = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
     78   def __enter__(self) -> IO:
     79     return self.popen.stdout
     81   def __exit__(self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
     82                exc_val: Optional[Exception],
     83                exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType]) -> bool:
     84     self.popen.stdout.close()
     85     if self.popen.wait() != 0:
     86       raise OSError('Subprocess exited with nonzero status.')
     87     return False
     90 class AdbFileSystem(GlobLike, OSLike):
     91   """Mimics os's file interface but uses the adb utility."""
     93   def __init__(self, adb: List[bytes]) -> None:
     94     self.stat_cache = {}  # type: Dict[bytes, os.stat_result]
     95     self.adb = adb
     97   # Regarding parsing stat results, we only care for the following fields:
     98   # - st_size
     99   # - st_mtime
    100   # - st_mode (but only about S_ISDIR and S_ISREG properties)
    101   # Therefore, we only capture parts of 'ls -l' output that we actually use.
    102   # The other fields will be filled with dummy values.
    103   LS_TO_STAT_RE = re.compile(
    104       br"""^
    105                              (?:
    106                                (?P<S_IFREG> -) |
    107                                (?P<S_IFBLK> b) |
    108                                (?P<S_IFCHR> c) |
    109                                (?P<S_IFDIR> d) |
    110                                (?P<S_IFLNK> l) |
    111                                (?P<S_IFIFO> p) |
    112                                (?P<S_IFSOCK> s))
    113                              [-r][-w][-xsS]
    114                              [-r][-w][-xsS]
    115                              [-r][-w][-xtT]  # Mode string.
    116                              [ ]+
    117                              (?:
    118                                 [0-9]+  # number of hard links
    119                                 [ ]+
    120                                 )?
    121                              [^ ]+  # User name/ID.
    122                              [ ]+
    123                              [^ ]+  # Group name/ID.
    124                              [ ]+
    125                              (?(S_IFBLK) [^ ]+[ ]+[^ ]+[ ]+)  # Device numbers.
    126                              (?(S_IFCHR) [^ ]+[ ]+[^ ]+[ ]+)  # Device numbers.
    127                              (?(S_IFDIR) [0-9]+ [ ]+)?        # directory Size.
    128                              (?(S_IFREG)
    129                                (?P<st_size> [0-9]+)           # Size.
    130                                [ ]+)
    131                              (?P<st_mtime>
    132                                [0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}     # Date.
    133                                [ ]
    134                                [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})             # Time.
    135                              [ ]
    136                              # Don't capture filename for symlinks (ambiguous).
    137                              (?(S_IFLNK) .* | (?P<filename> .*))
    138                              $""", re.DOTALL | re.VERBOSE)
    140   def LsToStat(self, line: bytes) -> Tuple[os.stat_result, bytes]:
    141     """Convert a line from 'ls -l' output to a stat result.
    143     Args:
    144       line: Output line of 'ls -l' on Android.
    146     Returns:
    147       os.stat_result for the line.
    149     Raises:
    150       OSError: if the given string is not a 'ls -l' output line (but maybe an
    151       error message instead).
    152     """
    154     match = self.LS_TO_STAT_RE.match(line)
    155     if match is None:
    156       logging.error('Could not parse %r.', line)
    157       raise OSError('Unparseable ls -al result.')
    158     groups = match.groupdict()
    160     # Get the values we're interested in.
    161     st_mode = (  # 0755
    162         stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IROTH
    163         | stat.S_IXOTH)
    164     if groups['S_IFREG']:
    165       st_mode |= stat.S_IFREG
    166     if groups['S_IFBLK']:
    167       st_mode |= stat.S_IFBLK
    168     if groups['S_IFCHR']:
    169       st_mode |= stat.S_IFCHR
    170     if groups['S_IFDIR']:
    171       st_mode |= stat.S_IFDIR
    172     if groups['S_IFIFO']:
    173       st_mode |= stat.S_IFIFO
    174     if groups['S_IFLNK']:
    175       st_mode |= stat.S_IFLNK
    176     if groups['S_IFSOCK']:
    177       st_mode |= stat.S_IFSOCK
    178     st_size = None if groups['st_size'] is None else int(groups['st_size'])
    179     st_mtime = int(
    180         time.mktime(
    181             time.strptime(
    182       'st_mtime').decode('ascii'), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')))
    184     # Fill the rest with dummy values.
    185     st_ino = 1
    186     st_rdev = 0
    187     st_nlink = 1
    188     st_uid = -2  # Nobody.
    189     st_gid = -2  # Nobody.
    190     st_atime = st_ctime = st_mtime
    192     stbuf = os.stat_result((st_mode, st_ino, st_rdev, st_nlink, st_uid, st_gid,
    193                             st_size, st_atime, st_mtime, st_ctime))
    194     filename = groups['filename']
    195     return stbuf, filename
    197   def QuoteArgument(self, arg: bytes) -> bytes:
    198     # Quotes an argument for use by adb shell.
    199     # Usually, arguments in 'adb shell' use are put in double quotes by adb,
    200     # but not in any way escaped.
    201     arg = arg.replace(b'\\', b'\\\\')
    202     arg = arg.replace(b'"', b'\\"')
    203     arg = arg.replace(b'$', b'\\$')
    204     arg = arg.replace(b'`', b'\\`')
    205     arg = b'"' + arg + b'"'
    206     return arg
    208   def IsWorking(self) -> bool:
    209     """Tests the adb connection."""
    210     # This string should contain all possible evil, but no percent signs.
    211     # Note this code uses 'date' and not 'echo', as date just calls strftime
    212     # while echo does its own backslash escape handling additionally to the
    213     # shell's. Too bad printf "%s\n" is not available.
    214     test_strings = [
    215         b'(', b'(;  #`ls`$PATH\'"(\\\\\\\\){};!\xc0\xaf\xff\xc2\xbf'
    216     ]
    217     for test_string in test_strings:
    218       good = False
    219       with Stdout(self.adb +
    220                   [b'shell',
    221                    b'date +%s' % (self.QuoteArgument(test_string),)]) as stdout:
    222         for line in stdout:
    223           line = line.rstrip(b'\r\n')
    224           if line == test_string:
    225             good = True
    226       if not good:
    227         return False
    228     return True
    230   def listdir(self, path: bytes) -> Iterable[bytes]:  # os's name, so pylint: disable=g-bad-name
    231     """List the contents of a directory, caching them for later lstat calls."""
    232     with Stdout(self.adb +
    233                 [b'shell',
    234                  b'ls -al %s' % (self.QuoteArgument(path + b'/'),)]) as stdout:
    235       for line in stdout:
    236         if line.startswith(b'total '):
    237           continue
    238         line = line.rstrip(b'\r\n')
    239         try:
    240           statdata, filename = self.LsToStat(line)
    241         except OSError:
    242           continue
    243         if filename is None:
    244           logging.error('Could not parse %r.', line)
    245         else:
    246           self.stat_cache[path + b'/' + filename] = statdata
    247           yield filename
    249   def lstat(self, path: bytes) -> os.stat_result:  # os's name, so pylint: disable=g-bad-name
    250     """Stat a file."""
    251     if path in self.stat_cache:
    252       return self.stat_cache[path]
    253     with Stdout(
    254         self.adb +
    255         [b'shell', b'ls -ald %s' % (self.QuoteArgument(path),)]) as stdout:
    256       for line in stdout:
    257         if line.startswith(b'total '):
    258           continue
    259         line = line.rstrip(b'\r\n')
    260         statdata, _ = self.LsToStat(line)
    261         self.stat_cache[path] = statdata
    262         return statdata
    263     raise OSError('No such file or directory')
    265   def stat(self, path: bytes) -> os.stat_result:  # os's name, so pylint: disable=g-bad-name
    266     """Stat a file."""
    267     if path in self.stat_cache and not stat.S_ISLNK(
    268         self.stat_cache[path].st_mode):
    269       return self.stat_cache[path]
    270     with Stdout(
    271         self.adb +
    272         [b'shell', b'ls -aldL %s' % (self.QuoteArgument(path),)]) as stdout:
    273       for line in stdout:
    274         if line.startswith(b'total '):
    275           continue
    276         line = line.rstrip(b'\r\n')
    277         statdata, _ = self.LsToStat(line)
    278         self.stat_cache[path] = statdata
    279         return statdata
    280     raise OSError('No such file or directory')
    282   def unlink(self, path: bytes) -> None:  # os's name, so pylint: disable=g-bad-name
    283     """Delete a file."""
    284     if
    285         self.adb + [b'shell', b'rm %s' % (self.QuoteArgument(path),)]) != 0:
    286       raise OSError('unlink failed')
    288   def rmdir(self, path: bytes) -> None:  # os's name, so pylint: disable=g-bad-name
    289     """Delete a directory."""
    290     if
    291         self.adb +
    292         [b'shell', b'rmdir %s' % (self.QuoteArgument(path),)]) != 0:
    293       raise OSError('rmdir failed')
    295   def makedirs(self, path: bytes) -> None:  # os's name, so pylint: disable=g-bad-name
    296     """Create a directory."""
    297     if
    298         self.adb +
    299         [b'shell', b'mkdir -p %s' % (self.QuoteArgument(path),)]) != 0:
    300       raise OSError('mkdir failed')
    302   def utime(self, path: bytes, times: Tuple[float, float]) -> None:
    303     # TODO(rpolzer): Find out why this does not work (returns status 255).
    304     """Set the time of a file to a specified unix time."""
    305     atime, mtime = times
    306     timestr = time.strftime('%Y%m%d.%H%M%S',
    307                             time.localtime(mtime)).encode('ascii')
    308     if
    309         self.adb +
    310         [b'shell',
    311          b'touch -mt %s %s' % (timestr, self.QuoteArgument(path))]) != 0:
    312       raise OSError('touch failed')
    313     timestr = time.strftime('%Y%m%d.%H%M%S',
    314                             time.localtime(atime)).encode('ascii')
    315     if
    316         self.adb +
    317         [b'shell',
    318          b'touch -at %s %s' % (timestr, self.QuoteArgument(path))]) != 0:
    319       raise OSError('touch failed')
    321   def glob(self, path: bytes) -> Iterable[bytes]:  # glob's name, so pylint: disable=g-bad-name
    322     with Stdout(
    323         self.adb +
    324         [b'shell', b'for p in %s; do echo "$p"; done' % (path,)]) as stdout:
    325       for line in stdout:
    326         yield line.rstrip(b'\r\n')
    328   def Push(self, src: bytes, dst: bytes) -> None:
    329     """Push a file from the local file system to the Android device."""
    330     if + [b'push', src, dst]) != 0:
    331       raise OSError('push failed')
    333   def Pull(self, src: bytes, dst: bytes) -> None:
    334     """Pull a file from the Android device to the local file system."""
    335     if + [b'pull', src, dst]) != 0:
    336       raise OSError('pull failed')
    339 def BuildFileList(fs: OSLike, path: bytes, follow_links: bool,
    340                   prefix: bytes) -> Iterable[Tuple[bytes, os.stat_result]]:
    341   """Builds a file list.
    343   Args:
    344     fs: File system provider (can be os or AdbFileSystem()).
    345     path: Initial path.
    346     follow_links: Whether to follow symlinks while iterating. May recurse
    347       endlessly.
    348     prefix: Path prefix for output file names.
    350   Yields:
    351     File names from path (prefixed by prefix).
    352     Directories are yielded before their contents.
    353   """
    354   try:
    355     if follow_links:
    356       statresult = fs.stat(path)
    357     else:
    358       statresult = fs.lstat(path)
    359   except OSError:
    360     return
    361   if stat.S_ISDIR(statresult.st_mode):
    362     yield prefix, statresult
    363     try:
    364       files = fs.listdir(path)
    365     except OSError:
    366       return
    367     for n in files:
    368       if n == b'.' or n == b'..':
    369         continue
    370       for t in BuildFileList(fs, path + b'/' + n, follow_links,
    371                              prefix + b'/' + n):
    372         yield t
    373   elif stat.S_ISREG(statresult.st_mode):
    374     yield prefix, statresult
    375   elif stat.S_ISLNK(statresult.st_mode) and not follow_links:
    376     yield prefix, statresult
    377   else:
    378'Unsupported file: %r.', path)
    381 def DiffLists(a: Iterable[Tuple[bytes, os.stat_result]],
    382               b: Iterable[Tuple[bytes, os.stat_result]]
    383              ) -> Tuple[List[Tuple[bytes, os.stat_result]], List[
    384                  Tuple[bytes, os.stat_result, os
    385                        .stat_result]], List[Tuple[bytes, os.stat_result]]]:
    386   """Compares two lists.
    388   Args:
    389     a: the first list.
    390     b: the second list.
    392   Returns:
    393     a_only: the items from list a.
    394     both: the items from both list, with the remaining tuple items combined.
    395     b_only: the items from list b.
    396   """
    397   a_only = []  # type: List[Tuple[bytes, os.stat_result]]
    398   b_only = []  # type: List[Tuple[bytes, os.stat_result]]
    399   both = []  # type: List[Tuple[bytes, os.stat_result, os.stat_result]]
    401   a_revlist = sorted(a)
    402   a_revlist.reverse()
    403   b_revlist = sorted(b)
    404   b_revlist.reverse()
    406   while True:
    407     if not a_revlist:
    408       b_only.extend(reversed(b_revlist))
    409       break
    410     if not b_revlist:
    411       a_only.extend(reversed(a_revlist))
    412       break
    413     a_item = a_revlist[len(a_revlist) - 1]
    414     b_item = b_revlist[len(b_revlist) - 1]
    415     if a_item[0] == b_item[0]:
    416       both.append((a_item[0], a_item[1], b_item[1]))
    417       a_revlist.pop()
    418       b_revlist.pop()
    419     elif a_item[0] < b_item[0]:
    420       a_only.append(a_item)
    421       a_revlist.pop()
    422     elif a_item[0] > b_item[0]:
    423       b_only.append(b_item)
    424       b_revlist.pop()
    425     else:
    426       raise
    428   return a_only, both, b_only
    431 class DeleteInterruptedFile(object):
    433   def __init__(self, dry_run: bool, fs: OSLike, name: bytes) -> None:
    434     """Sets up interrupt protection.
    436     Usage:
    437       with DeleteInterruptedFile(False, fs, name):
    438         DoSomething()
    440       If DoSomething() should get interrupted, the file 'name' will be deleted.
    441       The exception otherwise will be passed on.
    443     Args:
    444       dry_run: If true, we don't actually delete.
    445       fs: File system object.
    446       name: File name to delete.
    448     Returns:
    449       An object for use by 'with'.
    450     """
    451     self.dry_run = dry_run
    452     self.fs = fs
    453 = name
    455   def __enter__(self) -> None:
    456     pass
    458   def __exit__(self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
    459                exc_val: Optional[Exception],
    460                exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType]) -> bool:
    461     if exc_type is not None:
    462'Interrupted-%s-Delete: %r',
    463                    'Pull' if self.fs == os else 'Push',
    464       if not self.dry_run:
    465         self.fs.unlink(
    466     return False
    469 class FileSyncer(object):
    470   """File synchronizer."""
    472   def __init__(self, adb: AdbFileSystem, local_path: bytes, remote_path: bytes,
    473                local_to_remote: bool, remote_to_local: bool,
    474                preserve_times: bool, delete_missing: bool,
    475                allow_overwrite: bool, allow_replace: bool, copy_links: bool,
    476                dry_run: bool) -> None:
    477     self.local = local_path
    478     self.remote = remote_path
    479     self.adb = adb
    480     self.local_to_remote = local_to_remote
    481     self.remote_to_local = remote_to_local
    482     self.preserve_times = preserve_times
    483     self.delete_missing = delete_missing
    484     self.allow_overwrite = allow_overwrite
    485     self.allow_replace = allow_replace
    486     self.copy_links = copy_links
    487     self.dry_run = dry_run
    488     self.num_bytes = 0
    489     self.start_time = time.time()
    491   # Attributes filled in later.
    492   local_only = None  # type: List[Tuple[bytes, os.stat_result]]
    493   both = None  # type: List[Tuple[bytes, os.stat_result, os.stat_result]]
    494   remote_only = None  # type: List[Tuple[bytes, os.stat_result]]
    495   src_to_dst = None  # type: Tuple[bool, bool]
    496   dst_to_src = None  # type: Tuple[bool, bool]
    497   src_only = None  # type: Tuple[List[Tuple[bytes, os.stat_result]], List[Tuple[bytes, os.stat_result]]]
    498   dst_only = None  # type: Tuple[List[Tuple[bytes, os.stat_result]], List[Tuple[bytes, os.stat_result]]]
    499   src = None  # type: Tuple[bytes, bytes]
    500   dst = None  # type: Tuple[bytes, bytes]
    501   dst_fs = None  # type: Tuple[OSLike, OSLike]
    502   push = None  # type: Tuple[str, str]
    503   copy = None  # type: Tuple[Callable[[bytes, bytes], None], Callable[[bytes, bytes], None]]
    505   def IsWorking(self) -> bool:
    506     """Tests the adb connection."""
    507     return self.adb.IsWorking()
    509   def ScanAndDiff(self) -> None:
    510     """Scans the local and remote locations and identifies differences."""
    511'Scanning and diffing...')
    512     locallist = BuildFileList(
    513         cast(OSLike, os), self.local, self.copy_links, b'')
    514     remotelist = BuildFileList(self.adb, self.remote, self.copy_links, b'')
    515     self.local_only, self.both, self.remote_only = DiffLists(
    516         locallist, remotelist)
    517     if not self.local_only and not self.both and not self.remote_only:
    518       logging.warning('No files seen. User error?')
    519     self.src_to_dst = (self.local_to_remote, self.remote_to_local)
    520     self.dst_to_src = (self.remote_to_local, self.local_to_remote)
    521     self.src_only = (self.local_only, self.remote_only)
    522     self.dst_only = (self.remote_only, self.local_only)
    523     self.src = (self.local, self.remote)
    524     self.dst = (self.remote, self.local)
    525     self.dst_fs = (self.adb, cast(OSLike, os))
    526     self.push = ('Push', 'Pull')
    527     self.copy = (self.adb.Push, self.adb.Pull)
    529   def PerformDeletions(self) -> None:
    530     """Perform all deleting necessary for the file sync operation."""
    531     if not self.delete_missing:
    532       return
    533     for i in [0, 1]:
    534       if self.src_to_dst[i] and not self.dst_to_src[i]:
    535         if not self.src_only[i] and not self.both:
    536           logging.error('Cowardly refusing to delete everything.')
    537         else:
    538           for name, s in reversed(self.dst_only[i]):
    539             dst_name = self.dst[i] + name
    540   '%s-Delete: %r', self.push[i], dst_name)
    541             if stat.S_ISDIR(s.st_mode):
    542               if not self.dry_run:
    543                 self.dst_fs[i].rmdir(dst_name)
    544             else:
    545               if not self.dry_run:
    546                 self.dst_fs[i].unlink(dst_name)
    547           del self.dst_only[i][:]
    549   def PerformOverwrites(self) -> None:
    550     """Delete files/directories that are in the way for overwriting."""
    551     src_only_prepend = (
    552         [], []
    553     )  # type: Tuple[List[Tuple[bytes, os.stat_result]], List[Tuple[bytes, os.stat_result]]]
    554     for name, localstat, remotestat in self.both:
    555       if stat.S_ISDIR(localstat.st_mode) and stat.S_ISDIR(remotestat.st_mode):
    556         # A dir is a dir is a dir.
    557         continue
    558       elif stat.S_ISDIR(localstat.st_mode) or stat.S_ISDIR(remotestat.st_mode):
    559         # Dir vs file? Nothing to do here yet.
    560         pass
    561       else:
    562         # File vs file? Compare sizes.
    563         if localstat.st_size == remotestat.st_size:
    564           continue
    565       l2r = self.local_to_remote
    566       r2l = self.remote_to_local
    567       if l2r and r2l:
    568         # Truncate times to full minutes, as Android's "ls" only outputs minute
    569         # accuracy.
    570         localminute = int(localstat.st_mtime / 60)
    571         remoteminute = int(remotestat.st_mtime / 60)
    572         if localminute > remoteminute:
    573           r2l = False
    574         elif localminute < remoteminute:
    575           l2r = False
    576       if l2r and r2l:
    577         logging.warning('Unresolvable: %r', name)
    578         continue
    579       if l2r:
    580         i = 0  # Local to remote operation.
    581         src_stat = localstat
    582         dst_stat = remotestat
    583       else:
    584         i = 1  # Remote to local operation.
    585         src_stat = remotestat
    586         dst_stat = localstat
    587       dst_name = self.dst[i] + name
    588'%s-Delete-Conflicting: %r', self.push[i], dst_name)
    589       if stat.S_ISDIR(localstat.st_mode) or stat.S_ISDIR(remotestat.st_mode):
    590         if not self.allow_replace:
    591 'Would have to replace to do this. '
    592                        'Use --force to allow this.')
    593           continue
    594       if not self.allow_overwrite:
    595'Would have to overwrite to do this, '
    596                      'which --no-clobber forbids.')
    597         continue
    598       if stat.S_ISDIR(dst_stat.st_mode):
    599         kill_files = [
    600             x for x in self.dst_only[i] if x[0][:len(name) + 1] == name + b'/'
    601         ]
    602         self.dst_only[i][:] = [
    603             x for x in self.dst_only[i] if x[0][:len(name) + 1] != name + b'/'
    604         ]
    605         for l, s in reversed(kill_files):
    606           if stat.S_ISDIR(s.st_mode):
    607             if not self.dry_run:
    608               self.dst_fs[i].rmdir(self.dst[i] + l)
    609           else:
    610             if not self.dry_run:
    611               self.dst_fs[i].unlink(self.dst[i] + l)
    612         if not self.dry_run:
    613           self.dst_fs[i].rmdir(dst_name)
    614       elif stat.S_ISDIR(src_stat.st_mode):
    615         if not self.dry_run:
    616           self.dst_fs[i].unlink(dst_name)
    617       else:
    618         if not self.dry_run:
    619           self.dst_fs[i].unlink(dst_name)
    620       src_only_prepend[i].append((name, src_stat))
    621     for i in [0, 1]:
    622       self.src_only[i][:0] = src_only_prepend[i]
    624   def PerformCopies(self) -> None:
    625     """Perform all copying necessary for the file sync operation."""
    626     for i in [0, 1]:
    627       if self.src_to_dst[i]:
    628         for name, s in self.src_only[i]:
    629           src_name = self.src[i] + name
    630           dst_name = self.dst[i] + name
    631 '%s: %r', self.push[i], dst_name)
    632           if stat.S_ISDIR(s.st_mode):
    633             if not self.dry_run:
    634               self.dst_fs[i].makedirs(dst_name)
    635           else:
    636             with DeleteInterruptedFile(self.dry_run, self.dst_fs[i], dst_name):
    637               if not self.dry_run:
    638                 self.copy[i](src_name, dst_name)
    639               if stat.S_ISREG(s.st_mode):
    640                 self.num_bytes += s.st_size
    641           if not self.dry_run:
    642             if self.preserve_times:
    643     '%s-Times: accessed %s, modified %s', self.push[i],
    644                            time.asctime(time.localtime(s.st_atime)),
    645                            time.asctime(time.localtime(s.st_mtime)))
    646               self.dst_fs[i].utime(dst_name, (s.st_atime, s.st_mtime))
    648   def TimeReport(self) -> None:
    649     """Report time and amount of data transferred."""
    650     if self.dry_run:
    651'Total: %d bytes', self.num_bytes)
    652     else:
    653       end_time = time.time()
    654       dt = end_time - self.start_time
    655       rate = self.num_bytes / 1024.0 / dt
    656'Total: %d KB/s (%d bytes in %.3fs)', rate, self.num_bytes,
    657                    dt)
    660 def ExpandWildcards(globber: GlobLike, path: bytes) -> Iterable[bytes]:
    661   if path.find(b'?') == -1 and path.find(b'*') == -1 and path.find(b'[') == -1:
    662     return [path]
    663   return globber.glob(path)
    666 def FixPath(src: bytes, dst: bytes) -> Tuple[bytes, bytes]:
    667   # rsync-like path munging to make remote specifications shorter.
    668   append = b''
    669   pos = src.rfind(b'/')
    670   if pos >= 0:
    671     if src.endswith(b'/'):
    672       # Final slash: copy to the destination "as is".
    673       pass
    674     else:
    675       # No final slash: destination name == source name.
    676       append = src[pos:]
    677   else:
    678     # No slash at all - use same name at destination.
    679     append = b'/' + src
    680   # Append the destination file name if any.
    681   # BUT: do not append "." or ".." components!
    682   if append != b'/.' and append != b'/..':
    683     dst += append
    684   return (src, dst)
    687 def main() -> None:
    688   logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
    690   parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
    691       description='Synchronize a directory between an Android device and the '
    692       'local file system')
    693   parser.add_argument(
    694       'source',
    695       metavar='SRC',
    696       type=str,
    697       nargs='+',
    698       help='The directory to read files/directories from. '
    699       'This must be a local path if -R is not specified, '
    700       'and an Android path if -R is specified. If SRC does '
    701       'not end with a final slash, its last path component '
    702       'is appended to DST (like rsync does).')
    703   parser.add_argument(
    704       'destination',
    705       metavar='DST',
    706       type=str,
    707       help='The directory to write files/directories to. '
    708       'This must be an Android path if -R is not specified, '
    709       'and a local path if -R is specified.')
    710   parser.add_argument(
    711       '-e',
    712       '--adb',
    713       metavar='COMMAND',
    714       default='adb',
    715       type=str,
    716       help='Use the given adb binary and arguments.')
    717   parser.add_argument(
    718       '--device',
    719       action='store_true',
    720       help='Directs command to the only connected USB device; '
    721       'returns an error if more than one USB device is present. '
    722       'Corresponds to the "-d" option of adb.')
    723   parser.add_argument(
    724       '--emulator',
    725       action='store_true',
    726       help='Directs command to the only running emulator; '
    727       'returns an error if more than one emulator is running. '
    728       'Corresponds to the "-e" option of adb.')
    729   parser.add_argument(
    730       '-s',
    731       '--serial',
    732       metavar='DEVICE',
    733       type=str,
    734       help='Directs command to the device or emulator with '
    735       'the given serial number or qualifier. Overrides '
    736       'ANDROID_SERIAL environment variable. Use "adb devices" '
    737       'to list all connected devices with their respective serial number. '
    738       'Corresponds to the "-s" option of adb.')
    739   parser.add_argument(
    740       '-H',
    741       '--host',
    742       metavar='HOST',
    743       type=str,
    744       help='Name of adb server host (default: localhost). '
    745       'Corresponds to the "-H" option of adb.')
    746   parser.add_argument(
    747       '-P',
    748       '--port',
    749       metavar='PORT',
    750       type=str,
    751       help='Port of adb server (default: 5037). '
    752       'Corresponds to the "-P" option of adb.')
    753   parser.add_argument(
    754       '-R',
    755       '--reverse',
    756       action='store_true',
    757       help='Reverse sync (pull, not push).')
    758   parser.add_argument(
    759       '-2',
    760       '--two-way',
    761       action='store_true',
    762       help='Two-way sync (compare modification time; after '
    763       'the sync, both sides will have all files in the '
    764       'respective newest version. This relies on the clocks '
    765       'of your system and the device to match.')
    766   parser.add_argument(
    767       '-t',
    768       '--times',
    769       action='store_true',
    770       help='Preserve modification times when copying.')
    771   parser.add_argument(
    772       '-d',
    773       '--delete',
    774       action='store_true',
    775       help='Delete files from DST that are not present on '
    776       'SRC. Mutually exclusive with -2.')
    777   parser.add_argument(
    778       '-f',
    779       '--force',
    780       action='store_true',
    781       help='Allow deleting files/directories when having to '
    782       'replace a file by a directory or vice versa. This is '
    783       'disabled by default to prevent large scale accidents.')
    784   parser.add_argument(
    785       '-n',
    786       '--no-clobber',
    787       action='store_true',
    788       help='Do not ever overwrite any '
    789       'existing files. Mutually exclusive with -f.')
    790   parser.add_argument(
    791       '-L',
    792       '--copy-links',
    793       action='store_true',
    794       help='transform symlink into referent file/dir')
    795   parser.add_argument(
    796       '--dry-run',
    797       action='store_true',
    798       help='Do not do anything - just show what would be done.')
    799   args = parser.parse_args()
    801   localpatterns = [os.fsencode(x) for x in args.source]
    802   remotepath = os.fsencode(args.destination)
    803   adb_args = os.fsencode(args.adb).split(b' ')
    804   if args.device:
    805     adb_args += [b'-d']
    806   if args.emulator:
    807     adb_args += [b'-e']
    808   if args.serial:
    809     adb_args += [b'-s', os.fsencode(args.serial)]
    810   if
    811     adb_args += [b'-H', os.fsencode(]
    812   if args.port:
    813     adb_args += [b'-P', os.fsencode(args.port)]
    814   adb = AdbFileSystem(adb_args)
    816   # Expand wildcards, but only on the remote side.
    817   localpaths = []
    818   remotepaths = []
    819   if args.reverse:
    820     for pattern in localpatterns:
    821       for src in ExpandWildcards(adb, pattern):
    822         src, dst = FixPath(src, remotepath)
    823         localpaths.append(src)
    824         remotepaths.append(dst)
    825   else:
    826     for src in localpatterns:
    827       src, dst = FixPath(src, remotepath)
    828       localpaths.append(src)
    829       remotepaths.append(dst)
    831   preserve_times = args.times
    832   delete_missing = args.delete
    833   allow_replace = args.force
    834   allow_overwrite = not args.no_clobber
    835   copy_links = args.copy_links
    836   dry_run = args.dry_run
    837   local_to_remote = True
    838   remote_to_local = False
    839   if args.two_way:
    840     local_to_remote = True
    841     remote_to_local = True
    842   if args.reverse:
    843     local_to_remote, remote_to_local = remote_to_local, local_to_remote
    844     localpaths, remotepaths = remotepaths, localpaths
    845   if allow_replace and not allow_overwrite:
    846     logging.error('--no-clobber and --force are mutually exclusive.')
    847     parser.print_help()
    848     return
    849   if delete_missing and local_to_remote and remote_to_local:
    850     logging.error('--delete and --two-way are mutually exclusive.')
    851     parser.print_help()
    852     return
    854   # Two-way sync is only allowed with disjoint remote and local path sets.
    855   if (remote_to_local and local_to_remote) or delete_missing:
    856     if ((remote_to_local and len(localpaths) != len(set(localpaths))) or
    857         (local_to_remote and len(remotepaths) != len(set(remotepaths)))):
    858       logging.error(
    859           '--two-way and --delete are only supported for disjoint sets of '
    860           'source and destination paths (in other words, all SRC must '
    861           'differ in basename).')
    862       parser.print_help()
    863       return
    865   for i in range(len(localpaths)):
    866'Sync: local %r, remote %r', localpaths[i], remotepaths[i])
    867     syncer = FileSyncer(adb, localpaths[i], remotepaths[i], local_to_remote,
    868                         remote_to_local, preserve_times, delete_missing,
    869                         allow_overwrite, allow_replace, copy_links, dry_run)
    870     if not syncer.IsWorking():
    871       logging.error('Device not connected or not working.')
    872       return
    873     try:
    874       syncer.ScanAndDiff()
    875       syncer.PerformDeletions()
    876       syncer.PerformOverwrites()
    877       syncer.PerformCopies()
    878     finally:
    879       syncer.TimeReport()
    882 if __name__ == '__main__':
    883   main()