
My personal shell configs and stuff
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      1 These are third-party binaries that I didn't write. I don't take credit for any of them. I only have them in the folder for convenience.
      3 * ``: find the albums that contain a photo in Apple Photos
      4 * ``: an app that runs at login to set up pywal
      5 * `AMSTracker`: Retrieves x, y, and z values from AMS (Apple Motion Sensor) hardware.
      6 * `bfg.jar`: the big gun. A repo cleaner to remove sensitive data.
      7 * `class-dump`: dumps classes from binary file
      8 * `gfx2gfx`: convert SWF into PDF. Usage: `gfx2gfx page.swf -o page.pdf`
      9 * `icalBuddy`: can extract information about events from the iCal application
     10 * `k2pdfopt`: a tool to optimise pdfs for mobile readers
     11 * `upx.out`: Fixes a fucked CORE keygen. Check Info.plist in bundle. If the version is lower than system version, and the crash log says "UPX compressed binary", just run `upx.out -d $coreKeygenBinaryPath` and you good.
     12 * `xld`: X lossless decoder CLI.