
My personal shell configs and stuff
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Xresources (4282B)

      1 ! This is the Regolith root-level Xresources file.
      2 !
      3 ! -- Styles - Colors
      4 !
      5 ! Uncomment one and only one of the following color definitions:
      6 !#include "/etc/regolith/styles/color-solarized-dark"
      7 !#include "/etc/regolith/styles/color-solarized-light"
      8 !#include "/etc/regolith/styles/color-gruvbox"
      9 #include "/etc/regolith/styles/color-nord"
     10 !#include "/etc/regolith/styles/color-ayu"
     11 !#include "/etc/regolith/styles/color-ayu-dark"
     12 !#include "/etc/regolith/styles/color-ayu-mirage"
     14 ! -- Styles - Fonts
     15 ! NOTE: Font packages may need to be installed when enabling typefaces.
     16 ! Uncomment one and only one of the following font definitions:
     17 #include "/etc/regolith/styles/typeface-sourcecodepro"
     18 !#include "/etc/regolith/styles/typeface-ubuntu"
     20 ! -- Styles - Theme
     21 ! NOTE: GTK theme and icon packages may need to be installed when enabling themes.
     22 ! Uncomment one and only one of the following theme definitions:
     23 !
     24 ! The following theme requires solarc-theme and arc-icon-theme to be installed.
     25 !#include "/etc/regolith/styles/theme-regolith"
     26 !
     27 ! The following theme requires gnome-themes-extra-data and adwaita-icon-theme to be installed.
     28 !#include "/etc/regolith/styles/theme-ubuntu-dark"
     29 !
     30 ! The following theme requires nordic and paper-icon-theme to be installed
     31 #include "/etc/regolith/styles/theme-nordic"
     33 ! The following theme requires Ayu and Arc-icon-theme to be installed
     34 ! (
     35 !#include "/etc/regolith/styles/theme-ayu"
     37 ! The following theme requires Ayu and Arc-icon-theme to be installed
     38 ! (
     39 !#include "/etc/regolith/styles/theme-ayu-dark"
     41 ! The following theme requires Ayu-Mirage and Arc-icon-theme to be installed
     42 ! (
     43 !#include "/etc/regolith/styles/theme-ayu-mirage"
     45 ! -- Applications
     46 ! These files map values defined above into specific app settings.
     47 #include "/etc/regolith/styles/st-term"
     48 #include "/etc/regolith/styles/i3-wm"
     49 #include "/etc/regolith/styles/i3xrocks"
     50 #include "/etc/regolith/styles/rofi"
     51 #include "/etc/regolith/styles/gnome"
     53 ! These options only take effect on startup.
     54 st.termname:     st-256color
     55 ! if you do not set shell, precedence is: -e arg, utmp option, SHELL env var, /etc/passwd shell
     56        /usr/bin/zsh
     58 ! The following options options can be reloaded via USR1 signal.
     59 st.font:              Liberation Mono:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:autohint=true;
     60 st.borderpx:          10
     61 ! Available cursor values: 2 4 6 7 = █ _ | ☃ ( 1 3 5 are blinking versions)
     62 st.cursorshape:       2
     63 ! thickness of underline and bar cursors
     64 st.cursorthickness:   2
     65 ! 0: normal blinking, 1: leave cursor border and blink with cursors background
     66 st.cursorblinkstyle:  0
     67 ! 0: cursor blinks with a constant interval; 1: blinking cycle resets on key input
     68 st.cursorblinkontype: 1
     69 st.bold_font:         1
     70 st.xfps:              120
     71 st.actionfps:         30
     72 ! Amount of lines scrolled
     73 st.mouseScrollLines:  1
     74 ! Kerning / character bounding-box height multiplier
     75 st.chscale:           1.0
     76 ! Kerning / character bounding-box width multiplier
     77 st.cwscale:           1.0
     78 ! blinking timeout for terminal and cursor blinking (0 disables)
     79 st.blinktimeout:      800
     80 ! bell volume. Value between -100 and 100. (0 disables)
     81 st.bellvolume:        100
     82 ! this is a char that is exposed like so: `printf '\033[z'`
     83 st.prompt_char:       $
     84 ! This option is can be preedit style. Available values: `root` `overthespot` (Default taken `root`)
     85 st.imstyle:           root
     87 ! opacity==255 means what terminal will be not transparent, 0 - fully transparent
     88 st.opacity:      250
     89 ! Defaults taken from base16-twilight colorscheme.
     90 ! special
     91 *.foreground:   #d0d0d0
     92 *.background:   #151515
     93 *.cursorColor:  #d0d0d0
     95 ! black
     96 *.color0:       #151515
     97 *.color8:       #505050
     99 ! red
    100 *.color1:       #ac4142
    101 *.color9:       #ac4142
    103 ! green
    104 *.color2:       #90a959
    105 *.color10:      #90a959
    107 ! yellow
    108 *.color3:       #f4bf75
    109 *.color11:      #f4bf75
    111 ! blue
    112 *.color4:       #6a9fb5
    113 *.color12:      #6a9fb5
    115 ! magenta
    116 *.color5:       #aa759f
    117 *.color13:      #aa759f
    119 ! cyan
    120 *.color6:       #75b5aa
    121 *.color14:      #75b5aa
    123 ! white
    124 *.color7:       #d0d0d0
    125 *.color15:      #f5f5f5